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Murder and Mayhem Make For a Great Weekend!

Well, it appears I pulled it off! Despite some last minute cancellations and new attendees, the Murder Mystery Weekend was a rousing success. (If I do say so myself).   Friday night, those of us staying the weekend gathered at a local bar/nightclub to see Dr. Dirty perform.   Saturday, my gal pals and I went shopping for a few party supplies and got our nails done before joining the boys in the hotel's hot tub.   Then the party began. Not only did everyone really ge




Starting over...

Isn't that easy, but it's full of new adventures.   Since Ted and I spend every other weekend in North Carolina, we've decided to see about getting involved in the swinger scene here (in N.C. at the time of this posting).   We are well established in Florida, having many friends we can call upon and knowing all the good house parties to attend. Everyone we party/play with in Florida know we're only in town every other weekend and understand our situation.   What we're looking for here i




One should never forget how to play...

Back when I started this blog I mentioned something along the lines of hopefully being able to impart a bit of wisdom from my dingy brain. In an attempt to do that, here's a bit of my dingy wisdom for you to contemplate....   On a 12 hour drive you have a lot of time to think. This past Friday my thoughts were on why Ted and I get along so well. My conclusion was it's because after all these years we still know how to "play".   I'm not talking about playing in the sense that




Stainless Steel: Kiss My Shiny Metal Toy

This is an article that I wrote for BisexualPlayground.com. Reposting it here for the benefit of the group:   Stainless steel: whether it's wrapping a DeLorean, lying beside your dinner plate, or facing the appliances in your fancy new kitchen, stainless steel has an allure that is easy to understand. It's smooth, it's hard, conducts heat and electricity and reflects light like a mirror. It will also last forever, if treated with care. If you're the sort who likes a more firm G-spot or prostate




Biting My Tongue

One of the interesting things I've noticed about being a substitute teacher is that I'm often invisible to the regular faculty. This allows me to indulge my pure nosiness by being a fly on the wall to the occasionally interesting conversations.   Today, some of the teachers were discussing the Halloween parties they attended over the weekend. One of them complained about how, "wild and completely immature," the fellow guests were at the party she attended. "Except for me and my friend who




Our Pet Crow and a New Ethical Dilemma

Since about late summer, a crow has been visiting our fenced-in back yard. We sometimes see it land on the bricks, eye the bird feeders, jump up to one, chase the other birds away and quickly grab something to eat. We also began to notice cigarette butts around the yard. Our speculation included the possibility that the neighbor kids were back there where parents could not see and were sneaking smokes. We did not, at first, associate the bird with the butts until we noticed that entire, unsm




The most wonderful time of the year....

If you're a kid, that would be Christmas. As an adult, it's Halloween .   Ted and I love dressing up for Halloween. We've always dressed up even before we got into swinging and going to swingers Halloween parties, and hopefully we'll still be dressing up for Halloween when we're in our 90s.   This year we don't have a swingers party to go to as we'll be in N.C. this coming weekend and haven't really gotten into the swinger scene up there...yet. But, we do have a vanilla Halloween party we




swing under the hummingbird feeder

Sometimes, satisfaction is a difficult thing to recognize, but finding it and appreciating it are important to our self perception and quality of life. Many of us spend nearly a lifetime accumulating material possessions and asserting our social influence for the general purpose of making life better for ourselves and our posterity. It's a never ending battle. When do we decide we have enough "stuff" and it's time to slow down and enjoy some of it?   The autumn breeze gently swings the near emp




Happy anniversary!

Three years ago today we had our swinging cherry popped. And where are we today? I have a lot fewer "what if's" than I did 3 years ago, and all of my vanilla friends tell us that we've never seemed happier/more relaxed/more in love than we do now. I was turning into a recluse and not minding my husband going out without me because I just didn't want/need to socialize. Now we just assume we're going out together on a Saturday night. My son would be shocked- shocked! if we stayed home.   This wee




He-Man picks up girls

With my car in the shop, I took TheBus yesterday. I sat down behind a pretty lady; I would have sat next to her haven't she barricaded herself around with a ton of bags. She read one of the mainstream household mags to endarken herself. You know, the glossy pub that consists of 30 pages of recipes and 30 pages of diets; a DIY article on prostate removal while-U-walk, the weekly prognosis of Elvis sightings, and informative treatises such as "He Has An Affair: What Color Nails To Scratch His Eye




My dick loves you too...

