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Getting Started: The Fantasies (CONTINUED)

After the past two months of reading and answering posts from all sorts of NEWBIES, about how to get started.. I have decided to sit and write a few random thoughts down, to help in those wildest of pursuits.. This Lifestyle.. Or Swinging..   It doesn’t matter what it is about the fun that can be partaken of, adding a third, getting together with another couple, or going to a party/club and getting in a big pile of human flesh, something about all of this has stimulated the brain cells and in r




They are not joking...

... about one of the side effects of my new medicine being the loss of interrest in sex.   After weeks without any play I got together with a guy I usually enjoy playing with a lot this evening, but I just wasn't able to move it further after we got out of the cinema.   So now the question remains if things will get better once I'm getting used to the pills, or if I'm looking out to a year without any interrest in sex...




Sex in the forth dimentia

Did ya ever have one of those strange sensations when something is 'just enough out of the ordinary' to catch your attention, when the event is otherwise unremarkable?   The other night, we were making love and it felt a little better than usual - we connected better, there was energy flowing. She grabbed the remote control for the fan and changed the speed from low to high (that's not too abnormal, her thermostat is broke).   When we finished, we collapsed, gasping for air and grinning when t




We're back in the saddle again?

My husband and I have been 'out of commission' so to speak for the past 6 months.   You see, six months ago, my husband hurt his leg pretty badly. Up until that point, we were going to Oasis every weekend starting back in April 07. The later part of January 08 is when the accident occurred, and with all the added pressures and responsibilities on my shoulders, I didn't even think to call the good folk at Oasis and let them know. Bad, Liz...Bad!   Well, yesterday was our first day back and I a




A funny thing happened.....

So I was at the chiropractors office this afternoon and there's a woman in front of me signing in and she looks back at me kinda funny. I didn't think much of it, signed myself in and sat down. She was walking around looking for a magazine and kept looking over at me with this weird look on her face and finally she says "hi" and I was like "hello". And she says "I think I've seen you somewhere" and sits down. Then a couple of minutes later she passes me a piece of paper on which she has written




Vanilla+caramel+whipped cream+cherry=?

Well.....I don't really know what it all adds up to, since I only added the caramel last weekend. But, now I'm considering the wisdom of the choice/possibility of continuing to pile on a topping here and a topping there, until I get to the finishing touch of placing the cherry ever-so-carefully on top. If I do, will it all fall apart? Will it taste as good as it looks? Do I really want it?   Okay, enough with my silly metaphors. Let me me be blunt and specific.   I've known this couple fo




Interesting Weekend

We were supposed to be in Ohio this weekend, but thanks to the headaches I've been having all too much lately we decided to cancel. This left us at home with no plans, a rare thing. So after getting some things done on Friday we decided we wanted something to do Friday night so we hit SLS and started shooting out some messages to a few couples we'd either already met or wanted to meet. Just as we were giving up on any luck, we finally got a response back from a couple we had originally met a




So what are the differences....

So what I found to be handeld differently between the majority of Swingers I know in RL (mostly people from three diffrent Europen Countries) and on this board (mostly US people)   - Over here people don't care about cheating singles. We think it is their problem if they get caught doing something they should not do   - The idea of Off-Premise. While there are M&G gatherings where people can go just to meet and talk, they usually have a back room for play also.   - The Onlookers. I don't




drama drama drama....

I tend to let drama really get to me... all the more reason to avoid it like the plague. This whole thing with the local social has really gotten to me. When we first started going the host asked me to be on the planning committee to basically help give him ideas and bounce ideas and thoughts off of. Looking back, I never should have agreed to do it, especially not that early. Him putting me onthe planning committee when we'd been to maybe 2 socials (just because he knew my experience withthe li




Limitations in Relationship Growth

Most here know that I say I have two husbands. I'm wondering lately if that can be a reality or just wishful thinking.   Gator and I live together. Have for 24 years. Now, that gives plenty of opportunity for growth in a relationship as long as both parties are willing. We've been more than willing. And it can amaze me at times that, after 26 years together, we still are growing. Maybe I should think of the tree analogy someone used for a different reason. They don't stop growing at 26 years if




Honey, I love you, go have some HOT sex....

Sometimes, it seems I'm difficult to satisfy. I have to stop and realize just how lucky I really am.   Does swinging sex have a meaning? ... a value?   Well, our first several encounters had a very significant meaning in our lives. They were both "proof" that we had done our homework and were fully prepared to enjoy the fruits of adventurous wild party sex with others AND they were a "celebration" of that fact. They were strange and new, full of excitement and unknowns - we had given each othe




Agendas.... and the people who go with them.

