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Fingers, the other penis.

I have noticed that one activity that goes fairly unchecked is fingering. As a great part of foreplay, most people forget or just don't care about the health risks associated with the practice. Mrs. CXXC is even numb to the thought.   We were at a LS resort back in June. One afternoon, the hot tub was filled to capacity (and then some) with people engaged in virtually every sexual activity under the sun. I had noticed one group of people, in particular, who were just having the time of th




I Know Something You Don't Know!

Mrs. CXXC and I have only been in the lifestyle a short time (1.5 years). Within this period, we have come to discover so many wonderful things about each other and our relationship. The most amazing discoveries are ones that have absolutely nothing to do with sex.   We look at life with a different set of eyes now. Where we would normally see some fun and a different situation, we now come face to face with great joy and adventures in every day life.   Something about the lifestyle has cha




I cook, you clean!

Is it me, or does it seem like one person in the couple generally does most of the cooking? Mrs. CXXC and I work the most unusual schedules. Our time together is limited and most times, RARE! The time that we do get to spend together, we cherish and make the very most of. Now, when I am not traveling the globe for work, I work from my home office. This helps in making sure we see each other in more than just passing. As I do work from my home office at least 2 weeks out of each month, I ma




A little sad today....

Our second daughter moved out again, today. She graduated from college in December, moved back in and has been furiously looking for a job ever since. I've loved having her back.   Well, she found one eight hours away with the Fish & Game. She's much closer to her boyfriend though and that's good for her. In all reality, not that far away that we can't go visit once in a while.   Aaaaaah... to be a mom...




Sometimes a small party is a good thing

Friday night we went to Menages for the first time in several months. We've been on Fridays a few times and typically they are much quieter than Saturday nights, but we always seem to have a good time, if not a better time with the smaller crowd.   Friday night was their "lock & key" party, so when we got there we were hoping to hear about that, but no one said anything. We sat down at a table and there were maybe 10 couples in the place. The music wasn't really appealing to us so finall




The "Bi" Debate

My wife and I have done a great deal of research on the topic of "Bi"-sexuality. We have come up with some interesting information in our quest. However, we have come up with, just as many, questions after discovering our findings.   First, we must remember that regarding the lifestyle, the majority of people are concerned with the physical side of being "Bi". In all of our reading on the blogs, forums and profiles, we have yet to discover the topic of "Emotional Bi-sexuality". Thereby




Went to dinner again last night....

First written 1-08   This couple from above contacted us and we decided to go ahead and have dinner with them again to see if things had changed. I still think the first time, he was so nervous that he just couldn't quite get over that hump of just relaxing and letting the conversation take place.   It was different last night. He was calm, and his wife was apologetic of the last time we ate dinner. I still can't believe it was over a year ago.   I can't believe my fuck-ups though.




Why is being picky such a bad thing?

I was going to post this in the forums, but as I typed I realized it became much more of a rant... stream of consciousness thing... than would really make sense as a forum post.... so I'm posting it here.     I read and when I read questions pop into my mind. Lately, I've been reading some various books on swinging (see the "Book Reviews") and it never ceases to amaze me some of the things that people write...   Many of those things are what inspire the threads I post in the forums. I read




Play date

Well, still trying to post on my blog more frequently, not having much luck...   I did get together this past Monday with my friends "married couple" for a play date...We had a good time, it is always fun. My friend shaved her, his wife's pussy nice and high, love to see her pussy lips wrapped around cock... Gave her a good cum shot over her face... We did not take any photos or video this time...




Life Wisdom

This is something I came across online about a year ago. It struck a chord with me and I thought I'd share it here with all of you. It was posted in a forum asking for advice about a certain life situation.  




Deep Throat - The Real Thing - Real Deep

Deep throated for the 1st and 2nd time, I'm writing to share the awesome mind blowing experience with you. In particular, I'm writing for those of you who have never done this before. I'll tell you about the 1st time, which was wonderful, and then, hold on, read further, I'll tell you about the 2nd time, which blew my mind.   A little background. We've been married 40 years. We have sex less often, but it seems that when we do have sex we think that it's better that ever. Sonja is adventuresome




The emotional side of swinging.

No I don't mean getting attached to a swing partner or dealing with marital issues. I mean the emotional outlay one needs to maintain and/or go through in this lifestyle. There is the euphoria of meeting a couple, having social fun and if things go well, playtime fun. There is the fun of being in a sex charged atmosphere at a local club or M&G. But there is also, the exhaustion from staying out all might; I can't come up with a better word, but the let down when you realize your fun week




Too many choices....

