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The adventures of mailing the Swinger Manual

We've had a pretty wintery winter here this year for Alabama. It seems like it's been snowing off and all since the first of January. The first week of January we got about a half inch of snow (which is a lot for us) and hubby almost didn't make it home (we live up a pretty steep hill) and we watched many others who didn't make it home walking up our street (and back down again) over the course of 2 or 3 days while they waited for the weather to warm up and the street to thaw.   Twice alrea




Whats a slut in the swinging world?

I'm a pretty liberal person when it to comes sexuality. Hell I'm a swinger. But is there a line you shouldn't cross in regards to what is proper etiquette that is equal to being a called a slut similiar to that in the "vanilla" world? How you conduct yourself at a party? How you conduct yourself on a first date to just to get to know a couple? I know there are different strokes for different folks. What I am looking for is a consenus on this board in real details on what is considered "slut" l




14 days of Valentine’s!

Within the last 15 years that Mrs. CXXC and I have been together, I have come to the realization, it’s the little things that matter most! Case and point:   I started something a few years ago that has become a tradition in our household. I call it the “14 days of Valentine’s”. Sure, everyone celebrates the 14th of February! That’s easy. Valentine’s day is a Hallmark holiday! It is forced down our throats and men throughout the USA have been made to endure it. We shell out ridiculous sum





I've been reading a number of posts lately on the green monster, jealousy. We've also have been on the receiving end of jealousy as well! I recently posted a situation where the wife of one of our swap partner does not like her husband to have more fun that her. We encountered that in our last encounter and it was not a comfortable situation. We also somehow got in the middle of jealousy where my wife played with a guy (half of a couple who we are friends with) and another swing friend (woma




The Anatomy of the Swinger Manual

I have to admit, I really did not expect the response I've already gotten for this book. I don't know what I expected but it certainly wasn't to sell the number of books I've already sold in the first 5 days and to have my first print (however small it was) sold out before it even arrived.   I had intended to be doing a lot more marketing of the book this week, but now I'm waiting to get caught up on the current orders before I start TRYING to increase them. They are increasing enough on thei




Indifference is not my Specialty A Poem on Swinging

Indifference has never been my specialty Now that I’m swinging it seems That’s the way it has to be.   I told you I wouldn’t treat you like A notch on the bed post, but that’s exactly what you did to me.   Your desperation to have me has dried up like a dead leaf blown away in the wind.   I know my pumped up ego is probably Affecting the state I’m in.   I know I’m not special. I’m not the only one you see in this life, and you’re not my love, you’re not my wife.   I guess I just tho




See what happens when you stop trying so hard?

A couple of months ago I wrote about Taking a Few Steps Away from the Lifestyle. I'd decided, basically, not to try so hard, and also to back off on certain situations that were causing the two of us to feel a strain. So, naturally, since I'm not trying, now is the time our social life within the lifestyle has taken off on its own. Between a few really fun house parties, couples who have made the first move online or in person, and serendipity, we have been very active and have had several reall

The Fuse

The Fuse


Boeuf Bourguignon

Oh, my. What a very nice Saturday evening we had. One of our lifestyles friends can over to our home, prepared boeuf bourguignon and serve it as dinner for six. Accompanied by a nice California red table wine, it was so very good that I was distracted entirely, in spite of the alluring assemblage at the table, from any thoughts of sex. And that's saying a lot. Enduring friendship does develop out of relationship that begin casual.   ~Michael




Transparency is good in swinging

Is transparency a good thing? In what context you ask. Well in swinging of course. I'm talking mainly about open communication between spouses in regards to how they interact and they feel about the other couples they may come into contact with. When you chat do you archive your chatting sessions so you know your significant other can look at it anytime they want to see what you chat about? Do you talk in general on occasion with your mate about what you talk about with that other person wh




OMG yet another poem on Swinging

A Treasure     They stare at me and you with open interest, no secret thoughts hide that you can't imagine behind their eyes.   We do the same to a degree you and me.   We know the affect our form has a few but we don't pay them much due, for we're in search of a certain treasure to.   A blonde blue eyed little waif, we only want a taste..or two A strapping brown eyed gentleman with big strong hands that will do to.   It's a potpourri of people playing games of flesh and fantasy w




That damn pesky vistor....

I just found out a friend of ours will be having a house party this weekend. We LOVE going to his parties, they are WILD!   My luck has once again not failed to disappoint me, I'll be broke this weekend.   Now, one could look at that as being a total bummer or one could look at it as just being a part of life and one of those pesky little things we must deal with and just go on about our business.   I'm choosing to look at it in a deal and go about my business type of way.   I know t




Passion Party Up-date...

The party was fun and I kept my promise to myself and only had one Margarita.   I did have a bit of a problem with one of the games that was played. You had to write down three things about yourself and the third thing had to be sexual in nature. It took me a while to think of something that wouldn't be over the top. It had to be something that you had done, wanted to do or enjoyed about sex. All I could think of was MFM threesomes...done it, wanted to do it again and enjoyed it   What I




This should be interesting...

