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I Never Thought

Mrs. CXXC and I have been having a most interesting conversation, on and off, these last few weeks. One day, while sitting in the “Soak-n-Poke”, (our term for the hot tub) Mrs. CXXC announces that she would like to let everyone know that we are swingers. Ok. After I lifted my chin out of the water and gathered my thoughts, I was able to ask why and when.   My wife hates limitations. She is not one to suffer an inability to pursue her hobbies or desires due to some societal constraints. Whe




Crisis averted

Since my last blog, things are much better and we are all seeing each other again.   It seems that a drastic step was needed to get Kitten's attention and that step coincided with a new direction in her therapy and changes have started sooner than anyone expected.   I'm so very happy that all of them are happy again. It was the most difficult on the three of them (except the worry on my part in several areas). Kitten and I still get along well but, as I've said before, the two of us are so di





As we are debating looking for new couples or continuing our retirement from new couples, my wifes main 'con' to the whole process is the search.   I've always considered us a tweener couple, well, outside of one period where we both let ourselves go. By tweener being we are on the attractive side of the equation but not on the 'oh they are hot' side of the equation.   One thing I am with both of us is brutally honest. I know my faults, I know my wifes, and I don't look at us as anything




That Guy!

Last weekend I had and accepted the opportunity to attend a house party. The hosts, a couple Mrs. CXXC and I had entertained at our home months before, are truly wonderful and loads of fun. In the year that I have known them, we have gotten to understand each other quite well. So, needless to say, when they extended the invitation to us to attend, I jumped on it.   Unfortunately, Mrs. CXXC had to work the evening of the party and could not attend. The hosts were gracious enough to continue




Drama? Oh Yes

Well, we had an interesting spring, and we all know that interesting means trouble. We've had our share of that, but things are looking good now, and although this doesn't need to go in Situational Help! because we know what to do, it just helps to get it out and down on "paper".   At the beginning of April we met a new couple, played with them that night- oh my- and then twice more during the month. Him and me- WOW. Instant click, couldn't stop. PB and her- well, he thought it was going great,




A Travelogue

Thus begins the Chronicle of the very rewarding vacation trip taken by Michael and JoAnn of The Swingersboard in the month of the Emperor Julius and in Year of Our Lord, two-thousand and nine.   Our vacation was planned around the Meet-up in Gatlinburg. But that was the only destination that was planned ahead. For the other days that we would be away from home and obligations, we simply loaded our travel bags and ourselves into the Prius each morning and headed off on a whim toward one of t




"Not meeting new couples at this time."

For the first time since we started in the lifestyle three and a half years ago, Mr. Fuse and I are "not meeting new couples". This feels strange to me, and not that good. It was not on my initiative. The strangeness comes from the feeling that this is the first time we are moving in the general direction away from swinging, rather than further into it. I say the general direction because we are not quitting... we're just saying we're not meeting anyone new. We are seeing two couples regula

The Fuse

The Fuse



We've just come off about two months where we went to a number of house parties, 5 I think. That a big increase in party attendance for us. Things have been a bit quiet for the past week or two and this weekend is questionable. Our play partners for Saturday had to cancel. So the Mrs and I were talking last night, what to do. Perhaps contact one of a number of couples that have expressed an interest in meeting.   It made me realize just how fun and easy house parties are, assuming there a




Sometimes I am like a Kid at Christmas!

Both Mrs. CXXC and I have dates tomorrow. I have the privilege of spending the day with an absolutely wonderful woman with whom I have previously partied. Mrs. CXXC also has her boy toy visiting during the early evening.   I am quite excited about my date. As I will arrive at her home at lunch time, I suspect we will enjoy a little bite before the festivities begin and then it will be all about pleasure. Her husband will not arrive until 19:00 tomorrow evening. I am saddened by that as I r




Not Accepting New Applications

Mrs. CXXC and I were looking over our schedule for the next 6 months and came to a frightening revelation. Once we come back from our vacation in early August, we are SCREWED! Actually, we are NOT getting screwed to be honest. You see, once we return from vacation, our schedules are going to be diametrically opposed. She will be working the 16 hour six day week (one 24 hour shift every other weekend) and I will be up to my normal travels. In short, we will be lucky to see each other in pass





A recent forum post regarding successfully meeting people at parties reminded me of a conversation the wife and I recently had.   When we started swinging last fall, we really weren't meeting people like we thought we would. We tried the clubs, but hard to break into the groups of people; tried a few meets at drinks/dinner but found them awkward when things did not click.   Since then, we have met a lot of people and it all goes back to one party that we attended that opened us up to meeting




Knit One, Perl Two

I try and try and try to never tell a falsehood. Telling the truth is so much easier to remember. This is a lesson I learned as a VERY young child. I just knew my mother could read my mind so, I figured that I may as well come clean. Plus, by admitting the truth and/or the wrong doing, the punishment, although many times painful, was not as severe.   Unfortunately, with my family, I am forced to spin a little web every once in a while. You see, my sister just asks too many questions. She




A little melancholy... but shouldn't be

So last night we had friends over to grill out. We sat in our screened-in porch and had good conversation over burgers, wine, salad, tater tots and fresh fruit. These are people we played with once last fall and got really excited about. Turns out it wasn't a match on a sexual level, which was a big disappointment for us. But on a much happier note, we have continued to see them as friends, probably five or six times since then. In all ways except sexually (again, a bummer), I doubt we have

The Fuse

The Fuse


Celebrating the 4th with a BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG!!!!

