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Pissed Off -

Just got home from my biopsy and I am pissed off. I'm a lot more calm than I was... but xanax helps. We were told they would give me a sedative before the biopsy which was going to be a good thing IMO. And since that was the case I did not take a xanax. Had I known they were lying I would have. We got there on time and the girl called me back to the ultrasound room and when I asked her about the sedative she gave me a strange look. I told her they had told me there would be a sedative... had




Top Reasons I am strange... lol

* I have read The Hobbitt, and all 3 of the LOTR books more than four times in about a month and a half. J is getting me the Silmarillion for my b-day.. YAY! * I can fit my fist in my mouth while putting my right foot behind my head. * I am going grey... really, about time to color again... * I have the hots for Sean Connery! Grave robbing anyone? * I wanted to frack Hannibal in Silence of the Lambs. * I eat the crust of sandwiches first. * I write poetry, mostly blank verse... * I can su




Chapter 2 :P

Ok some of you have read how it started, where we learned the lifestyle existed, now heres how I the male got into the "Full Swing" of things :P. After we had learned about the lifestyle and researched and asked questions, we played with some soft swing, My wife was into it a lil more than I was as I had real low self esteem compiled with My wife was the only woman I had ever been with... ever. I had issues lol, Well we were on and off with the soft thing ( mostly off) She kept wanting to loo




The begining

This is when I learned that swinging existed LOL   Well lets see, we went to my sister and brother in laws house for a "octoberfest" birthday party for my Brother in law. A lot of their friends were there and I actually saw nothing odd or strange to make me wonder ' hey whats going on here'. We were all adults so the body part shaped ice cubes, and what not didn't phase me a bit and outside of my Sis and her hubby I actually knew nobody except my wife.   Well I think it was the second or thi




You can't always be (or get) lucky

Looks like all plans for tomorrow are off   - Miss S is on the rag and has cancelled party plans - Contacted three other guys for doing the party without the clique, but have not heard back from two and one had to cancel   - Could go out with another guy to regular club. But the guy is a bit creepy and a a bad lay, and I just played with him last week because Miss S told me how fantasic his big cock is




A bit personal, could use some feedback from the ladies

I had my first mammogram on Monday. It showed two areas that they rated a 4out of 5 (thus requiring biopsy) in my left breast. They are very small areas. I saw the surgeon today and the biopsys are scheduled for Monday. I realize it's only about a 1/5 chance that they are anything... BUT that's still 1 out of 5 (which is IMO high). I'm scared to say the least.   I could use some feedback from ladies who have been through this before and come out the other side. I look at a few folks on here




I just wanted to say...

A gigantic THANK YOU!!!! to everyone here. I came here unknown and put a lot of myself out there, and instead of getting a pointed stick in the eye like in the past, everyone has been truely kind and helpful... not to mention supportive. A lot of people would revel in the possibilities to degrade and humilate, but not the people I have met here. I would rather be here than cafemom anyday!!!! In fact, I haven't been there since finding this forum. Ok, I'll stop being so mushy now.....     One




Tired of being misunderstood!!!

Ready for more of Brandy's confessions/ramblings?     lol   Yes, I am about to be 25.... Whoo hoo!!! Great, my insurance drops, and that's about the most excitement I can drum up for hitting the "half-way to 50" mark. Yes, I am young in body, but why must everyone assume that my maturity is on level with my age?? We found a great couple, two people, who I feel would mesh well with our personallities..... but, my age is causing them to second-guess being our first couple. Doesn't anyone realis




A Situation That Can't be Changed

The situation that is unchangable at this point is the fact that we don't live together. I know that wouldn't solve all our problems and, in fact, will bring some different ones instead to begin with. What mostly makes living in different households a problem is that these two households are 2 hours apart.   Don't get me wrong. I do know that it is worse in some long distance poly relationships. I have to admire them for trying to have a relationship with someone 5-9 hours away. Off topic for




Elderly gent tripping down"Memory Lane"

Considering the fact that I am not very familiar with the internet, beyond "surfing", I'm not sure how to "blog". So, I guess I need to give a brief bio.   I am enjoying vicariously, the swingers' events and their play, these days. In the 60's and early 70's, my wife and I attended swing partys routinely, in CA and TN. At some point, for various reasons, we dropped out of swinging and never returned to it. My wife is no longer interested but I enjoy revisiting the lifestyle. I don't want t





There are times trying to get your point of view across just isn't worth it. Ted warns me but I rarely heed his warnings.   He will often ask me..."Does it really matter"?   No, not in the big scheme of things it doesn't but, it's my point of view and I can "try" to explain it...even if I fail horribly at times.   I know few people can follow my train of thought...even as a child I left people scratching their heads. My daddy always told people I thought differently than a normal perso




Just two notes

I'm currently a bit too busy to get the events from last weekend and this weekend down, so I have just two notes   - I need to bring a sing to swing "Beware the tight pussy" If I had one € everytime a guy enters me, groans "oh, you're so tight" and just comes in seconds I would not have to be freaked out because of note 2   - 100€ entrance fee for a single woman to a swing party?!???? WTF!!!!! Never mind that I would need the same amount for the train ticket as well I guess next saturday I




It's harder than it looks....

