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It's been awhile!

We went to a Halloween party last night! Actually, it was a swinger's dance party. Let me tell you...it was a blast! It has been almost year since we have done anything in the LS, and what a way to be reintroduced. There were some great costumes and some very nice people, especially the couple we ended up playing with. I just wanted to share my thoughts. Some good memories were made last night.




My first solo flight

During my trip to Portugal last month, we decided to expand the open-ness of our marriage to let each other play on our own. Me being on a business (a very physical one at that) trip and a guy meant that I got to jerk off a few times. Amanda being at home, having access to the club and being a woman, got laid no problem.   I won't go into details, as I wasn't there and I really want Amanda to post those experiences here (however she's not so much into blogging as me) but one of her "encounters"




Our first big party

This past Saturday was our club's 30th anniversary party, and we figured what better occasion than to attend our first big weekend party!?   Plus I had just come back after 3 weeks on the road and was itching to play (Amanda had gone by herself while I was gone and I'm still trying to get her to post that experience on here).   Anyway, it was interesting to see the club so much fuller than what we're used to from wed. nights (200-300 people rather than the 30-40 during the week) I think about




Busy Girly!

Oh shoot, I've been absent for nearly 3 weeks. Which means that I've been ignoring all the messages in my inbox - which i feel terrible about...a ton of people must think i'm a jerk. but life just got away from me this month, and i had to put fun stuff on the back burner.   *sigh*   BUT ....during my "blackout" period I did get to go to a rather fun house party!!   OH HELL YES.   lets just say, when i was getting rammed for the third time that night, and suddenly turned around and realized




Changes taking place in my life

Don't really blog much here or elsewhere but just had to talk a little about what is going on in my life as of late. I am quitting my job of 12 years to stay home with my kids and am really, really quite nervous to do so as we will be loosing about half our income to do this. I know that we will be saving money in some respects but in others things will be much tighter (maybe this will help me to loose the weight i've been wanting to lol). I am excited and overjoyed to be doing this but am sc




Do I have....

"Tell me your sexual desires" tattooed across my ass?   Maybe I should be more careful about bending over while in a store Some days I meet the most interesting people.   I was in Wally-World today, trying to find a B-day gift for a family member. I was bending over looking through the movie rack when a man walks by talking on a cell phone. He taps me on the back (which was polite I suppose since it was really my ass sticking up in the air), covers the cell phone, smiled and said "Hi".




The Bread Man is vanilla no more

The party went exceptionally well last night. Just the right number of people who all got along wonderfully.   The Bread Man was a bit late showing up so the party was already in full swing by the time he made it there. He was met at the door by an almost naked ME   I took him by the hand and led him to the party room to introduce him to everyone else. Those who were sucking dick and eating pussy raised their heads enough to say "Hi", then went back to what they were doing. What a way t




Party Time and the Bread Man...

As I posted previously, tomorrow night is PARTY TIME!!   Well...the Bread Man has been wanting to come to a party so I invited him.   I had been trying all week to catch him at the little grocery store that he delivers bread to, dragging Ted with me, so he and Ted could meet...They finally met today.   Ted assured him he'd have a good time at the party and not to worry about anything. Had this been one of the bigger parties we attend, I might have thought twice about inviting him as they g




Then and Now

Last weekend we were sitting in our hot tub discussing how our swinging had changed over the 30 years since we started to swing back in the late 1970s. We thought we would share our thoughts with you.   1. Back then our swinging was basically wife-swapping. We would meet a couple for drinks or dinner, then exchange partners for sex. Now we are involved in a much larger group of couples and while we sometimes meet just one couple we usually swing with more than one couple at a time.   2. Back t

Brian and Jo

Brian and Jo


Hot Damn! It's Party Time!!!!!!!

Ted and I were out and about today messing around and stopped by some friends house. While we were sitting and talking the subject of parties came up.   I told him it had been a while since we'd been to a party and now that they were settled into their new house when were they going to give one.   He said, "Hell, let's have one this weekend".   Hot Damn!   We've been smoking up the keyboards all afternoon sending out invites. Looks like things are shaping up for a good party come Saturda




The cure...

Yes, I realize I haven't made any blogs about swinging lately...hell, you have to play to be able to talk about playing and playing for us hasn't been easy. Schedules just are not aligning but, we're working on them so, maybe soon there will be a blog about swinging.   This is about a headache cure...First, let me say Ted has told me for years that this cure works. I usually just roll my eyes at him, take my Advil and go about my business. I really had no intentions of taking him up on his o





In the past, I've always been a planner. Couldn't be without my watch and my day planner (later my PDA).   Then both my boys, a nephew and one of their friends were in a serious wreck. One that we've been told it was a miracle they survived. I saw the accident scene...it's true. Three of them eventually walked out of both hospitals that night with basically minor injuries. One did not. He very nearly died. He's had two back surgeries by a fabulous doctor and now walks around and lives a normal




