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Anticipation: The Realization (or: Part 3)

If you happened to see my other two "Anticipation" blog entries, you might remember that we still had a date with couple #2 last Saturday night. Well, the date was all that we were hoping and more, especially for Mr. Fuse. In case you don't know from my other posts, Mr. Fuse is usually the one who doesn't make connections easily. In the case of this couple, his connection with her was pretty immediate. She is something of a "perfect storm" playmate. Actually, their personalities are somewh

The Fuse

The Fuse



I most recently posted my introduction, and mentioned I'm a service member doing a bit in Iraq. It was less than 24 hours and several of you responded with kind encouragement and support. I would simply like to express my gratitude for such kind, and quick acceptance. To those of you who were so warm and welcoming: Thank You.




getting out of the swing of things for a bit

Well....we've at best been lackadasical swingers for the better part of the past year and recently have decided to take an undetermined hiatus from swing activities.   Part of it was precipitated on my part by a conversation we were having one night.   In the last few years I have made no secret of the fact that I would like to have a 3/4/more-some with J and other guys involved.   So the whole point of bringing it up was to try to see if/when we could set up at the very least a MFM at some





Our schedule just really sucks!   Ted's home this weekend and both of us are in the playing mood...but, wouldn't you know it...NOTHING is going on this weekend.   I've checked every group we're members of that hold regular house parties and nothing...next weekend is packed full of parties, which does us no damn good as he won't be home next weekend. I even contacted our regular play buddy and he's out of the damn country so no luck there.   I wish there was a club close by but unfortunat




Anticipation: The Followup

So we had two very good dates on Saturday and on Monday. One has already had some fallout though... if we're being optimists we call these "growing pains" or "learning experiences".   Saturday was great... turns out it was greater for me than for Mr. Fuse. It was one of those times when there is an imbalance between how well the guy and I get on, and how well Mr. Fuse and the lady get on. We've had those imbalances in both directions, as I'm sure most couples can attest happens pretty freque

The Fuse

The Fuse


Momentum - or it's not quite like riding a bike

Talking to Spoo and another old face around here that has bee popping up again about the concept of taking a break and then returning to swinging has brought forward some realizations for us.   We took a break, not even a long one, just about 6 months last year while I was sick. Prior the break we have worked up this momentum. It had taken a while but we were finally getting to a point where we felt totally comfortable at one club and comfortable enough going to new places that we could not f





Mr. Fuse and I have plans to meet not one, but two, potentially great couples over the next few days. I've got my fingers crossed; bring on the jokes.   The first couple we meet tomorrow night (Saturday). This is one of those rare and welcome occasions when a couple made first contact with us and we are interested. They are not really a couple; they're two singles who've been dating for about a month. He has previous experience as a single male, and she is very eager to explore the things t

The Fuse

The Fuse


Funny at grocery store

During a recent grocery store trip, I picked up a box of condoms to be prepared for our recent house party & weekend overnight guests.   The cashier placed the condoms in with the bag containing the eggs. I looked at my wife and she was trying not to laugh, but I tossed out.."I guess those eggs are protected now". The cashier said she was afraid to say anything, but was able to laugh after my statement.




Weekend of firsts...

This past weekend was quite a weekend of firsts for us:   -First time we hosted at our house -First time we had play partners spend the night (in the guest room) -First house party we hosted   We had met an out of state couple a few months ago, through mutual friends, and really clicked well. They live 5-6 hours away so we were discussing a time we could get together again. Since our daughter (who lives at home) was away this past weekend, we invited the couple down to spend the weekend (F




Missed opportunities

Mr. Fuse and I are home recovering from a cold. We were supposed to be doing something vanilla all weekend, but canceled that due to just feeling wiped and not wanting to get anyone else sick. We have been hiding out at home. Mr. Fuse figured out how to play Netflix "Play Now" movies on our TV, and we've been OD'ing on movies. Gotta love modern technology.   Of course, since we weren't making any plans, we had multiple opportunities to go out and have a good time. One was a house party org

The Fuse

The Fuse


This is going to be interesting...

Dave and I are meeting up with two friends tomorrow night. Neither are not married, but occasionally play as a couple. He is J and she is L. They also play apart. The last time we got together with these two was about a year ago, but there was also another married couple there.   We played a little strip pool, and J went to one room with the other married woman, Dave and the L were "getting along" on the couch near the pool table and the other married guy and I went upstairs. This was a




Great time at Entre Nous in D.C.