Mrs. CXXC and I had a most splendid Holiday weekend. Together, we celebrated both our nations and our moral independence. We stood among thousands of celebrants on the banks of the Savannah River and enjoyed a wondrous fireworks display. Civic pride always fills my heart this time of year.   We invited a lovely couple to spend the holiday with us in our home. As this was one of the last free weekends we have on our schedules this summer, we wished to take advantage of it with some Lifesty




I miss sharing

I've missed sharing things here. I've missed the opportunity of staying up to date with everyone. I just haven't had the chance due to things in my life and now due to other things as well, I am finding I haven't the motivation to share.   I've gone through so much that I feel catching up on sharing it here is a huge task.   A couple of things that you can't do anything about and I really considered not mentioning at all but they have so totally consumed my world that I feel the need to at le




An evening that has given a reason to reflect

A Reflection: You do not find the elusive unicorn; she finds you.   JoAnn and I had a pleasant evening as the house guests of a very gracious couple. Some of the other guests were people of our acquaintance; other were new. All were connected by acquaintanceship with the host and hostess. The evening's experience has left me with an overall feeling of wellbeing and satisfaction. Unhappily, JoAnn is feeling a bit delicate over the fact that none of the men paid her a proper attention. As




And a time for every purpose, under heaven...

To every season, turn turn turn, at least thats how the song goes, where we are suppose to accept the changes in life and our eventual deaths as just part of the way things work. Its a nice philosophy, comforting without the blanket of religion, and relatively true.   It also sucks when it happens to you.   When it comes to us, as in my wife and I, I think our seasons are turning. Our kids are of an age that they take more and more of our time, and its time I won't begrudge them to meet up




The CXXC House!

As you know, Mrs. CXXC and I live in Savannah. This is a great place to live and even better place to visit for a long weekend or a vacation. The sights, the history, the activities and even the people are in many ways better than Disney. Anyone who has seen the movies, “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil” or “Forest Gump” knows where they want to go immediately upon entering town! Find the “Bird Girl” statue. Locate the bench Forrest sat upon. The fact that both items are no longer t




Party Time's A-Comin'!

We have taken the plunge and we will host our first house party in three weeks time! I hope that we've learned both from the house party we've attended several times over the past year, AND of course the copious advice of others in the forums here.   We had an invite list of around 20 couples, knowing they wouldn't all be able to make it. So far we've had 13 couples accept, so even if a few bail at the last minute everyone should have lots of... hmmm.... choice.   We've invited people we know




It has been a looong time

Wow, I really need to make more effort to blog...   Not much has happend except I did get laided off yesterday from a part time job, which stincks. I had a fun play date last weekend, we took some good photos. Out of respect to my friends "married" I do not post photos that shows faces. Other wise I would have some great photos of me and her husband cumming on her face, we/they like to have me and him cum all over her face and mouth.   I hope this blog finds who ever reads it well...




Ooooo! Ahhhhh! Ohhhhh! Applause!

Mrs. CXXC and I had a fantastic weekend past. Friday morning celebrated the end of a two week visit from a family member. The entire day was then spent in more hedonistic pursuits ending in an evening at our favorite music hall to enjoy a truly wonderful band! I must say, after being starved for each others company, we took every advantage of being together. Saturday, Mrs. CXXC enjoyed a lunch date with some Vanilla friends and a wonderful time at the spa. The highlight of the weekend, ho




When It Rains...

Suddenly, over the past few weeks, we've had more activities than we actually prefer. I'm sure we've not been this active outside of a poly relationship or weeklong vacation with playmates.   Mr. Fuse and I had sort of settled on an approach of casting many lines, because we found over time that most of the time the hooks came back empty. We'd also started taking the attitude that when we get a chance to play that we're excited about, we should take it. There had been too many times when a

The Fuse

The Fuse


Ahh the sometimes frustrations of swinging...

This past weekend the wife and I went to a very nice house party. At parties we'll split up if need be, finding people we like. I met this really nice (and hot!) woman and we talked for awhile, just general life stuff. As the conversation moved into more of the play at hand, I came to find out her and her husband are VERY new to the lifestyle. After talking a bit more, learned that they are probably not even at the level of soft-swap, and many never even go there. I was so bummed, she was s



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