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inappropriate morality rules stifle healthy instincts

What does 'swinging' mean to me......   Sometimes I hook-up at the parties and sometimes I don't, and I always enjoy the fresh sexual excitement and arousal. That fresh impulse of sexual energy makes life significantly more fun.   This thought comes to mind because we missed a party recently and we still enjoyed a really fun refreshing of the sexual excitement between us. We caught a mild cold, most likely from the grandkids. No fever or major discomfort, just constant sinus drainage. Because




I miss the old me

But I don't really know how to get her back. When we started in the lifestyle, we dove in head first. It was soooo exciting, for both of us. After a couple of years we slowed down. The reasons were many. The situations of solid playmates changed. We couldn't keep up the same pace financially. The club we regularly attended changed focus. We both began having this feeling of "Been there. Done that." And, to top it all off, probably 4 of the last 5 times we engaged in play activities, so




she fucks like a maaaaannn

There I was on the back patio, in my dark green boxers with red kissy lips, enjoying a cigarette and a cold beer. The night air was refreshingly cool and the light breeze felt really good on my sweaty body. A few ladies in various states of undress were also in the "smoking area" and we were passing time with unmemorable light conversation.   The party was well under way with lots of folks I think I remember seeing before but didn't remember their names. We just say, "Hi" and smile as we pass.




What do you want out of swinging?

The title to this blog entry you think would have an easy answer to it. 7 months ago when me an my wife started swinging I would have given you an answer like; "For me and my wife to meet a couple or individual to enhance are own loving relationship." of course that would be accomplished by having sex with them of course... That's still part of the answer I would give if someone asked me what do you want from swinging but I would definitely add into it the following; In addition to us as




Thinking with the dick.....

So, I've given a barrel load of good advice here over the years. I don't believe in false modesty and I know I've usually been good for people who need help.   And yet, my own dick is attempting to betray me. I won't get into details, and its nothing like cheating, but my dick wants to think for me. My brain says 'no, don't let it happen again', but my dick says 'its not such a big deal, you know you want to do it'.   It reminds me of dating, when you weren't getting any you were more likel




What Happens in Vegas ... (or near enough)

I went out on Sunday with some friends on a "Stateline Turnaround"-Trip ...   This is a social-group that is comprised of about 80% swingers & 20% non-swingers ...and they get together about once a month for little gatherings like bowling nights, movies, trips out to clubs & stuff like that... with a few swinger-parties thrown in every now & again   At any rate, there I was up at the ridiculous hour of 5:00am on Sunday morning... getting into my car to catch a bus from Corona to Bu




So the journey begins

So I'd like to be referred to as M. My wife, we'll call Sunshine. We've been together 4 years. We're a married couple who have had a few swinging experiences. When she and I got married two years ago, we stepped out of the lifestyle and focused more on ourselves. Now we've found ourselves in a place where we're comfortable swinging again, and it has done wonders for our intimacy, our sex life, and our relationship.   Sunshine and I have a few rules, so here's what makes it work for us.   1) W




Beautiful View

This evening there is the most beautiful view on the Eastern horizon. The sun has set and the planet Venus shines brightly. Above her is the crescent moon. I can recall no time in my life that I have not known the positions of the visible planets and the moon. I feel connected.   ~Michael




Just for laughs; The Fuck-buddy Application.

Fuck Buddy Application   Age:   Ethnicity:   Location:   Height:   Weight:   Hair Color:   Eye Color:     Please list your Fuck Buddy experience(s) below:     Please describe your genital grooming habits:     What is your availability (ie.. 1x per week, 2x per week...etc):     Please answer the following questions regarding ORAL SEX:   Do you enjoy receiving cunnilingus?:   Do you enjoy mutual fellatio/cunnilingus, otherwise referred to as '69'?     Please answer the following ques




Fallen in Love with the Woman on the Jewel Case

I have fallen in love with the woman whose picture is on the jewel case. One snowy early morning a few weeks ago, I heard on the car radio the last few minutes of Mendelssohn's Concerto for Violin and Orchestra. It was simply beautiful. When I returned home, I visited the radio station's Web site, look it up and ordered the music CD. After it arrived, I adjusted the mood lighting in the music room, put the CD into the compact disc player, set the volume to a moderate level, took the jewel ca




In sickness and in health

I remember speaking these words almost nine years ago. They still have meaning to me and I'm not going anywhere although it has been difficult at times.   Jen has recently started experiencing pains in her ovaries again. She has experienced them before, a few months ago and when she went to the Dr, they said that they had located some cysts, but it could be a possible side effect from her having an IUD. The IUD was removed and everything went back to normal...or so we thought. Now the pai




Hotel Party a year later.

