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It seems a lil'hard to find people like me in my area. Everytme i get the nerve up to start to ask a guy to have a 3some with me and my husband, i chicken out. I all the sudden get shy.....im afraid the guy wont believe me. How would i explain im for real???




An English Speaker’s Guide to On-Line Profiles

Expression or word used in on-line personals advertisement ---> English   Life of the party ---> Hide your liquor bottles. Fun loving ---> Hide your wife. Not Ken and Barbie ---> Herman and Lili Must be discreet ---> I’m married and my wife has no idea I am doing this. Afternoons are best ---> I’m married and my wife has no idea I am doing this. Will try anything once ---> Crossing my fingers that you don’t take this literally. We’re just the couple next door ---&g




Seven Secrets of the Sexually Successful

Get comfortable and tune out the distractions of daily life while we share a thought together.   How do we each define sexual success? Do we consider ourselves successful? Do we consider others as more or less successful than ourselves? What obstacles do we see between us and success? How will we know when we find success? Can we be content with simple success? Why are we on this damned planet?   The secrets are still secrets,,, I have no Divine Revelations to share. The mystery is as old as t




I have a case of the green eyed monster

and it relates to swinging, but not in the way you'd think. I'm not jealous of my husband, I'm not jealous of women who pay him attention. I'm not jealous of someone that is getting to play with someone I want to play with... well Ok maybe I am, in a way.   I'm jealous of anyone who gets to enjoy swinging instead of just living vicariously through message boards. I get to go to parties, I get to have fun and flirt and make out and dance and have a wonderful time. But, we can't play! I think




exhibitionistic bonding celebration

We spend a lifetime exploring our sexuality. We each blaze our own path through the wilderness of human experiences searching for opportunities we value. There are way too many distractions with religion and societal morality as well as internalized morality directing us to avoid certain opportunities. What is the true guiding force? One that is without a manipulative agenda.   What do I like about house parties? There's an excitement and levity of the party atmosphere. There's an openness and




Watch the Birdie!!!

A little over 14 years ago, I met the absolutely amazing creature with whom I would later date, become engaged to and finally marry. Yep! This wonderful woman is Mrs. CXXC. In all these years, (It really feels like yesterday) I have looked upon her and wondered what I have done in a previous life or in this one to deserve her. I have had many men AND WOMEN ask me the same question. The only answer I have ever been able to give with a margin of certainty is, “I love her with all my heart!”  




Nothing against you but,………

Mrs. CXXC has been in a veritable tizzy these past few days. I guess it all started two weeks ago while trying to replace her boy toy! As you know, he left our lovely little town and moved back home three months ago! Since then, Mrs. CXXC was looking around in search of a suitable replacement.   Mrs. CXXC fell upon a handsome lad who fit the bill perfectly. Granted, he is vanilla by our standards, he is unattached and truly enjoys her company. They have had fun in various activities but at




play it again, sam

While I believe exploratory sex to be one of the wonders of the sexual world, there's something special about revisiting a connection with a smiling babe from parties past.   She remembers the fun we had together the last time we played, and she wants some more. There's a smile in her eyes and an extra boost in the energy when she grabs my ass. She pulls me close and probes my soul with her devilish tongue. She whispers, "Let's find a room."   A laundry bomb explodes as we do the locker room s




Meeting Kitten Again

We went to the monthly Poly Meet and Greet this week. We all have a good time but, Kitten likes it best. Well, at least different. I’ve figured out that the woman likes to socialize. She hasn’t done much of that with anyone else since we’ve gotten together. At least it has been a while. With her working two jobs and the four of us trying to spend what available free time we have together, it has been difficult to socialize with anyone else.   This is different. We are all doing this together. S




Every Girl Has Her Limits

As everyone here should know, Mrs. CXXC is Bi-sexual. Now, by every definition of the term, she fits the bill perfectly. Her desires for both men and women in sexual congress are virtually matched. She draws GREAT pleasure from both sexes. Her fantasies are of both men and women. She enjoys pleasing and being pleased by both men and women. In fact, when it comes to sexual activities with another woman, she will not let one please her without returning the favor. So, it is safe to say, she




exploratory sex

The puritanical baggage so prevalent in society suggests that sex should be something special and have a "meaning". The concept of Friends With Benefits lies somewhere near the other end of the continuum. What does it take for two (or more) people to be interested in enjoying an hour or so of sexual exploration? What are our expectations about the gratification we'll experience? And the thrill we'll provide?   Yes, of course there's the ever-present visual attraction layer and everyone has thei




A not so great experience...

