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How Much???

In today’s present economy, we tend to consider purchases and personal cash outlay quite often. As most of you know, I am a little on the frugal side. I don’t like to burn my money on anything. In fact, I will do everything I can to save a buck or two. As the consummate DIY’er, I pride myself at just how much I have saved in the past. This brings me to the reason for this blog.   Every month or so, Mrs. CXXC and I receive a catalogue from Adam and Eve. As we generally order something fro




The party was a great success.

We have learned that hosting a house party costs not much more than a Saturday evening at a swinger's club. Economy does not mean we need to compromise on the table we set for our guests.   We are now feeling better about our engagement in The Lifestyle than we ever have. We enjoyed the company of eleven other couples, all people of our acquaintance but not all with whom we have played, previous play not being required for receiving an invitation. The preparations for the party were simple




Last minute plans

Ok, we started it so we are just as much at fault. We messaged a couple on Wed or Thur to ask if they had plans for tonight and wanted to get together.   TODAY! We finally get a reply back from them, "Saturday? We're on". No set plans for when or where were suggested in our original message, nor by them.   So we replied back with "how bout xzy place at 8pm. Our numbers are.....". Pet had sent the message and thought that implied that they should get back to us one way or the other. I sugg




Courtship dances!

We're setting here on the deck having wine and a cocktails, watching the ducks on our pond courting the females. The drakes are totally showing off and in full display for the hen. What a wonderful time of year. so many animals, birds etc having sex. It's only right people should be having sex as well.   Over the weekend we had a group of men in for outdoor fun, hunting fishing just getting away. I watched them flirt and seduce my wife much like the ducks on our pond. They all tried to




I'm so lucky!

This posting may seem a little too sweet for some. It may appear like I am bragging. To others, it may be taken at its face value.   I posted a few comments on a topic questioning how we rate our relationships. My answers drew some nice comments and made me feel the necessity to explain a few things about me and my deep love for Mrs. CXXC.   People often stare at me in disbelief when I tell them how I feel toward my wife. Most find it impossible to believe any man could hold such reveren




Adventures in .....

We've been wanting to check out the Xchanges group in Knoxville for quite a while, but it seems like every time we've tried to something has happened that's kept us from going.   This week we saw that they had an event coming up and again (as in prior times) the signup list on SLS looked awesome. Around 100 couples signed up with a large majority actually in our age range and attractive (to boot). We aren't closed to older couples but we really would like to meet some couples in our age range




Society Wins the Day, AGAIN!

Morality is nothing more than a popularity contest. The majority rules! However WRONG, the popular view is that societal standards must be "Right!” Common sense has gone the way of the Do-Do. Individuality and self accountability suffer as the masses force their morality upon ANYONE who would think or do otherwise. It matters not that 53% of married couples will have an affair. It has little weight that EVERYONE looks at another and thinks of sexual pleasures. No one wants to hear the trut




What to Wear? What to Wear?

Like so many others in the lifestyle, Mrs. CXXC has a section in her closet expressly for events and activities within the lifestyle. This section may be fairly large but due to the nature and makeup of the material, it takes up a VERY small portion of her closet. Our philosophy on the “lifestyle wear” is, if you cant pull it through my wedding ring, it is too much fabric! The only items in her “lifestyle wear” of any true substance would be her shoes.   My section of lifestyle wear, unfortu




Time off so soon...

We have had such a good time since we entered the lifestyle last Augus. And even though we definitely still consider ourselves "Newbies", we have come so far! The communication between us, the openness, it has just been amazing!!!   And then life just sometimes gets in the way. I had to have an outpatient surgery last week, nothing major, but it does involve a biopsy that we won't have results on for a couple of weeks, so we're already taking a break, just as we were really getting started!




Fitting Swinging into one's life

Now, this is in now way a complaint, just a commentary on where we happen to be in this swinging adventure.   Over the past decade I (the guy) half was pretty busy: played in a band a few times a month; worked on a masters degree; dealing with kids activities through middle and high school. Well, the band is in semi-retirement; school is done; kids are older. Through this time, we really didn't do a lot on weekends as far as going out, parties, etc.   Now we are on the other end of the spec




What happened to the Humor?

We all do it from time to time. Say something off the cuff that we think is funny and it either goes straight over the intendeds head or they take offense. Well, as anyone can tell you, I am a situational humorist. Given any moment, I will rifle off a one liner pertaining to the situation.   This is not always the best thing to do in certain places.   While shopping at an adult toy store with Mrs. CXXC, a young lady walks up to us and asks if she can be of assistance.   I chime in with,




Clubs Competition

I may have blogged about this before, but it's really getting under my skin (especially after tonight's debacle).   Ok, so in our local area (within an hour) we have 2 (really 3 but I just can't count the one that shows 8 signups on SLS and 2-3 of them are the same host with different usernames). Then 2 hours south in Birmingham we have 3 socials... and of course the same distance north in Nashville we have actual on-premise clubs.   The hosts of one of the Birmingham clubs was coming up here




I shaved my legs for THIS?

