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I'm not ashamed to say...

Yes, I did stop and stare.   He was just too damn delicious looking not to.   I love men with long hair (go figure) and when I'm out and about if I see a man with long hair, I always try to get a better look.   Today while shopping I noticed a beautiful head of hair that reached just below the shoulders of a very masculine body. His back was to me to begin with, then...he turned around. MY OH MY ! The front was even better than the back.   I stopped dead in the middle of the aisle




The New Year's Eve I've Always Wanted, But Never Had... 'Till Now!

We have a long history of not doing anything really fun New Year's Eve, at least most of the years we've been together. Sometimes life has interfered, sometimes we've just been wimps, and who knows what else. This is the first New Year's Eve out of the three we've been swinging that we went to a lifestyle event. And wow, what a party. It was a pretty perfect setup. It was a private house party given by a couple we met around two years ago. They are one of those couples everyone wants to kn

The Fuse

The Fuse


Hypothetical Party Confusion

Wife and I were headed to a vanilla wine tasting party this evening..I was teasing her on the way asking if she has condoms.   It made me wonder how embarrassing it would be if one got their party plans mixed up and dressed for a swing party when heading to a vanilla event




A new year and hopefully a much better one...

The past year was horrible for Ted and I as far as our swinging life goes. In fact, it was the worst year we've had swinging, since we started swinging. I can count on one hand the number of times we played last year.   Life was just not good to us when it came to having time to play and at times it was difficult for us to even find time for just the two of us.   Living apart was the main obstacle in our fun time. Something had to be put on the back burner during the times that Ted was ho




Worse Than Kids

My Mom and Dad live about six hours driving distance. Sometimes I think the only time they get out of their house is when JoAnn and visit and push them out the door. Don't get me wrong. We are both happy that they are so very healthy considering their number of years. We visited recently and had two plans in-mind even before we showed up.   1) Encourage them to go with us to the local cineplex to see a good movie like Avatar or Invictus.   2) Convince my Mom that she should have her ow




My birthday and the crazy time at Deja Vue Strip Club

Had a great birthday this December, it was kind of two week event actually. On Dec 19th we went to Deja Vus in Kalamzoo,MI with my wife and some friends. Got a couples Lap Dance with my wife! Very Hot! Very Nice! My wife loved it! . Then they put me on stage with some other guy doing a bachelor party. They made us get on our hands and knees. They then proceeded to remove my belt and beat my ass with it. NOT FUN!! but it was all in good fun. I think the girls were taking out thei




Online Chat Rooms

I've done online chat on and off since the mid-90s. I jump into the various chat rooms of the swing sites we belong too, looking to just talk about swinging in general and perhaps have a chance to talk to people that are not far away, see if there is any interest in meeting. But it's more of a social thing for me, not looking to cam (will scare people!), do cyber-sex (enjoy real sex with real people)   Most of the people online are friendly, polite..but geez there are some that are a real pai




Why I picked my avatar? Can you guess

Just putting this challenge out there to anyone who can guess why we picked this avatar for our New Account on the forum. It actually has many connotations and meanings to us. I'd like to hear what you think of the couple trying to eat an apple held from a string with no hands, means to us in regards to the swinging world. I've tried this before and its HARD to eat an apple this way! I'll post reply to thread later giving my own answer. Thanks in advance for participating




REVENGE of the Hot Tub!!!

Today, good reader, I will regale you with a tale that may help you understand how my year is ending! This story is based upon the love/hate relationship have with my hot tub. Oh the joys one imagines when, with eyes closed, one sees that crystal clear and steaming water, churning in turbulent motions just waiting to sooth the sore and aching muscles after a long hard day’s…….. (Fill this section in with whatever activity you happen to have been doing just before reading this blog. The creato




File to Larger!

Last week, I started a poll about this topic to see where others stand regarding “sexting”. https://www.swingersboard.com/forums/topic/36908-sexting-not-just-for-school-students-anymore/   Well, the numbers seem to favor the practice. For various reasons, individuals and couples are enjoying the ability to instantly share their passionate desires, wishes, thoughts and fantasies. It has become another medium with which to share our lifestyle.   I am taking a guess here, but I




A year later.....

