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First blog

Hey all, well, I must admit, I am not one to blog, I can post a message here and there but blogging has not become a part of my routine. I will try to get into the habit.   I am contemplating going to a party this weekend in the Denver area, I do have a friend that will be in town that I have not seen in a long time I feel I should visit with him. He is in the "vanila" world, so I could not ask him to come to the party.   My friends that I play with will be out of town this weekend heading o




110% Turnout

So last night we hosted another local group dinner. As has become the norm, up until the day before the event we had maybe 3 couples signed up. Then the day before we were up to 7 (plus one that wasn't on the list). By Saturday morning it was at 9 (still plus one... plus 2 of the couples were possibly bringing another couple).   As the day wore on we got one cancellation by email, so that put our list down to 8 couples signed up on Swing Lifestyle plus for sure 1 other couple that we knew wa




Common Denominator

As an engineer, I enjoy the occasional thread about what makes swingers different from the general population. Of course I've pondered that myself,, many times.   Swinging is a behavior and behaviors are the result of causes or needs. Logic dictates there is a common denominator among swinging married couples. And yet, we collectively shoot big gaping holes in every theory I've seen proposed here (why do I suspect mine will be any different). Our evidence is mostly anecdotal, but generally, we




Bisexual Paradox in Swinging: Bi-Bi if You're Bi

It was in the spring of 2002 when we first made the decision to join "the lifestyle" while we were talking one night over dinner. Both my wife and I had come to this decision separately after joking about swinging and its more idealistic cousin, polyamory, for years. We were and still are very comfortable with our bodies, our sexuality and our relationship and we felt that it would be fun and stimulating to extend our relationship outside of marriage.   One of my biggest surprises when we start




Underwear that's Fun to Wear (a.k.a. T.M.I.)

OK, so I don't have any muscles, and I've only been to California once, but I just can't get enough of the "men's lingerie" at California Muscle. This is some sexy stuff. I already have three of the Invigorator Cup style g-strings. I guess that's what you'd call them. They don't have a back, so there's no "butt floss" effect like you find with most stringy thongs. Not that I mind the butt floss, but sometimes you just want to feel unrestricted. I love the mesh thongs they sell too. I've got a me




Ride the Pony

So I was using our bidet yesterday and...   What do you mean, "What's a bidet?" Haven't you ever seen Crocodile Dundee?   According to Wikipedia, a bidet is a "low-mounted plumbing fixture or type of sink intended for washing the external genitalia and the anus." The name, pronounced "bi-day", comes from the French word for pony which in turn comes from the French verb for "to trot." This is because one sits on a bidet in the same way one might sit astride a horse or pony.   It could also be




Ass Happiness

Damn!   I mean seriously!   Damn!   I've offered my thoughts on anal play before, mostly in a negative sense. Recently I had a more positive, albeit solitary, experience that I thought offered a nice counterpoint to my past comments.       My wife bought a toy just for me. After a disastrous attempt at prostate massage (due to short fingers) she surprised me with an njoy Pure Wand. She'd purchased an njoy Pure Plug for herself, and we'd both been impressed with the feel of stainless steel.




Do’s and Don’ts of On-line Profiles

Do: Buy a subscription at the Web site where you have your on-line profile. Swinging is not a poor-man’s sport. When people see “Free Member”, they wonder who is going to be left to pick up the tab at the restaurant or pay for the hotel room.   Do: Include at least one picture. The only people who lack the knowledge for uploading a digital picture or the funds to buying a digital camera live on a small island in Patagonia where there are no swingers.   Do: Show yourselves together in a




Acting surprised

My work involves the technical orientation of new-hire employees. These employees travel from all over north America to my district office, staying multiple nights at a local hotel. I overheard one of them at lunch time telling some people, "you'll never guess what happened to me last night." He continues, "this man and woman at the hotel lounge are telling me that they had come to town to see the football game on Sunday afternoon. So we began to talk sports and other such things. Then this g




Oh what a night !!!

I think I'm going to have to stop saying "I love having two men at once" and start saying, " I love having three men at once"   Last night we headed over to our regular play buddies house for some fun and frolic. On occasion he will invite others to join us...last night, he picked a winner.   The three of us mesh so well with our playing style that sometimes it's hard to find another single, male or female, that fits in well with us. We've always had fun with inviting another person to




How many?

