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Taking those chances when they come

Last night I went to a weekly gathering at a local bar. It's a good group of people, very social and relaxed. We try to go most Tuesdays. Mr. Fuse is out of town this week, so I went by myself.   The group organizer is a guy whose wife Mr. Fuse has been with once when we were in a group play situation. I had zeroed in on another man that night, and by the time we were done I didn't want to start all over again. That was several months ago and we've been trying to schedule something with th

The Fuse

The Fuse


The Valentino Handbag

This afternoon, I received a call from JoAnn. She was at Nordstrom's. She was looking at a Valentino handbag. She says it is the most beautiful creation she had ever seen. It's beautiful, like a work of art, the leather so supple; she can smell it; she can look at it; she can feel it! And the price is only $2,000. She asks, can I have it, can I have it? My mind races. How can she do this to me? I am stepping out of a meeting to answer her phone call. Doesn't she think my time is import




wanting a play date

I have been in the mood for a play date.   It would be nice to meet some new people to play with. I have meet, online, a couple in Colo. Springs that I would love to get together with for a play date.




Date Nights

I love the opportunity to get each of my men to myself. That can be difficult at times.   I had a busy week and I'll only list the stuff directly related to our quad. Children, work and everyday stuff were there but not of importance to this post.   Gator had Wednesday and Thursday nights off. Thursday was booked a month ago. The second of the poly meet and greets we attended. This one was just as fun as the first if not more so due to we weren't just meeting everyone this time. And Kitten se




Don't Touch that Dial!!

One evening, on our way back from one of our countless trips north to see family, Mrs. CXXC decides to plug her iPod into my stereo. This is not unusual as she generally takes over the music selection on our longer trips. So, per the norm, I sit back waiting to hear the selection. 36 gig of music will cover the 9 hour trip from the Mid-Atlantic States to home easily. Here we go!   Mrs. CXXC has a rather eclectic taste in music. On her sy




Lunchroom conversations...

Sitting at the table in our work lunchroom, there are three of us. K, J and me. K starts to talk: "You should have been to the derby the other night." X and X were there with their little girl. She is so cute... then we got to talking and she told me that they swapped partners with X and X."   I sat there and ate my homemade shepherds pie. I didn't even flinch even though I couldn't wait to hear the next word.   J looked at her and said, "Ewwww... really? How nasty!" K said, "Y




Bye By Boy Toy!

In my time on this planet, I have noticed a few things. A while ago, I decided to compile a list of the things I have observed and found interesting, and to a point humorous, to me. If you will indulge me, let me share a small portion of my list with you.   I have noticed that virtually every woman I have ever met possesses these same desires. Certainly, there exceptions to the rules and age plays a factor in many items on this list. However, by and large, I have discovered that nearl





Airfare to tropical location - 900 dollars   Everything else the trip costs - Boatload of dollars.   Your wife finding the courage to play Frisbee naked on a busy beach where everyone else is just sitting or swimming? - Priceless.   It was a big day for my very shy girl. It most likely helped that she was in better shape than most of the beach goers. The beach is an unofficial nude beach and most were naked, but I didn't think she would have the guts for that her first day here. I'm sure




Empty Nest...WooHoo

Gator and I are about to the place we wanted to be when we got married and had our children so young. With it just being the two of us again. Well, we didn't foresee being part of a quad.   Our oldest is remarried and living two and a half states away. Our youngest has moved an hour away and lives with his girlfriend. The house is quiet and I like it.   Don't be mistaken in thinking we don't have much contact with our boys. We do. They still call when they are struggling with something. The y




His #1

NDN and I went last Sat. night to the swingers club that we're members of and all in all we had a fun night. He shot pool for awhile while i relaxed in one of the hot tubs. I always find that my stress from the work week always seems to go away after some time in the hot tub. I talked for a bit with a couple that has been coming there for awhile. The husband told me that I'm exactly his type and that he loves how I don't put myself out on display. That I act like a lady. He was curious as to why

little firefly

little firefly


The Sideshow

The lifestyle, as people like to call it, has been good to JoAnn and I, especially in the last couple of years during which we found our stride. This position gives us the advantage of being able to laugh off the silly things that happen. This month's sideshow act is Married Men Going It Alone. I'm perceiving a "surge" of messaging activity at this bulletin board. Our Swing Lifestyle inbox has received three messages in succession from married men who report having "permission". It could se




Bedpost notching/One Night Stands

I started posting this as a forum post, but decided it got waaaaayy long and figured a blog would be better.   There's numerous forum discussions about one night stands, sex as much and as fast as you can, or stating you are not a bedpost notcher in your online profile.   I don't consider my wife and I looking to play with every couple in sight, accumulating those notches. But then again, if opportunities present themselves to us, we are more than happy to grab the bull by the horns so to spe