Running this place that is... and all the little details that lie therein. I've spent the last several hours pouring over stock images trying to find just the RIGHT images for the new t-shirt design. It's easier when it's just a mock-up or a banner, but this is a t-shirt that people will hopefully actually wear, maybe even in public (if I make it discreet enough).   I'm about ready to go to Coldstone and have them make up two waffle cones for me that look the way I want them to and take the p




swinging for dummies

I sometimes wonder why there's no "Swinging for Dummies" book, there's clearly a market. I wonder what a good book on the subject would actually say. Each time I think I may be on to something, it leads to new thoughts that make the previous ideas incomplete. There can really be no single book for everyone because everyone needs something unique for their admission into swinging.   The way I see it, the domain of sex is much like a large amusement park (call it Sex Flags). There's the petting z




We dread it, but to keep swinging......

A little background info.....   B has endometriosis, we think it is stage 4, which is as far as it goes. She had a laproscopy done in 07, unfortunately, it has gotton worse instead of better. Stage 4 endo can actually kill a woman by spreading to the intestines/arteries.   The good news....   We found a specialist in NY, and hopefully will be taking a trip for surgery in May. It will only take a couple of weeks to heal and we will start seriously planning playdates then.   B-t-w, that will




Not a typical first blog, but must be said...

Hey Everyone! I (b) was surfing the posts when I saw something that must be addressed!   Guess what? It is perfectly ok to not be attracted to a certain body type, hair color, eye color, race, and/or drug/alcohol habits!   For instance, J and I are both attracted to whites, hispanics, middle eastern, and native americans---although we love our friends of all races! It does not make us racist. But then again, we don't form real relationships with our playdates..... And we don't go fo




Posasible weekend activity

I could get a free entry to a Fetish Party I'm just not big a fetish fan, and already had a little discussion with the organisator about a velvet dress beine ok for dressing. (For me velvet if way more erotic then leather or rubber)   So now that I got the ok for the dress I still don't know if I really want to go...   I guess that is the cautious me, who just fears to be rejected at an unknown place




So you don't want the money?

Before I became a swinger I sometimes worked as a phone sex operator. I had a rather high daily revenue.   I planned to get some extra money this year by going back to that job, but the company I worked for does not longer exist.   So I did some research and found the company that currently ownes the most lines in the country. I sent them my CV by email, also mentioned that calls coming my way averaged around 10 minutes (the general average is around 3 minutes) and that I have no problems wo




Unexpected touches

I’m not comfortable with people who always only see sex in everything and don’t seem to be able to enjoy something if there is no sex and possible swinging involved. These kind of people go to an amusement park and come home rating it not for the thrill of the rides, but how many times they managed to put Tab A into Slot B in a hidden corner and how many other Tabs they got to enter Slot B.   There are two public pools around the city I live in. Both have a sauna area wit a large nude area. O




Last Night's Social

We went to a social last night. We haven't been to this particular social in a while, and they've moved locations since we were last there. The new location is better in some ways, not in others. Where it's better is that it is much smaller than the old one making it very easy to actually socialize rather than everyone being so spread out that even with 100 people there it felt empty and no one really talked to anyone unless they made a concerted effort to make a lap around the club (huge dance




Our Bi-annual party...

was such a total bust.   There was a change of venue so it wasn't held at the regular hotel that we used to use. I'm not sure why the change, but it's a moot point now, anyway.   We have many friends that were there, and it's always great to get to see them and party with them again. We always go with NO expectations and we're certainly glad we do. There were so many people that emailed us asking if we were going to be there so we could meet up for drinks and see what happened from ther




The Swinger Convention We Missed

We went to Gatlinburg this last weekend and since we left later than we planned we didn't have a hotel booked when we got there, so we spent some time trying to track one down (during Spring Break) that I would actually stay in. We looked at several rooms before finally landing at the Music Road Hotel and discovring that not only did they have a room but they had a River view room with a jacuzzi for less than what we usually pay in Nashville. So we took it.   We went out later that night and




Fun at Easter

I went to the club at good-Friday.   As usual on a bank holiday there were not that many people there, but still enough.   I kind of got lucky as soon as I got there. There was a guy at the bar who beckoned me to sit right next to him, when getting the first glass of champagne from the hostess.   We talked for a bit, and he asked me to go downstairs to the playrooms even before dinner.   Aside from two single male waiting for the fun to start we were the first ones down, and choose the o



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