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Operation go be fat somewhere else....

Ok, since my first 'blog' about being fat I've actually gained a few pounds. Worse we were videotaping something (no not that kind of something) where I was just in a pair of cargo shorts and its official I've crossed the Rubicon into what I'd call unattractive.   So now I'm in 'do something about it mode' which in this case means 'eat less'.   To keep my honest I'll keep this updated every week.   Current weight - 223 lbs. Goal - 210 lbs.




Non-Vanilla Happenings From Working Parent Swingers...Post #1

Coordinating between our vanilla and swinger lives is a constant challenge. So many sexy couples out there, so little time. We finally got a sitter for Saturday night, but unfortunately couldn't coordinate with ANY of the couples we had been corresponding with. We decided to try out Tabu for the first time and had a great time!   My beautiful bride and I spend most of the time with each other on the dance floor. A bad habit for us as swingers is that we tend to get so into each other we rarely




Is good to be back!

For a little while there I was wondering if we were ever going to get "back in the swing of things". After all the slowdowns last year, we did have one good experience late last year and then I don't know what happened. It seemed like it was 3 steps back for every one forward after that. He was having social issues (as he's posted about) and I was trying to pull back to make sure I didn't try to leave him behind and it was really just leaving us both frustrated. On top of that I think I've h




Home invasion!

Mrs. CXXC and I will be taking a vacation in a few weeks. While we are away, family members will be coming to Savannah and staying in our home for our time away providing them with a rather inexpensive vacation for themselves. To this, I can only say, "MUST BE NICE!" However, the facts that they get to stay in a tourist location for free, drink my booze, eat my food, sleep in my bed etc... are not the main issues. The main issue is securing the home from Vanilla prying eyes.   When the visi




Reminiscing ....

Dave and I were sitting in the hot tub last night talking about our three years swinging. We talked of our million rules that we started out with and now they're gone, thankfully. We decided how foolish the no kissing rule really was. We joked how insecure I was when we started that I'm surprised that I let Dave touch another woman. How scared I was to let him explore his desires because he might find someone better. It seems all so silly now. The first time we played with a couple, those




Kids asking where we are going...

Our 20 year old daughter lives at home and since we been swinging (last fall) we've been going out quite a bit, which she finds odd! We never really went out like this before. She's always asking where are we going, etc.   Last night I sent her a text message that dinner was in the fridge (she was at work) and that we were going out. We were going to a M&G at swing takeover at a local Gay & Lesbian club. She replied, where are ya going? I just send a quick Going drinkin' back.   S




Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow!

I can't help myself! I just keep adding blogs! ACK!   One of the first things people will notice about a man is the way he keeps his hair. Most men are fairly lazy and stick with the same style for most of their lives.   Jells, sprays and various hair products are being marketed to men as much as women. My grandfather would be rolling in his grave if he saw my nephew using hair jell to shape his new style.   In my teens, I was forced to keep a modest hair style due to the school I atte




Something VERY Special!

I know! I know! I said I would keep my blogs to two a week. Well, I can't help it if my mind thinks of these things and I am forced to write them down!   I was lying in bed last night thinking about our weekend plans. We have a really great couple in our little circle of friends. (They are actually all GREAT) We have come to truly enjoy spending our time and energies with them. Our plans are to do some sight seeing, dinner, drinks, music and naturally, sex. The beauty of having such gre




location, location, location

Our house in Savannah is the first one we have owned that did not have some form of garage, carriage house, storage shed or out building with which to keep my ever growing tool collection. As we looked at the house before making our bid, I did notice that there had been a shed at one time. Someone had torn it down, however. Seeing a pre-poured slab of concrete, my mind immediately knew where the tool shed would be built. Or, so I thought.   We did not have the luxury of moving in slowly. T




A little last minute don't you think?

So last night we were at a friend's house hanging out and at about 9pm I get a text from a (swinger) couple that we know. We've played with them once and seen them a couple of times. They ask what we are up to and I respond back that we are playing poker and asked if we'd still see them Saturday at the social. They reply that they decided to go to a different one (out of the area) and ask what we are doing after the game. My response is that we are probably heading home as it will be pretty la




A salute to landscaping!

Like most men in this great nation of ours, I have a love/hate relationship with my yard. I love the way it looks toward the end of the spring after all the hours spent in hard labor. I simply hate logging all the long hours laboring at it.   Each year, at this time, most men and women across the country begin to visualize new projects, gardening ideas, additions, subtractions, and various changes for the yard. Seeds or plants are purchased. Rakes and shovels are dusted and prepared for dut




Good Times

Just wanted to share something good.   Between the shift work Gator works and the second job Kitten has, it has been even more difficult than normal to see each other. Quad time has been scare and dyad time with boyfriends and girlfriends almost non existent. After much discussion initiated by me, I discovered we were all feeling the loss and felt disconnected. Therefore, date nights were set.   Gator and Kitten went on a date Thursday night since they were both off work. A big break through




Oops! I did it again!