In a little bit I'll be headed out to attend a Passion Party.   Nothing really interesting in that by itself but, considering this party is being thrown by a vanilla friend who knows that I can be a bit verbal when it comes to talking about sex and Margaritas are on the menu I'm a bit concerned about controlling my mouth.   I have made a promise to myself that I will only have one drink so that I don't let my mouth run away with me.   It should be fun and if I can remember I'm not in the




Can anything qualify as a true good deed anymore

There once was a time when I would have said that people are essentially good and will perform good deeds out of the kindness of their heart. For the most part, I still believe that way, as there are some people out there who will help somebody without any expectation of benefit or pay.   Sadly though, today's society is about the "me" attitude and "what am I going to get out of it". For examples, I will turn to some of our favorite TV shows. TV shows such as Intervention, Hoarders, and Home




Then you shouldn't have kissed me...

This past weekend Ted and I took a much deserved, long overdue, weekend trip away from the world, just the two of us.   Most of the weekend was spent in the hotel room just enjoying the alone time together. As is our norm, when we're together we're naked. At one point, while we were clicking around the internet, him on his laptop, me on mine, he gets up to go to the bathroom. As he walked by me, he bent over to give me a kiss. What started out as just a peck on the lips turned into a ve




Tastes & Senses

I recently found a very cheap way of getting an erotic turn on. Now when I mention this little technique it will seem obvious to a point but it wasnt to me when it first happened......my wife and I were settling down to some steaming hot cups of coffee in hand on the couch. We held them very tightly in our hands to keep them warm (cups were actually very hot). She then decides to slip her hands down my pants and grasp my family jewels. The inital feeling was very euphoric and felt great. I told




Desire - A poem about Swinging

Desire     An eclectic ensemble of smiles and eyes that parade on by, not any the same in form or style and with no reason why.   Variety is the spice of life for me and my wife As we travel this winding road of sexual desire.   How about that one? She’s cute with her petite little frame, or that buxom blonde who’s been giving me the eye all night long. What’s her name?   She likes them handsome with a sense of humor And a gentleman’s air while they give her a dark Interested stare.




What makes a club "great"

As stated in the previous blog, we have been swinging since about 2002. In that time, we have attended a lot of meet and greets, one house party, and we've been to a lot of clubs.   Some of the clubs, have been trashy, some of them have been clean, some have been a bit run down, some have been totally rebuilt from the ground up. We've been to clubs that have been cliquish and others that have had no cliques, but the members considered themselves better than everybody else, including the oth




Drama...No Drama...I Should Learn to Mind My Own Business

Where to begin? I guess at the beginning is always the best as this is my first time blogging...ever, lol. For those who read this blog, I'll warn you, I may ramble a bit, lol.   Jen and I have been involved in the lifestyle for almost as long as we've been married. Our interest started about a year after we got married. We've had some problems here and there, but for the most part, it's been a fun time and we've met some great people.   We got started in California, before I joined the




Sexual Excitement

I believe sexual excitement is among the top ten reasons we enjoy life. It sure feels good.   When a pair of threes wins the pot, usually Lady Luck isn't even in the same county. A pair of threes, beats a pair of twos - at least once every blue moon.   The spousal unit and I have been pillow-talking about exploring group sex, specifically, threesomes. We had a little soft-swap group sex back when we first started, but no "real" threesome - at least from our perceptions. We try real hard to kil




The International Language of Lust

Just thought I'd share: Over the New Year, I went to Berlin. Anyone who's been there knows that THE place to be is at the outdoor concert at Sylvester's Arch. It was televised too. I tried to watch it later and find myself but no such luck. Anyways, amidst the crowd I found myself pressed into the proximity of a very attractive Russian girl. Sadly, she did not speak any English and only a mild amount of German. Sadly, I did not speak any Russian and what German I did speak she didn't unde




Liar! Liar! Coveralls on Fire!

On New Year's Eve I logged on to Swinglifestyles and joined the chat (lobby). I know sometimes Im too forward....but Im getting better as I go. But keep in mind my reasoning. Im a woman who knows what she wants and has a honored husband who wishes to help in every sort of way.   We decided to do the hook up now thing. I typed while he leaned over my shoulder. So he is my witness. I asked the guy straight up: R U black? He responded: Yes. From there we went to private messenger to photo sharing




Whatever it Takes!!!

There was a time, not too long ago, when the gym was not just a place to exercise. It was the next best thing to a pick-up joint as any bar. Women, dressed in tight little outfits of spandex and low cut leotards, would have more workout partners than they would know what to do with! The Mirror athletes would parade about like the proud peacocks they were, fanning their plumage (muscles) to attract the prettiest females. Like any good pick-up bar, many couples formed in these health clubs.  



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