... or, "Some Nights You Feel Like a Nut, Some Nights You Don't".   Mr. Fuse and I live in southeastern Virginia. We had a reason to be a couple of hours closer to D.C. on Saturday, and a reason to be in Baltimore on Sunday afternoon. So we decided to go to Entre Nous in D.C. on Saturday night.   EN is a swinger's club that seems to have a traveling home -- their weekly events have changed venues a couple of times recently. In March, we went to one of their events at a club called Liv, wi

The Fuse

The Fuse


Purple Potatos, Condoms and the 1st MFM

There is so much to be said for anticipation. One feels the excitement, longing, desire and pure adrenaline surging through their body from the moment the idea is decided upon. Both Mrs. CXXC and I are no exceptions to this rule! In fact, I believe we personify it. And so begins the tale of this last week.   As you may well know, Mrs. CXXC and I play solo on occasion. It adds an extra level of excitement to our lifestyle experience. This past week, while out with Vanilla friends, Mrs. CXX




Alura interlude

It was on Swingers Board where Mr. and Mrs. Alura came into our lives, and in Tulsa, Nashville, and here in MS where their company favored and nourished us. It still does.   As many who might read this know, their paths are separated now, after her death in late winter. He, and many who knew her, look to memories and to her writings and other creations, and their sons, to retain her magic.   Over to Al now... I just sampled recent (and a few ealier) Alura posts and, once agai

clit pro poet

clit pro poet


Small World

We were at a huge house party last night and a couple struck up a conversation with us. We had met they very very briefly before months ago but never really talked. We were chatting about where we went to school and the guy half was talking about some pranks in the engineering department (yes nerdy stuff, but I like nerdy stuff, lol). He mentioned a school mates name that snapped me back about 30 years ago. I thought for a bit assembling fuzzy memories. So we found out that we both (my wif




And the MORON of the Year Award goes to.....

So, as generally happens when one drives a vehicle as much as I do, (137,000 in 3 years) tires need to be replaced. This particular Friday, I was pressed for time, but needed to get my rear tires replaced ASAP. My weekend in Baltimore depended upon them.   Now, I knew better than to take my trusty vehicle to Wally World. Sure, they have the same tires everyone else carries. Yes, they sell them a tad cheaper than other places. Why the hesitation? Well, to be blunt, I swear Wal-mart hires p




Rub-a-dub, three maids in a tub . . .

Hey! Rub-a-dub, ho! rub-a-dub, three maids in a tub, And who do you think were there? The butcher, the baker, the candlestick-maker, And all of them gone to the fair.   Mother Goose's Quarto or Melodies Complete, published in Boston, Mass., 1825   JoAnn has said many times that I fail to relax in a social situation because I make orgasm my primary goal for the evening. Friday evening's fun has proved the correctness of her advice.   It was cold at the mountain-top home to which we had be




11 years later... (Well, technically about 20)

11 years ago today Mr NC and I married. We dated in high school almost 20 years ago, but I guess we had to "sow our oats" or "spread our wings" before we were smart enough to realize we were meant to be...   So what has 11 years of marriage done for us, personally, and for our relationship?   Wow. About a year ago we were in the typical marriage "rut". Not a bad thing, by any means, but with 3 kids and jobs and all the other things we do, our relationship was typically on the back burner wh




Another Friday night alone...

I sit here after a glass (actually two) of Tequila and miss my baby! (Now, I must tell you that a glass of Tequila is equal to about three shots, so if you see any typos in is post, you'll know why).   Not that it's been a bad Friday night.   I went to dinner with friends tonight, always an enjoyable time...but, it doesn't compare to a night with my sweetie.   Life sucks sometimes...when the one you love is miles away and it's still days until you will be reunited...(Oh hell, Journey's "Op




Masturbation is Dangerous!

So Saturday I was dead tired, I hadn't slept well the night before and we had plans to go out that night and host a group dinner. I needed a nap. So I headed to the bedroom to lay down, then I thought "well maybe a hot bath will help me relax". So I got in the bathtub. One thing led to another and I was horny so I started playing with myself. Next thing I know I'm going pretty hard but I realize that in doing so I'm bouncing the top part of my body around pretty hard (including my neck/head




Things that make you go HA HA HA HA HA!

How do you fuck a clown? I have always wondered how one could actually have sex with someone in a clown suit. Grab hold of those big floppy shoes and go to town? This is not really the point to this blog. But I am curious!   HUMOR!! It is necessary and should be included in virtually every aspect of life! Humor during sex, I have found is more common than not. To a point, humor has enabled many of us to move past the awkward beginning stages of play. We laugh, we loosen up. We move clo




Friends with......

When Mrs. CXXC and I began planning our adventure into the lifestyle, our notions of our involvement with others were limited in scope and depth. We discussed our activities with others with a concentration upon the physical aspect of the lifestyle. Certainly, sex would be the core principal to which we would be drawn. The passion and excitement of sharing our bodies with others became a focal point in our discussions. We openly discussed our fantasies with one another. In our exchanges, we




Our bedroom...

There's been a couple of incidents occur which has made me come to the conclusion our bedroom is rather unusual and they've made me smile and giggle with delight.   Few people have ever seen mine and Ted's bedroom since I finally finished the remodeling in it. The kids have been allowed at the door, just to peek in to see the paint treatment and only a handful of friends have been given the full tour. Our bedroom is our retreat and we don't share it lightly.   The incidents I'm referring t



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