A few weeks ago we attended a Mardi Gras event put on by a swing website of which we are members. In 2009 we attended the same event, and then it was our first party of that type, a hotel takeover with a big M&G. Now a year later I was thinking of the differences on our drive over.   Last year we were soooo nervous. We knew a few people from just some brief meetings here and there and were meeting a couple for dinner the night before the event. Though we had some experience with other c




Friends Again....

I still need to go back and listen to my interview on SwingerCast again to see if I really did say this...   Someone on the SwingerCast forum understood me to say that couples who are looking for friends first should just go for Polyamory (or something to that affect).   I think a lot of people misunderstand my/our take on the whole friends first thing. It's not that I'm against making friends in the lifestyle. Nor do we go out to clubs looking to get laid that night (or every night). What




Good Party

Saturday night we headed to our local social, and as usual had a really good time. But, we noticed something seemed a little off... it was a little bit us and a little bit something else. Pet has not been feeling well, we are thinking (and kind of hoping) that it's his turn for his gallblader to go out. By hoping, we are hoping it's nothing worse. So even though he's not been 100% lately he was feeling ok and we went to the party anyway.   Actually, if there was ever a day to skip out this




Post Mardi-Gras Party

It was hard to believe that I'd been away nearly five years. My friend, Michelle was hosting a hotel-party this past weekend and luckily my schedule worked out in such a way that I was finally able to attend. It was a Mardi-Gras theme and she's an amazing hostess who just LOVES doing "theme-nights"   So - my "date" and I arrived around 8:30 (about half an hour after the party was scheduled to begin) and introduced ourselves around. She and I met at a swinger's Beach Day about six months ago




You know it was a good party...

When you wake up the next morning, with carpet burns on your knees.   Last Saturday night Ted and I went to a house party at J & T's house...had a fabulous time.   Today, I had lunch with J & T. After lunch we were sitting around chatting and reminiscing about the party and I made mention that I had carpet burns on my knees and couldn't exactly remember how/when I was on the floor to receive said carpet burns.   J told me it probably happened when I was sucking **** and **** w




Sharks and snakes

I like to think of myself as somebody who doesn't start drama and minds my own business. Lately, I've been involved in a lot of drama between two groups. Some comments have recently been made to me that made me stop and think about what I've been doing.   Of course, the comments could be true, they could also be falsely thrown accusations, but whatever the purpose, they have had some effect on me. They say the truth hurts and if they don't apply to me, why do they have an effect on me.  




Great business move or not?

We are members on what I felt was a really good website when we first signed up. At the time, it was cheap ($30) for a lifetime membership and I took advantage of the great deal.   It turned out to be a really good idea. It turns out that the website is really very good, probably one of the best that I have seen. It has a chat room, fairly active forums, and the owner just keeps working to make it better every chance he gets.   The problem lies in the fact that even with over 4000 membe




That was fun

I just got off the phone with John & Allie of SwingerCast. After 3 years of talking about having me on to do an interview, we finally got our acts and schedules together and did it. What fun that was. Talking to them was like talking to two old friends, even though we've never met in person. Isn't it funny how you can get to feel like you really know people without ever meeting thanks to the internet.   There are many people on here I feel that way about. Then when we meet in person it




What was it called....

Okay, about 2 years ago I did this thing with like 3 other couples and I was the only single guy. I felt out of place at first, but the rest of the wives didn't want me to feel left out, so I was treated Royally. Anyways, that aside, we all played this really fun game on the computer that involved a lot of dares and stunts (male player take female player into a dark room for 1 minute. Do anything but penetration). It was a bit juvenile at first, but after a few drinks and the clothes worked t




Get Over It Already

"An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth"   That is the law of the bible, but when does it become too much. I agree whole heartedly that if somebody does me wrong, I have a right to some sort of retribution. Within reason though.   There are many people in the lifestyle who will say they don't want drama, but on the same token, will seek to start drama wherever they go. Even if the issue has already been resolved.   It is to those people I say "get over it". I'm not one to hold a grudge



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