I had posted before about how two of the clubs in B'ham were now scheduling their events on the same dates (including V-day). Today I found out that ALL 3 of the clubs in the city are having an event on Valentines Day. We were already a bit torn, and the initial thought is to go to the one that has the most signed up on SLS. Then the thought occurs to skip out of that area altogether and go somewhere else. There's a huge party in Knoxville that looks really appetizing... and of course, there





This has nothing to do with swinging, just friendship in general.   We've had some vanilla friends that we had been getting together with on a semi regular basis at our house over the last year or so. We'd alternate providing dinner and then we'd play some sort of board game. There were rarely ever more than 6 of us that showed up, 2 couples (including us) and 3 singles that alternated and in the case of 2 of them rarely showed up. So it worked out to where we typically provided the food mor




Why do I think I can help?

You may have noticed I've had more time to be online the last week. Swingersboard is one of two places I visit when I get time. The other being a poly board I belong to. If I have more time after visiting these two places I go onto see how things are going at a few more. One is a blog site and I'm there infrequently enough that I'm not really comfortable with navigating there.   I visited there last night and answered a post because it was just too close to something I had been through not too




Sick for a planned event

Ugh, we're going to a big Mardi Gras hotel take over party this weekend and I think I'm coming down with a cold. Plus wife is worried it will be her time of the month. This is our first event of this type, and I'm really bummed. We'll still have fun and meet the people we've talked to online, but being sick and potential for wife to be broken is just the pits. Swinging vacations takes things to a different level from that aspect. Makes we wonder how couples plan for big lifestyle vacations




Ever wonder if swinging is worth the effort?

We're having one of those weeks where we're wondering if all the effort we put into swinging is worth it. It just seems like lately people are so busy they don't have time to get out and do anything for an hour or two, let alone spend an evening out. We're also finding that most couples we meet are in a different place in their lives than us. We have 1 child, in college and relatively independent. Most couples we meet have younger children and childcare is a big issue for them. We've consid




Our first party!

We had our very 1st party. The party itself was awesome. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and my girlfriend and I sure did. I enjoyed watching her and she enjoyed watching me. The only complaint I had about the party was that we were expecting more people to show up:angry: We were expecting 7 couples to attend. 3 showed, 2 canceled and 2 just never responded. Mind you...I didn't email any of these couples. Except for the people who attended. The couples who showed up were our friends, which m




Age & Performance

I was going to post in the forum, but there are so many postings regarding sexual performance/issues and it's not really a question any.   We're a bit new to the lifestyle (3 months) and have played with 6 couples. About 1/2 of the couples we have meet several times, and enjoy their company and all except for 1 of the 6 have been in our age range (late 40s/early 50s). Some of our experiences have resulted in the male half of the other couple not being able to perform to the point of penetrati




Is he coming around?

Gator's and my youngest child has always had a major problem with our relationship with Tech and Kitten. Has tried in several ways to get us to end it.   This Saturday he is going to a festival with the four of us. He told his dad that it would be like a quintuplet date. Gator and I, Tech and Kitten, Gator and Kitten, Tech and I, son and his girlfriend. I can't tell you how amazed I was to hear he said this.   Some rough events for our son happened at the beginning of the week that made him s




When Clubs Collide....

So up until this month we had two clubs down in B'ham that held their socials at the same hotel (on different weekends). From what we saw it seemed to work well and they both got basically the same good turnout. Now starting in February one of them is moving to a new location. Nothing wrong with that as it sounds like it will be a better location. The odd part is that they are now holding their socials on exactly the same nights (as far as I can tell from looking at the schedules), which I f




Well shit....

I promised myself I wouldn't blog, but I realized that my post was going to really be a blog.     I hate blogging in general, call me old fashioned, but what the hell, it is what it is.   Sooooo, here is the post... er blog.   This is my annual whine thread about exercise, pay it no heed.   Ok lets face it, most of us are more out of shape then we would like to be.   I am no exception, and I've managed to gain weight since this summer, and my intent this summer was to lose about 5-10 mo




We bat about 100%

Dave and I went to dinner last night with a couple we met at a M&G last weekend. We liked them then and we still like them.   I asked him if we were just weird or what because what I read on the SB, most couples can't find another couple they feel compatible with while we find every couple that we have dinner with or talk with compatible. I don't know if we're just too easy going, or if we're just that charming. It's after we have sex that I can complain about something.   I'm sur



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