Rules and boundaries

So, NDN and i have been discussing this a lot! He wants me to set ground rules and boundaries for his playtime. Wow! Being that i'm not part of the lifestyle i really haven't known what kind of rules to set. My first instinct was to say "no kissing, hugging, oral, anal, heavy petting or intercourse of any kind".....ok, so maybe i started my bargaining point too low, lol. I told him the best thing for me to do is play it by ear. I did place a couple of rules however that I think will help me be m

little firefly

little firefly


The swinger and the monogamist

Yes, I know. Those two words don't belong together and they certainly don't belong in a relationship, but that's where I am. I'm someone who's happily monogamous and I'm in a serious relationship with a man who's enjoyed a swinging lifestyle in his past relationships. Sometimes I ask myself how in the world i ended up in such a mismatched coupling. Well, i suppose it has to do with how i met him in the first place.   For many years I've been part of the BDSM lifestyle. I've always been a nat

little firefly

little firefly


The Search for Truly Compatible Couples Continues

We've been going out a lot lately. And truly, we've been having a very good time. But we still haven't hit that jackpot -- the couple that is really compatible. The ones where attraction is there in all the right combinations, where they live reasonably close (like within an hour), where schedules are manageable, where we enjoy socializing together... and the most important thing: all four people involved want to see each other on a continuing basis.   Now that I wrote that all down, i

The Fuse

The Fuse


Becoming THAT couple.

I've had an odd mental transformation lately. While not long ago I had us simply defined as a tweener couple I'm thinking we could change that.   I know looks are the 600 lb gorilla on the swingers board no one wants to talk about except in very general terms. We are all different shapes, sizes, and ages here, and for almost all of the discussions looks mater not at all. Posts where individual looks do come up people will become very catty or even hostile in a hurry, so I'm breaking sw




Loving you is so much fun

I think the magic of swinging is "genuine generosity", where we look for meaningful opportunities to compromise with each other.   We see other couples quibbling over trivial stuff and feel a little pity for them. Not in a condescending way, but in a way that we would like to be able to help them recover from the loss of that lovin feelin. Ohhhhh, that lovin feelin! Step back from the problems at hand and find the happy path between your differences.   I guess the willingness to compromise com





In a recent blog I posted how we have really come to like house parties. This past weekend a party we had planned to attend was canceled so we decided to head out to a swing club.   We've not been to a club, since May I think and then we met friends for fun and frolic. This weekend we went without any meeting with another couple setup. It just reinforced my opinion on how much fun house parties are.   It's so much easier to talk to people..you are sort of thrown together and have to tal




Two years down the less traveled road

I think it's funny sometimes, how our strongest held perceptions can change so radically and so quickly. Five years ago, I wouldn't have wanted to associate with any swingers because I thought they would have inexcusably low morals. Now, I realize quite the opposite is the general pattern among the folks we've met at the parties. Trust and respect are very important values for me. When we go to a party, I'll toss my wallet and keys into the play-bag with confidence they'll be safe.   I'm genera




My Maiden Solo Voyage

I don't have any real reason to post this, except that I was thinking about it...   Last night Mr. Fuse and I had planned to go to a house party. My main hope in going was to play with the male half of a couple we know. Mr. Fuse is not a match with his wife, so under our current "rules", the only way I could hope to play with him was at a house party where people were mixing it up. The guy and I had kind of made a date to be together at this party, and I was really looking forward to it, hop

The Fuse

The Fuse


All 'dressed' up and no where to go.

So the wife and I have been getting into better 'swinging' shape. I finally got the discipline to drop some 20ish lbs, and the wife after a long plateau has a new energy and has become almost a hard body. This means we are close to what we feel comfortable with swinging. We are almost ready to hit our B+ crowd and maybe hook up with drunk A listers (I keed I keed).   But....we are going no where.   For various reasons our old swinging friends are no longer an option. I'd love to go into d




Our first encounter was a year ago....

The reason I know this? Last night when we went to the club we had to pay the membership renewal fee. It hit me. Wow, a year?   So I reflected a bit about the last year, and who we were then compared to who we are now.   A year ago we went to a club for the first time. We were so nervous, and extremely shy. We mostly watched. Heck, I think it was our 3rd trip before I would even consider getting out on the dance floor. But by the 4th dancing in the shadow box or on the pole was star




When you realize your children are growing up

Tech and I have been facing some communication issues. All the issues we have had lately seem to revolve around that. And we've been struggling to find a way for each of us to change to facilitate better communication.   Today, my oldest son, gave his mom advice. I didn't particularly get why he'd give me this advice and I'll be honest and say that I didn't really like the advice he gave either.   When I asked why he'd tell me that, he told me that it is what I always taught him to do.   Well



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