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Final Countdown

It's official. In 32 days, my hubby will begin his special assignment in Washington, D.C. He'll be there every Monday to Thursday (returning Friday morning) for four months.   To say that I am unhappy about this assignment would be an understatement--especially since it's voluntary. I know he wouldn't have accepted it if he didn't think it would be helpful to his career and to the organization as a whole. And it's for that reason I have to put on my big girl panties and deal.   There i




First party in 6 months... it's kind of like riding a bike.

So we made it to our favorite social last night for the first time in 6 months. I can't believe it's been that long, but it's been a rough summer (and spring). We missed our friends a ton though and really just wanted to see everyone. That said, we figured we'd feel a little out of our element since we hadn't been there in so long but that wasn't remotely the case.   Our typical party style (at this party anyway) is to find a location to store our cooler and then mix and mingle. We rarely si





After what seems like months of life just not cooperating with us, things have settled down and the stars have aligned so that we can go out and play tonight   We're headed to our favorite house party. It's been months since we've been able to attend and we're both looking forward to it. It will be good to see some old friends and hopefully meet a few new people.   Also, if our luck holds, next weekend we're hoping to finally get with a friend for some MFM playtime. We've been trying to g




Like, Oh My God, It’s a Murder Mystery!

It’s the 25-year class reunion for the Westinburg High Class of 1985. It’s Retro Night, and everyone is dressed in their best 80’s fashion to celebrate the good ole’ days. But the good ole’ days weren’t always good, because one Westinburger has been murdered! Can the alumni figure out who the murderer is before another one bites the dust?   That's right, folks, I've finally finished writing the "script" for our next murder mystery party. We secured the venue today, and I'm really starting t




Steven Hawking's secret prayer tips turn frigid wives into swingers

The human brain is a glorious collection of neurons that mostly respond to various signals from our well known senses and it performs a few other trivial tasks as well (like keep us alive). Our brain is our most powerful sex organ - an impressive bonus for humanity. The complex features of our brain drive us toward our instinctive behaviors and interestingly, allow us the capability to consciously override instinctive programming. Our invention of morality rules is a product of our ability to un




In Our Happy Place

My wife and I feel secure and happy. Part of this is the feeling that we have found our right places in The Lifestyle. It took six years to gain this feeling but looking back, it was not really a very steep road to traverse. We had no good notion of where we wanted to be when we started. It's one of those things that is difficult to define but you know you are there when you arrive. It's not like there are no new things to learn or new adventures to live. The little nuisances that used to c




Friends without benefits

I guess sometimes we have to learn things the hard way. I had become close friends with a playmate. It was strictly a best-friends-with-benefits thing. But due to recent drama-filled events, we've had to change that status.   Some of our other friends (who were unfortunate bystanders to the incident in question) have advised me to simply walk away. Alas, I lack the ability to turn my back on a friend. While he reacted poorly in the situation, I can understand why he felt the way he did.




Say Goodbye to the Summer

The kids have already returned to school (for a measly three days), but Labor Day weekend always seems to signal the official end to the summer.   Ours has gone by in blur. Friday night, Mr. Sweet played poker with our friends, while I hung out with the other wives. Saturday was our son's birthday party, which was an all-day deal. Sunday we went to our daughter's game (she cheers for a youth football league) and visited my mom.   Today, we spent some time doing post-party cleanup and ta





This blog is written somewhat in jest, but is not really far from reality.   Lately I've been a bit overwhelmed by our swinging activities. In the past 3 weeks we attended 3 meet & greets; attended a dinner/house party; and have been preparing for a trip to a house on the Chesapeake Bay with a number of other l/s couples. It does take a lot of time and energy (and $$$!).   As I was sitting here doing a few things for work, the thought struck me that swinging is almost like a business. P




A return to swinging

Here we are again...for the billionth time. We say that we've been swinging for almost eight years, but that's been on and off swinging. We started soon after we got married and we've had some issues that have been beyond our control. Some of those issues have been health related, while others have been location related (we lived in Italy for three years.)   I'm sure you all have noticed that our breaks relate to a sudden disappearance of my posting, and it's because I'm one of those type




Oooh, a nibble

From the fem of a couple who seems to be... secure and self-aware. Yummy. I love people like that.   Hi ho. Hi ho. It's off to work out I go.   Too long since I've had something outside of the routine to whistle about!




play couple: Hugh Jargon & Norma Stits

What is the role of morality in sexual objectification among swingers?   I think we all recognize unchecked objectification of each other as a strongly immoral perception and this leads to victimization and disrespectful behavior. We loose our identity and individuality. What squelches rampant sexual objectification and restores balance to a healthy and respectful sharing adventure?   We've all seen examples of folks searching for BBC or many other classes of objectifications such as unicorns,




Questionable Morality

Perhaps, with the current Proposition 8 controversy in California, it's a good time for morality discussions within the swinger community.   While many vanillas would question our entire value systems, we have seen the true light and cast off the shackles of the strict sexual exclusivity burden. We understand the noble value of sharing sexuality with each other. Our community has no regulatory or enforcement authority. We are each acting as free agents in a permissive environment. We do as we c




Ch ch changes...