In the last few weeks I have seen so many people out to promote their own agenda, whether it's their website or their club or whatever. Not just people posting here for that reason but in general.   This latest issue with the Nashville clubs has brought the issue into full view for me. I honestly don't know exactly what is going on in Nashville, but I do know that no club is going to cut their own wrist without having reason to do so and Menages isn't about to go off-premise and risk losing b





When Mr. O and I first met, it was lust at first sight. We'd talked and written before meeting for several weeks, so the anticipation was at its height for me. What I saw, I had to have...so much so that I gave it up on the second date (not completely like me, but not "unlike" me either). What I didn't know when we got started was that we were planting a tree. It's going to be a big tree, but it started as a seed. We planted it on our second date and watered it with too much wine. It sprou




The answer...

I started out the night in a pair of heels, stockings , a little black skirt and a red satin blouse...just to get out of the house in.   In the car, I changed into my SB t-shirt...I wore that over the skirt until I was safely inside the house.   After making the rounds, putting our stuff in a safe place I grabbed someone I knew, asked him to hold me up so I could take off the skirt....Off came the skirt and the next hour or less was spent in nothing but the SB t-shirt, stockings and heels.




Oh the Balance!

It's a delicate balance being a site host and trying to actively swing at local socials and such. On one hand I want to promote the site as much as possible and we do try to do that. On the other hand, I want to be able to share my issues here too! I know there are other members who have posted in the past that they don't share this site with anyone because they don't want to worry about someone reading about themselves and I can definately feel their pain.   We also find that a lot of peopl




The Tale of Two Couples

Ok,so last night we finally made it out to a local social that we've been meaning to get to for a year. It was a very interesting night as it turned out. It could be called "The Tale of Two Couples".   Part of the reason we were going was one couple in particular that we met a couple of weeks ago at another local social. They are new to town and quite attractive and they had let us know that they were going because we'd be there (thus at least initial interest was there on both sides)   Whe




Fun with the Dutch...

Living in one of the Euro08 Host Cities has it's advantages. 100 000 Dutch soccer fans ready for fun. (Even if you feel naked if you don't wear anything in orange) So I donned my orange bikini top, a black skirt and went out to one of the public viewing zones. Well, the fun was spoiled as the Russians keept scoring, but two of the Dutch guy where thankfully distracted enough to notice that I was starting to feel a bit cold, and they came closer in an effort to wam me They did really good as




What did Teresa wear?

We're headed off to our favorite house party tonight and my biggest concern is "What the hell am I going to wear"?   Since there is nearly a 100% chance that shortly after I get there I'll be totally naked, does it really matter what I wear to the house? Yes and no.   I kind of have a reputation of dressing hot when attending such events so...hold up my reputation or let it slide a bit tonight?   I'm thinking about doing some advertising for the Board tonight..wearing our new Swingers Boa




Fed up with searching for some play

So I tried to get my chances up to have a play date for the club at saturday. I set up and ad searching for a guy age 30 - 45, at least regular sized cock and able to peform more then 5 minutes. Please send a full body picture as well.   3 guys answerd wanting sex right now, because they can't go out on saturday 10 guys wrote who are not in the age frame by 10 years (both older and younger) Not a single guy sent a picture   Why am I still trying to hook up with somebody?!? I'm not attracte




Our first girl friend

Ok so here goes!   After years of talking about bringing others into our sex life T. came home with a young friend from work. It started with drinks and light teasing that moved into full on flirting. The conversation somehow moved to shaving and T. said that she had forgotten to touch up that morning and if she had known we were going to have company she would have. Well our little friend stated that she trimmed but had been unsure about going bald. I asked if she would like to watch




Too Many Options

This weekend we have three very different options to choose from...   Dinner with one swinger social group (that we've been to many events with) A social (that we haven't had a chance to check out but have been wanting to) The third option is that both of us are feeling like getting away and considering just blowing off both of those and heading up to Nashville for the on-premise club.   Which one to choose!? Here's where things get a little more tricky....   We had considered trying to do




A vanilla story about communication

A few months ago my Dad was in the hospital about to be taken to a different hospital several hours away. My mom was at work and could not get away so I told her I would go to their house and pick up a few items for him before they moved him.   When I pulled in the driveway I saw a guy knocking at the house next door and didn't think much about it, but somewhere in the back of my head I was thinking "salesman, must get out of house before he gets here". It didn't happen. Just as I fini



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