There is a club around here that says they let only in a pre-set number of single males. They usually also put up a note when they are sold out for single guys (that note is usually up on wendnestey for friday nights and friday for saturday nights)   Still, there are voices that say that they don't really limit it, and last week there was a complain from a couple about the club having to many singles in   So now they put up numbers for last weekend   Friday: 46 couples, 3 females, 21 males




Body Image Update

I'm still going back and forth on the whole body image thing. One day I feel really good about myself... the next I just don't see the change and I feel crappy.   Yesterday was a crappy day. I just couldn't see the improvement and I felt bad about myself and my body image. No matter what Pet said or did, it wouldn't change.   This morning I woke up feeling better about myself. I put on a new pair of jeans (which I finally picked up from alterations yesterday) and a new top... and for the f




Getting Up to Date

We have'nt posted to our blog recently because we have been very busy preparing for our annual migration south to our winter home in Florida.   Our preparations to leave Ontario included bidding a temporary farewell to both our vanilla and swinging friends. Of course it was more fun to say au revoir to our swinging friends if you know what we mean! They got much more than the perfunctionary hug and peck on the cheek that our vanilla friends receive.   A few days before we departed our neighbo

Brian and Jo

Brian and Jo


Body Image & Weight Loss

I've discovered that since I lost 20lbs over the summer I'm having a bit of a body dislexia. Even though I'm wearing much smaller clothes and I look at the clothes and can see they are smaller not only by the number on the tag but just by looking at them, when I look at my own body in the mirror I still see it as the same size that it was before I lost weight. I think it's because it's the same shape overall and because I was seeing it the whole time I was losing weight so I don't really SEE t




I love our Fuck-buddy...

Ted and I were lying in bed this morning, just clicking around the interweb, as is our habit on most Saturday mornings and discussing if we wanted to go out and play tonight or not.   We click over to SLS and there's an e-mail from our regular play buddy. Our ensuing e-mail exchange was cracking me up...   Him: What ya'll up to tonight?   Me: Well, was just fixing to e-mail you and ask if you were horny.   Him: I'm always horny.   Me: Yes, but do you want to play tonight?   Him: Wh




The odessy fizzles.....

Well, went to the halloween party. What a waste. About 10 couples and a couple of extra guys showed up. The probable "highlight" of the evening was a strip poker game that two couples got going. Absolutely nothing else going on. Things were so exciting that, finally, the wife picked out a single guy and set up a threesome. When she told me about it, I explained to her that the guy "turned me off", and that I wasn't interested in a threesome. When she just sat there looking at me like "wha




Odessy continues

Getting into this lifestyle has been quite the awakening for us. Seems that all we talk about since our first party is sex and going to more parties. That is, when we aren't having sex. We have always had what I thought was a good sex life, but since our first party...OMG!! I think I have unleashed a monster(in a VERY GOOD way) in my wife. I am dying to see what happens at the Halloween party we are going to. If she trys half of the things she has talked about, it ought to be a very big su




Back to Life....

We are finally getting back to life after a summer full of illness. This weekend we have been in Nashville and while we initially did not plan to hit Menages while we were here, when I was packing I decided to make sure that we could if we wanted to. And come Saturday night we decided we wanted to. We both agreed we weren't going to play but just to get out and enjoy the atmosphere and work on rebuilding the social skills we had worked so hard on up until we got knocked out of the game.   Th




Our first time helping initiate another couple

The last potluck we went to (about a week and a half ago) we ran into a couple who had just joined the club at the anniversary party and remembered meeting us in the hot tub.   We got into the tub together again and were joined there by another "couple", I use the quotes here because this is the first couple we've met that are strictly playmates (he's married and his wife encourages him to go to the club with his friend). After a good soak we we all headed upstairs, but separately.   We plopp




San Francisco Bound!

We are going to be in the bay area this weekend. I believe most likely we will be at the Power Exchange. Any couples wanting to meet there or meet at bar before head to your place or Power Exchange is fine. We can not host due teenagers being in the room. Hope to hear from you couples. For a little more info on us...look up our profile on SLS...luvhotplay. P.S. The Exotic Erotic Ball is happening this weekend. Oct. 25, but we can't attend.




The diary of a swinger, from the beginning...

So, we went right on out and did it! Yup. No longer are we virgins, no longer "thinking" about swinging. Since last I blogged, much soul-searching and exploration has occurred. Some of the "naughtiest" things have transpired. And I must speak for us both here, we like it. And our boundaries are not such as we thought they were.   So here's a quick run-down of where we are in our lifestyle escapades...the good, the bad, and the fabulous.   In an earlier blog, I wrote about our decision to




Our Odessey

As I said in our introduction, my wife and I are comletely new to this lifestyle. Recently, we met (online) a very nice lady who was willing to explain things to us and answer our questions. After several e-mails, she invited us to try a club in our area. Last Saturday night, we met the lady and her husband at the club. They gave us a tour of the club, and introduced us to a very nice couple the thought we might like. The club is in a "private" home, in a quiet area. There were lots of nic



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