That's what Ted told me the other morning while we were standing at the gas pumps filling my car for the trip home.   Now, before anyone asks, yes I can pump my own gas, but it's become a ritual with us that on the Mondays I head home after spending the weekend with Ted he pulls into the gas station with me and pumps my gas for me. It allows us a few extra minutes with each other and allows us one or two more kisses and hugs.   This past Monday, we were hugging and giving each other last




What really brought me to swinging

When I got into swinging I instinctively "knew" it is the right place for what I am trying to accomplish. But what am I trying to accomplish, exactly?   To get laid more often? Why, one can have a monogamous relationship and get laid all day long. To meet a variety of partners? Swinging parties are biweekly only, I could get lucky with 12 one night stands between two. Heck, the last time a lady spontaneously proposed consensual sex to me (a 300 lbs matron, approaching me in a parking with "Well




Play date up date

It has been a long time since I blogged, I am going to try to get on board with the blog and twiter thing more offten.   Well, I am happy to say that I have had several play dates over the last few weeks and have been having a great time, not that I don't always have fun, but laterly, I have been able to "go deep" with my BBC right out of the gate with the wife/couple I play with.   In the past I was not able to go with nice big deep stokes right away, it would take her a little while before




A most interesting sex shop...

It's my weekend in N.C. with Ted and he needed to work both days this weekend. No big deal, I've spent plenty of time in his office and know how to entertain myself (when he doesn't put me to work too ) .   Anyway, on our drive in yesterday he asked what we wanted to do after he finished up what he needed to finish. I told him we needed to find a sex shop, momma needs a new vibrator. He had no idea where one was located so it was my job to get on the web and search out one. As luck would




I figured out my wife was perfect in a way I never knew before.

Sometimes you just don't appreciate your wife enough. You take for granted all her good attributes and harp on those which you find lacking.   Today, I realized something about my wife I have overlooked for years without giving her a proper complement on.   This is something which is so fundamental to our relationship, such a focal point of our lives together, something which would be so hard to live without, yet, I, her husband, the one who knows her better than anyone, was completely obl





How my wife can be so oblivious to her sexuality is getting frustrating.   We were at a setting lately (note the vagueness) where she would be 'on display' but vanilla safe. There was no nudity, there were others doing it, it was for a charity, and she made every excuse to not do it. The excuses were real but they were not the reason. I've been hoping she would break out of her shell at some point in her life but its like we make 1 step forward and then 1 step back. Its baby steps but soon




Nocturnal Observations

My dog has developed a Pavlovian response to the removal of my clothes. He runs to my side of the bed and barks at my night stand, upon which sits the bag of Dingo Bones. These treats are employed whenever Mr. Sweet and I are rocking the casbah. Needless to say, Der Houndt was quite put out when Mommy got undressed and actually climbed into bed to go to sleep.   After a friend helped me test drive her Hitatchi Magic Wand, I simply had to get one for myself. It arrived today, and it was




I Amuse Myself

Encouraged by the positive feedback, I'm taking a stab at infrequently posting...   My current amusement at myself is what I realize is the conversion of a vanilla boy. I say boy because I realized that he is... wait for it... twenty-two. Well, I'm 43. This is a boy that I flirted with excessively... hey, I should tell the story.   As some of you know, I'm a budding ren-faire merchant, with the wonderful and enthusiastic support of D (Mr. TwoAreLooking). This past weekend, we set it up so that




A little bummed...

We are heading to a large swing event this weekend sponsored by one of the web sites we are on. Just a little bummed that no one contacted us with an interest in meeting.   We know a few couples there and will undoubtably make some new friends, but just feel a little unwanted, lol!   But on the bright side we received a really nice email yesterday from a couple we have met several times at a local meet and greet. They called us fun, interesting and sexy!




Well, this might be awkward....

We met up with a couple this summer. Everyone seemed to like what they saw, and we played together a couple of times. When they left our house a month ago it was all yes, yes, see you soon, and then... nothing. We sent a brief note saying we enjoyed ourselves, and she had left her earrings here, see ya soon....... crickets. PB was a little disheartened because he had really enjoyed himself with the female half, and I had a good enough time with the male half, but we're big kids, and time to move




Half Magic Doubled

For the past several months, Mr. Sweet's and my luck in the lifestyle could best be described as Half Magic .   We had a date scheduled with some great new friends with whom we'd been trying too hook up for a few months. All of us were eagerly looking forward to a night of great food (to be cooked by the guys), fun conversation, and hot sex. It had been so long since Mr. Sweet and I had a successful swinger date that I was more than a little nervous.   Thankfully, I had nothi




The best things in life are free.

We came to the realization that today would probably be one of the last days this year for a pleasant drive in our open-top, two-seat roadster. I took a day away from work, JoAnn canceled her commitments and we headed the car north by north-west. We eventually reached the Case Western Reserve University, Dittrick Medical History Center. It is a remarkably interesting museum and we enjoyed it enormously. In addition to the old surgical instrument, old medical text books and early-twentieth-cen



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