I was looking at the list of current blogs earlier today and noticed that I have been filling the bin. Yes, I am being green by using only recycled electrons, but fear my habit may be getting out of hand.   There is, after all, only so much the reader will tolerate. Truly, how much do you want to know about the life and lifestyle of Mr. and Mrs. CXXC?   The humorous anecdotes and lifestyle ruminations are, to some, a treat, but my ability to spin yarn after yarn may get the best of me by lea




Hot tub installation Part 2

NOT EVERYONE is a morning person! Well, the gent who let me borrow his trailer is one of those. NO ONE should be that chipper at 08:00. To make matters worse, he and his 4 friends had just come from the gym and were all hopping about like the frogs that we dispatched the day before! UGH!   “Wow! That’s a big tub!”, My helper exclaimed!   “Can the 6 of us move it to the back yard?” I ask.   “SURE!” They all agree.   It was almost sureal. These 5 muscular men hefted the tub like it was n




Hot tub installaion part 3

Sorry for the length of this tale. I have tried to make it as short as possible. This is the last part.   As night fell upon Savannah, the stars were out in force. Mrs. CXXC and I could enjoy gazing at them in our new hot tub. I would brag to her just how much I saved and just how much effort I had put inot it. We ate our steaks, drank our drinks. I wanted to check the temp so went to the tub, lifted the lid, saw that it was 85 degrees and felt such accomplishment. I pushed the buttons t




Hot tub installation Part 1

Ok! Here is the Hot tub story. I hope you will find it as amusing as I found it......well....you will see. Due to character limitations, I will be forced to break the tale into parts. Sorry!   Mrs. CXXC has wanted a Hot tub for quite a while. We have talked about it for years and intended to purchase one in each home we have owned. At long last, we decide that the home in Savannah will get one. WOOO HOOOO!!!!   First question to the reader is: Have you ever been to Savannah in the summe




How to get even with the TSA!

One thing I hate more than stubbing my toe in MY OWN HOME is the TSA. This band of fools, idiots and freshly promoted mouth breathers make every vacation a test for just about everyone.   I guess after years of working at McDonalds or not working at all, the opportunity to obtain a govt. job (and eventually a retirement package) is a dream come true.   They are rude, ignorant, intolerant, and most of all getting a superiority complex akin to the prison guard/prisoner relationship.   I coul




Adonis Drooled!

Not to confuse the reader with Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged, this little tale is about the sexcapades of Mr. and Mrs. CXXC.   We ventured to a club party and met a couple who Mrs. CXXC found to be quite delicious! Visually, they were perfect 10's. The fact that they wanted to party with Mrs. CXXC was no surprise to me. Her desire to be with me, on the other hand was quite an honor.   Per usual, Mrs. CXXC and the lady (call her M) started things off with girl/girl play. This strapping young ma




She played the friend card and what an interesting night it was...

Saturday night Ted and I headed out to a house party that some friends of ours were giving. Due to the fact that our daughter was home from college this past weekend, I had told them we wouldn't be able to make it, we needed and wanted to see the kid since we rarely get to see her.   Well, the night before the party I got an off-line message...I need you, there's over 30 couples/singles signed up for the party and I need my door greeter. NO you just didn't...was my reply....you played the fr




Did they just.......?

Last August, Mrs. CXXC and I spent our vacation with a couple whom we met at a lifestyle resort just months prior. TO say that this couple is fantastic is an understatement akin to Noah saying, "It looks like rain!".   T is one of the most open, intelligent, passionate and fun loving men you will ever meet. He captured Mrs. CXXC's eye (among other body parts) the moment we met him.   K could be Mrs. CXXC's twin in virtually every way, Sexy, dynamic, adventurous, fun and very intelligent. Th




Mr. CXXC, Repair man at large! Part 2

Lights on! I can see now! Wow! This place is filthy! 50+ years of dust, dirt and stuff. Now wonder I was so covered when I got out. Ok. Crawling to the spot was fairly simple. I had to toss the tools ahead, so that slowed me down a bit. I get there and realize that I am going to have to do this work on my back. I grab the saws-all, fit the blade and immediately realize that the pipe is in such a place that prevents me from using the saws-all. ACK!!!!!! I have to crawl back out, get m




Mr. CXXC, Repair man at large! Part One

First, I would like to apologize in advance for the length of this little tale. The events that take place will give you a better understanding of WHY I don’t fix certain things Now, I am a pretty handy guy when it comes to building things and fixing stuff around the house. I have a sound knowledge of auto motives and a general working knowledge of carpentry. All in all, I think I am pretty good when it comes to most home improvements. As our home was built in the 50's these talents come in



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