Last weekend we ended up meeting with another couple & this second experience was quite the opposite of our first.   Instead of feeling closer as a couple and more sexually charged I felt further away from my husband and just unhappy with the whole experience.   Looking back on it was a number of things...I shouldn't of smoked weed...it ended up my husband & I were never really together. It wasn't as playful & fun as our other experience. Our first experience we were laughing &am




Welcome to the Drama

First and foremost I wanted to thank everyone who showed support while I was in Iraq. It really meant alot to see so many people I've never met say they appreciated me. It's motivation like that right there that keeps ya going. Thank all of you.   Now I'm back. I've been in Germany for 36 hours and already having the time of my life. I've still got responsibilities so I'm not packing the car for Amsterdam just yet, but still hooking up with old friends (vanilla, and "normal":lol:) and r




The long dark twilight of the soul... or something

Weird day. I have succumbed to the first cold in years, and have taken the day off from doing anything except vegetating. Hot rum toddies and sleeping under my duvet figure prominently in my programme. PB is on his afternoon shift, so doesn't roll in until midnight (on Saturday!!) but at least because of my cold I'm not pining too much for some fun and games.   If I HAD been healthy, I'd be at a vanilla friends' sex toy party, oddly enough. Hmmmm.... that might be an odd experience. Imagine...




A lot has been going on...kind of graphic (and not in a sexual way lol)

So about a month ago I had an accident...it involved a grease/oil fire, some stupidity on my part, and what amounted to aprox 7% of my body being burnt (the primary target zone was my right leg on the front of the calf and the top of the foot...there was some damage to the left leg, but mostly splatters from the oil, the right leg definitely bore the brunt of the injury).   The healing process is going well, even though it will take a while for it to get back to the new semblance of "normal"..




And it begins....

I joined here last month with questions and got a ton of great feedback. Thanks to everyone who took the time to respond. Writing to me is very therapeutic so I thought I would just start a blog to sort through what is going on in my mind and to share my experiences into this new lifestyle. Maybe someone new just starting here can relate to what I'll be writing....and any others who have comments or anything valuable they might want to add please feel free to share!   Last month my husband





Well whaddya know... things seem to be going great, then they change.   PB had a new friend... then she disappeared, and that really bummed him out. I still had a friend to play with on the side, then he got a "real" girlfriend, and is busy going through the throes of seriousness over that. So nobody to tie me up... damn. I understand completely that things have changed, but I still miss the fun and games we had together this summer. Actually, I'm really pissed off at him, not because he got a




This Month's Theme -- No-Alcohol Playmates

The last few couples with whom we have made an initial contact do no drink alcoholic beverage. All of the play dates for the last month had been entirely without beer, wine, or distilled spirit. We in no way planned it this way. It simply happened. For the record, we both like our alcohol. And we have no problem about playmates bending an elbow or tipping a glass. But we also realize that if nobody else is having it, we don't miss it.   ~Michael




Screeching halt...

We've been swinging for close to a year and have had a lot of fun. This month we had some travel plans for swinging as well as a few play dates set...   Unfortunately my wife was injured recently so we had to put all of that on hold And I realize this is not a unique situation, it happens all of the time, but she's really bummed out.   She requires surgery in the coming weeks (nothing life threatening) which will prolong our break from the lifestyle for a number of months. Of course her




I Just Don't Fit!

I am drawn back to my youth and how things never seemed to fit very well. As a pre-teen, I hit a growth spurt that had my parents and virtually everyone around me scratching their heads. You see, in the 5th grade, I was your normal but slightly taller than normal boy. I was still 5’6” at the end of the school year. During that summer, I guess I got too much fresh air, too much exercise and too much food. By the time school started again, I was not just in the 6th grade, I was also 6 feet ta




A Very Slippery Slope!

Years ago, a friend of mine in the vanilla world confided in me, a tale that struck me as both humorous and horrifying. Please, walk down memory lane with me. I promise, it will not be so painful.   Here is the tale:   My friend, while in college, had the opportunity and good fortune to engage a lovely co-ed in sexual congress. As the evening grew hotter, she, unfortunately, became less self lubricated. Not wanting to end the festivities, my friend took matters into his own hands and




Browsing profiles

Ok I was bored and looking at local profiles, this is a sampling of my mind while I looked.   Dude you are not 34, if you are 34 I am 18, and I'm not 18 I'm almost 40. ...... Now you look your age, but you are taking pictures of your wife in the bathroom, and then take a picture of yourself with the camera on one side of your face in the mirror. First why did you use the bathroom? Second, why didn't you hand her the camera? ..... 185.....no...I know 185, thats not 185, maybe if you were



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