So for the second time we went to a social and didn't actually go in.   Some background: The local socials have been hit or miss at best.... and by "local" - I mean this place is close enough we typically drive home at the end of the night (or whenever we leave) but it's still about 45 minutes to an hour drive. We had gone to several at this location over the last year and really I can't say that any of them were a success for us. The turnout is usually low, and of what is there most aren't




My husband never ceases to amaze me

I've grown accustomed to the word "slut" being a sort of compliment in the lifestyle. I can be easy. I admit it. What's the virtue in being difficult, after all? Never liked the word "whore" though. Always deemed it a nasty insult to be likened to a prostitute.   Hubby and I have slowed down a bit in the lifestyle lately - focusing more on each other, the kids, the house. This week, while focusing on each other, me on top:D, he looked up into my eyes and said, "You're my whore. You may




What's on tonights menu?

Life has been a bit hectic for us lately but...thankfully it seems to be calming down enough that we can start having some fun again.   We had plans to meet up with our favorite fuck buddy tonight. He's leaving to work out of country for a while and it was going to be the last chance we had to see him for a few months. Unfortunately, his schedule changed and instead of leaving on Sunday he had to leave today, which means our play date for tonight was canceled   However, on Thursday night a f




DIY and Sex

The title may mislead you. I’m not talking about masturbation. I am talking about my DIY (Do-It-Yourself) projects and their direct correlation to sex.   Mrs. CXXC and I have been in our Savannah home for just under one year. In this amount of time, we have furnished our home for comfort. Mrs. CXXC is one of those ladies who enjoys being comfortable at all times and will do whatever she can to be so. I, being her enabler, will happily assist in this whenever possible.   As I was running d




What's in a Name?

When I lived in New England, I was once told that there are two people who worked the hardest in the world. The first “Hardest worker” was the individual who built all those stone walls that separated farmsteads. These walls are EVERYWHERE! The second individual was the one who came up with all the names for the roads. Case in point; Singing Eagle on a Branch Rd. Try that for a mailing address! I would like to add one more to this list. I would like to nominate the people who try to come u




Scheduling, Scheduling...

Sitting here conflicted. Last week we accepted an invitation to a vanilla party for the weekend, from a woman I know from being involved in various group fitness activities (running, biking, etc). Then last night received an invitation to a house party from a couple we've meet a few times. (They are attending the house party, not hosting). If we were free on Saturday we would eagerly accept the house party invite.   So now I'm conflicted, do I beg off the vanilla party and head for the house




Six weeks and counting

I read once that it takes six weeks to truly break any habit. If that's the case, then we're good to go - six weeks ago today we both gave up cigarettes.   Both of us had less than a pack a day habit, so could have been worse, but highly addicted nonetheless. We had quit before, for her when she was pregnant, for him less than a month one time after suffering through a nasty respiratory infection. Interspersed over the years were dozens of half-hearted attempts that usually lasted a matter




Perusing facebook....

I read that my son registered for college.   My first thought was not how much I was going to miss him, but that now we can host. We'll be empty nesters and we can finally host!   How twisted is that?




How swinging like the unitarian Universalism church?

A friend of mine mentioned this online quiz you could take that would tell you what religion your beliefs best fit in. It's at beliefnet.com if you are curious. I took it and it the most fitting for my beliefs was Unitarian Universalism. I had to laugh as I read the beliefs for this religion as they are all over map and it basically comes across as if you can believe pretty much whatever you want if you are in this religion... BUT, certain sects/churches within the religion may have more set bel




Great Weekend

Just a quick note...the weekend is good. I hope you all are having a great weekend.   At Tech and Kitten's house. Many people here. Mostly friends of their children. They are all great kids and I enjoy the conversations I have with them. Kids that like to have their fun, yes, but kids with plans for their lives and they are going about reaching those goals.   They all accept us and there is nothing like getting to live openly as a quad. We never had much of a problem with keeping our swinging




Circling the Drain

It is a blessing to have a family that you love and enjoy. It is an even greater blessing when they visit. However, in the words of Benjamin Franklin, "Fish and friends (Family for this instance) smell after three days!"   When we moved form NC to Savannah GA, we thought we would rarely ever see our family members. We were the ones who would normally travel to see them. Our visits occured once a month or so.   We moved to Savannah a little under a year ago. In that time, our families ha



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