It is rather amusing to go back and read what I wrote a year ago. It is even funnier to read the sage advice of all who provided it. A year has passed and we are still at the same place. She is in the LS, and I am not. Well, that is not totally correct, I have become what I like to call a "social swinger". She still plays occaisionally, and I chat on-line with folks in the LS. We go to Meet and Greets as often as possible and make new friends. About the only things that have changed are m




Swingers' comment card -OR- Dog training, applied

This is an issue that Lea and I have talked about a good deal lately. We have great sex together largely because we've had nearly 10 years to train one another. When we first met, we were both more than a little clumsy together. But we asked for what we wanted - we gave and took feedback and, gradually, we trained each other to perform the way that worked best for each of us.   When we play with others, we look for people that that we can play with more than once. We've had a few one-night




Super excited!!!!

I couldn't think of which forum to put this in...so just decided to drop it here.   Tonight we bought an engagement ring!!!!! After some alterations, it should arrive in a couple of weeks...but I've been informed if I am the one to pick it up at the store, then I can try it on to make sure the sizing is ok, but am not allowed to "keep" it until he presents it to me.   I'm so exited, I just had to share.




NICE!!! (A Holiday Tale)

I guess you could say I am one of those individuals who really enjoys the Holidays! There is something about the season that gets me going! It could be the “cool” in the air. (Savannah doesn’t really get chilly) It may be the pretty lights and garland. Perhaps the festive colors and decorations bring a certain joy to my heart. The music, while rather repetitive and simple, is one of my favorite parts of this season. I also notice, by and large, the people seem to be just a tad bit nicer.




With the Snap of the Fingers.....

I was thinking back to the days of my youth, particularly high school. As most of you will remember, those were some pretty tough years! Many of us had no clue regarding sex. Some of us had parents with the hidden copy of Playboy, hustler, Penthouse etc… Most didn’t or never found them. My story is not that different from anyone here. I started a little younger than the average (2 months after my 13th birthday) but for a few years, I was completely clueless.   I remember, clearly, that aw




Been a year and also back in gear...

I had previously blogged than an injury had sidelines us. We seem to be moving past that, wife is recovering well. Still not quite ready to play with others, but we have been hanging at a few M&Gs this past week. I can tell she is feeling better as she asked what are doing this weekend (nothing) and she wants to go to the swing club..wohoo!   It's also been a year since we ventured into the lifestyle. We were looking a back at our first month last November and actually realized we were




Club Utopia

Me and my husband are considering heading there this weekend. We havent been to a club yet. Has anyone been that could tell us what to expect and if you think its fun? Does it help find a hook up easier than on the internet?




sexual habituation

I've been doing quite a bit of googling lately about sexual habituation - from brain chemistry to tantric rituals. The problem of habituation eventually led us to swinging in search of a remedy. Whether it's dopamine and serotonin or Maslow, I like the way swinging invoked that honeymoon feeling for my wife and me. It has lasted a couple of years now, and I don't see any signs of it tapering off. If anything, we keep finding new ways to feel closer to each other (that's pretty cool after more th




Taking a few steps away from the lifestyle

Recently, Mr. Fuse and I have not felt quite the same rush of excitement when it comes to swinging. Don't get me wrong, we both still enjoy it a lot. It's hard to put my finger on what's going on. I am full of contradictions and unable to articulate... but one thing I feel strongly is that we will not be trying as hard anymore to find dates. We'll be more likely to pass up a party or meet and greet and either stay in or do something vanilla.   It's probably partly because we've had what I c

The Fuse

The Fuse


The Glorified Thank You Note

Its funny how I will write a blog a couple weeks in advance and come to find someone has posted the same topic on the discussion boards just before my posting date! Well, forgive the redundancy. I figure this may be a different take on the topic and perhaps will generate some interesting feedback.   About three years ago, I started to look into the numerous sites devoted to the Lifestyle. I am certain you are well aware of the fact that there are a GREAT number of them. The number grows eac




Does it all seem so complicated some times?

We don't meet tons of people online, it's not often that I contact people. But I do check out profiles, new people, people close by in chat, etc.   Sometimes though it makes my head spin trying to understand all that the couple is into, before making contact, to make sure we're compatible.   Age Range No Swap/Soft Swap/Full Swap preferences Women Only Play My man can touch your women but your man can't touch me. Women Play is the required appetizer for a full swap main course. Looking




Light Bulbs!!!

As most of you know, the CXXC house is all about comfort for the weary traveler or occasional lifestyle guest(s). I have suffered great pains in my pursuit of making my home an oasis of rest, relaxation and pleasure. Much of my efforts have been focused upon my back yard. Unfortunately, Mother Nature is not a member of the lifestyle (well she should be! She fucks me every year with leaves, rain, broken limbs, the list goes on!) and therefore refuses to co-operate in helping me keep the area



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