Hi Everyone

We thought we would start a blog on SwingersBoard and to get things started we would like to introduce ourselves.   We are both retired middle class professionals in our sixties. We spend our summers in Ontario, Canada and our winters near Tampa, Florida. Our interests include golf, reading, classical music and current affairs. We have three children and six grandchildren.   We have been nudists for over 40 years. We have visited clothing-optional or nudist resorts in Canada, the United States

Brian and Jo

Brian and Jo


stealth sheilds deactivated!

thankfully...as predicted by the members here...the inbox is not filling quite as quickly anymore! phew!   so i've just about got all the emails from my hiatus answered. i do love that "quick reply" option! i fear at times it might sound a bit too generic....but i need to stop worrying about it.   i'm learning that I really do have an aversion to "newer" couples. at first i wanted to keep an open mind about it, but as time has gone on, i've had a lot more concerns pop up in my mind. i'm




Craigslist is 1 for 3

So a couple of weeks ago Amanda decided she wanted to suprise me after a long and tiring week of work by finding us a woman to play with in our home (or rather to play with me?!).   She went on craigslist for this, but the timing was off, or I'm not too appealing to anyone in our area who knows, either way by the time I came home that night she hadn't gotten any responses yet.   Not to be discouraged, we decided to play on cam that night (something we hadn't done in a while) and advertised for




stealth mode!

as soon as my friend finally gets on his airplane from LA to to here, i will have company...so i need to go into SLS STEALTH MODE. mwuahahaha!   this basically just means erasing my computer history and hiding the prepaid phone I bought for this stuff. It's not as intriguing as it sounds.   oh, and i should hide my new toys.   oh, and my lingerie.   hmmmm...and maybe I should turn off the prepaid phone so it doesn't ring in the closet in the middle of the night.   i'm off to do those thi




Ejection Bed!

ok, i give in!!! UNCLE UNCLE UNCLE!!   i'm dying under the crushing weight of my "TO DO" list. oh, this week is going to be bad. and then i have a friend coming in from out of town over the weekend, so i have to clean on top of everything. and erase all traces on my computer of this stuff, LOL. poor thing, he's a little too innocent, his head would explode.   Sunday I had a bowling party to go to for a photographer I know. Turns out I was the only other photographer there....the rest of




Current Top 5 LifeStyle annoyances

1) Youngster Parties There was a couple who held over 50 parties for couples in the age-range from 18-35. Due to bad blood with the owners of the original club they held this party they moved it to two other places and the attendence went down. Now they quit, and gave the rights to said party to one of the two new clubs. The original club is not setting up a similar event again, and there is fighting about them not having the right to make parties for young people. Meanwhile 3 other clubs h




Camping Party

We so often read about people's problems and concerns, I thought I'd share a fun time we had this past weekend.   It was a camping party with a group we had never been with before and at a camp ground unfamiliar to us - we really didn't know what to expect. There were about 40 couples and a few single ladies signed up for the party and we had previously met 4 of the couples and one of the ladies.   We had planned to arrive early to get a good camp site, but took a wrong turn and got a little l




The 'vanilla' world

Susan here--I'm so saddened tonight. A married 'vanilla' girlfriend of mine just told me she's having an affair with some guy. My heart is breaking for her husband.   Cheating sex is so destructive. I just don't know if I can even talk to her again. She did it just for the cheap thrill. I'm sorry, I'm just beyond words. I don;t need advice, i just had to type this somewhere.   Julie feel free to take it off if it's not the right place. I'm just wrought with sadness.




Getting Started - Finale- a Summary

Getting Started - A Summary of Tips   TIPS     We have compiled some helpful tips to help you deal with issues in the swinger lifestyle. These tips can be useful to anyone currently in the lifestyle or those looking to begin experimenting. OPEN COMMUNICATION   Open communication is necessary for success in any relationship, but is especially important in the swinging lifestyle. We only recommend swinging with couples we believe are in the lifestyle for the right reasons and are open and h




I'm not always "on"...

I realize this is swinging and when it comes right down to it, it's about sex. And I love sex! Sex loves me. I like thinking about it and talking about it.   But not constantly.   This morning I got online when I got to my office, and saw that I'd left the yahoo on overnight and had a bunch of messages. I decided to go ahead and respond. I told everyone I was just chatting while I warmed up to the idea of work. Just saying friendly hellos!   This worked with some, and we had friendly and




Getting Started - pt 10 - Melting the ICE

Getting Started - pt 10 - Melting the ICE     Ok, you have your target in your sites.... And suddenly.. You revert to a 12 year old.. playing spin the bottle..   Or the mentality of GOOFY… “ Awww,shucks, Gosh !!”   No Need to FEAR… the INFO IS HERE!!   Its completely normal to be nervous, hell, you are about to engage in activity that, while erotic and fantastic, is usually right out of the fantasies or letters written to PENTHOUSE..   Being nervous, having that tension can be fun, and shou



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