Turn and face the strange... oh yes, that's me.   It's been an interesting summer for PB and me. Busy! Lord, even after our two weeks when he was off work and we spent all our time together was over, we have been enjoying ourselves immensely. We even managed finally to connect with a very nice single man and hope to see him again.   Things are shifting a little though, mostly because of me. Last summer I dabbled my toes in the pool of BDSM, discovering that I have a deep untapped desire to




Oh What a Night

Foreword: Names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent.   Wow. All I can say is WOW.   The party we attended last night was well underway by the time we arrived. As soon as we got out of the car, Jessica and Roger came running out to greet us. Apparently, they had really missed us and were thrilled to see us. We were very glad to see them too, but slightly surprised at their enthusiasm. Ariel & Eric were right behind them, also quite happy to say hello. They're one of the




Pickled Liver, Anyone?

This was certainly one of the busier weekends we’ve had this summer, but it was also one of the most fun. Friday night we went to a hibatchi restaurant to see a friend’s band play. We had a great meal, and a lovely time with friends—old and new. Drink of choice: Jack and Coke.   On Saturday, we attended the birthday party of our neighbor’s daughter. Most of the family and friends are from New York, and they are a hoot to hang out with. We had to drag the kids kicking and screaming home




first time for everything...

...wow...today for the first time since we started this misadventure I received a series of 2 word emails from a single male in our area. Profile has no pictures and nothing filled in beyond basic information (this is on szc).   The first one was "I like" followed up 2 hours later with a subject line of "horny" with the message "big dick"...so I know I shouldn't have replied...but I couldn't stop myself. I did thank him for his interest, but as a college educated female I like people that can




Wife's away; I try my hand at home repair.

JoAnn's out of town so I was looking for things to do this weekend. Washed both cars and mowed the lawn yesterday; I'm pretty good at that kind of stuff. Decided to repair the kitchen ceiling today; it was damaged by water last February. I'm not so good at this stuff but I think I learned a bit:   1. Buy ready-made Spackle paste in tubes rather than trying to mix your own. 2. Wear a face mask 3. Wear side-shield glasses. 4. Let the Spackle set up before you try to sand it. 5. Cover the




Mother Nature Versus Lady Luck

Well, it appears I've managed to piss off both of these ladies recently. As I posted in my last blog entry, I missed out on some playtime last Saturday due to my being biologically inconvenienced. Well, it seems that wasn't enough for me. My period not only decided to stick around for twice the normal amount of time, the flow pattern (sorry, that's the nicest way I know to put it) was really off, too. As this was the second month in a row I've had this issue, I've decided to call the doc. S




What to do, what to do ? ...Decisions, decisions...

I haven't been around much the past month or so and there is a good reason...Ted gave us a serious medical scare a couple of days after we returned from our "Mountain Creek Grove" trip back at the beginning of July. He's better now, back to normal and things are going to be okay, but the scare was bad enough that I stayed in North Carolina with him the whole month of July because he couldn't drive due to the dizziness he was having.   I'll say right now that even though I've never been s




Riding Three Women in the Car

It was an interesting ride in the car. Me, my wife, my ex-wife and the female voice inside of the Garmin GPS navigation device. Difficult enough to take directions from one. A bit tougher from two. I almost wrecked having three.   My daughter and her husband of eighteen months are in-town for a visit. I have taken a couple of days away from work. Yesterday we decided to visit the area's premiere amusement park. Daughter invited her Mom along, of course. Daughter and husband went in the




Lady in Waiting

We are planning to attend a house party on Saturday, as are some of our newer acquaintances. This would be the perfect opportunity for us to get back in the game, so to speak. The typical pre-party flirting has begun, and I’d actually begun to get excited about the party. Evidently, I’m due for a karmic kick in the pants, because I got my period on Tuesday (almost a week early).   My excitement has deflated like a leaky air mattress. I’m trying not to give up all hope, since there is a sl




The third wife is forever

When I first met my last and final wife, (no more divorces), she told me she had piercings. Ahem.... turned out to be 8 them. We have an age spread of 28 years. She is 27, I am 55. She wanted to experience everything and so it shall be. She had a proclivity for roleplay as a very submissive woman. It also turned out she truly enjoyed herself when other couples dominated her at the same time I dominated her. Anyway, it's been a fun time for both of us.... just wanted to share.



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