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Revisiting Club Temptations in Dayton

Hey everybody - this is my first try with the blogging stuff so excuse me if I don't follow any unspoken conventions.   I felt like jotting down my notes from last night's visit to Club Temptations in Dayton. Although I am not an avid club hopper, I love the pool area of this club and moreover I had plans to visit some friends there for the first time. Don't know what happened to them but I never caught up with them. However, I had quite a relaxing time at the big heated jacuzzi.   I noticed a





We have only been in the life style a short while. 2yrs and really haven't much experience due to not going out much and children, school, work, family and all of our vanilla friends but one thing we did make sure of was to communicate our bounderies for when we do play! Great idea right? Well, last night we were at our favorite club and all was well for about 4 hours of play time with a beautiful woman that I had met online and asked to join us for some hot sensual playtime. For a split second




Lost Rings!!!

To any Club Utopia members that were at the club last night for play.2-22-2008. We lost my wedding rings in the parking lot. It was too dark to look and they were not there this morning. If anyone finds them please be so kind as to give them to Terri or Dennis at the club. It would be greatly appreciated. They are gold with 9 diamonds in the band and 9 in the engagement ring!! I am begging you I just got them and am going out of my mind without them!!! Thank you all so much for your time!




You're Kicking us Out???

So for Valentines this year I decided to give hubby (and myself hehe) an expected present. I reserved a table at the best restaurant in town, reserved a room at this great boutique hotel and...invited our favorite couple to join us. We checked into the hotel and got dressed and headed out for dinner which was fabulous. Then we decided to head back to the hotel and hang out in the lounge there. This hotel has a lounge that has a bedroom surrounded by glass walls in it where a beautiful hired mo




Not Fair...this is our place!!!

So hubby came home last night and told me that while out with his best friend at the bar he heard an interesting story. A little background. We have a very tight knit group of friends that hubby has known all his life and I've known for 12 years now. Our group of friends also consists of hubby's two younger sisters (in their mid to upper 20's).   So back to last night.   Last weekend the two sisters, the best friend and one other female were driving around downtown about 2am. They were try




Splash Party - Orlando May 15-18

Got a note from a friend telling me that we should go to the Splash Party in Orlando in May. I hadn't really thought about it, but then I did and I asked Pet about it to see what he thought. He was all for it. He just amazes me how open he is to all of this and involved and interested. I am so lucky to have him in so many ways.   So after he said yes I went back and started looking at booking it. Turns out Allegiant Air (our cheap airline) actually flies to Orlando 3 times a week two of whi




Is swinging "poly"?

Do you prefer to avoid mixing sex with friendship? Is the idea of a friends-with-benefits connection appealing?   Background: Most Americans practice monogamy, more or less. Considering the divorce rate, some have called it "serial" monogamy. Many have multiple partners over their lifetime, they just have them one at a time. Let's think of monogamy as one end of a continuum. At the other end of the spectrum is polygamy A.K.A. "group marriage".   Polygamy = multiple women with multiple men




Shit Happens

Do you ever think that you aren't meant to have life go your way for an extended length of time? I do at times. Things can be moving along just great and out of the blue...shit happens. Unexpected bill, kids having problems, arguing with spouse, job a pain...any and all at once. I was thinking, as this is one of those "shit happens" times, is the majority of my life in this category or the "life is good" category? My answer when I began thinking, and then writing, this blog was that it is more o




Tired of being "fluffy"

I've never posted a blog before so I figured this would be a good place to start.   My wife and I have both been heavy most of our lives. Her as long back as she can remember and I since my preteen years. We've tried about every gimmick and fad out there to loose weight both before and after we got married. We had finally given up and said the hell with it, there is nothing we can do about it. There was never the time to do anything, or the money for gym memberships or eating right. Well that




"Eating Out" (part one)

This is a story I wrote...not true yet, so I didn't feel right trying to post it on the "swingers stories" section of this site. If the moderators feel it belongs elsewhere, feel free to move it. The names have been changed to protect "the innocent".   Mrs. Oly   "Eating Out"   It was an ordinary night, dinner out at their favorite Italian restaurant. They liked the place for lots of reasons, an excellent wine list, rich food, decadant desserts; the delicious wait staff was an added bonus.




"Eating Out" - (part three)

It was my turn to enjoy my husband’s cock. If he was going to come, I wanted it to be between my lips. I looked up at him, smiled, and put my mouth around him, my hand at the base of his scrotum, squeezing lightly. Right then, I felt fingers, whose I didn’t know, sift between my nether lips, rubbing against my clit and seeking entrance inside. One finger slipped inside slowly, searching out my g-spot, with surprisingly quick success. I groaned, vibrating my husband’s cock, making him moan.




"Eating Out" (part two)

And so we gathered our things and stepped out into the cold night air. Once in our car, the conversation was as normal, my husband making openly sexual comments about his wish to see Harmony and I together and me dodging the topic with “whatever” and “keep dreaming”. A few minutes later, we were walking up the stairs to her apartment. Her door opened before we could even knock. “Hi you guys.” Smile. Sexy, disheveled...she’d just changed and had obviously not gotten to smoothing her hair




I've just been molested...

...by Jeff. And it was HOT!   On Sunday we had for lack of a more colorful term a bitch session about events of the weekend and how things could have been better handled (it was this thread).   Well a part of my discontent and reasoning for not wanting to come home was that I wanted to fuck him...hadn't gotten off in a few days and was frustrated, but not in a position to get off the way I needed to (TMI alert..but masturbation for the most part tends to frustrate me more whe




Friendships and the Lifestyle

One of the things I really wanted out of the Lifestyle was to find a group of really good friends that we enjoyed hanging out with and could also have some sexy fun with. We were very lucky and we did find that group of friends. Sometimes I wonder though if it is worth it to get so close to Lifestyle friends.   Friends come and go, that is just a fact of life. But when you are able to make really good friends with Lifestyle friends - when the friendship ends you lose so much more. Of cours




Fun Time Had By All

This weekend we visited the Gulf Coast Playground an off-premise social in Mobile. We were a long way from home and left once again feeling like all the fun is too far away from home. We had a blast. We were with friends to start which always helps, but the group at the club was just wonderful. A perfect mix of crowd, something for everyone and everyone was friendly and welcoming without being overly pushy. There was one incident with an a slightly too aggressive drunk chick, but it was somethin




Broken coochie and aching feet

Well, we dove...head first! Yes, yes...we "came", we saw, we conquered (our fears, that is). So, here's how it all "went down" (ha ha!!! I love playing with words).   We got all snazzied up, packed up the trunk, and dropped the kids at the babysitter with a "likely" excuse for heading to the city for a possible over-nighter. When we made our last turn onto the road where New Horizons is located, we decided to bypass our stop-off to imbibe a shot or two of liquid courage, since we only had ab




I've quit smoking

It's been about 2 weeks now that I have quit smoking. The Dr. perscibed me this med called chantix and it really works, but very expensive. I still crave after I eat, but have been able to resist. Tonight at the party will be the ultimate challenge. Will I not get tempted by being around so many other smokers? One never knows until put to the challenge. Let's see how i'll hold up.

Tia Vampire

Tia Vampire


"quote, unquote" = "fear of commitment" (to say or do)

So, here we go! Tomorrow evening, Mr. Oly and I are going to an orientation at a club (a few cities over) outside of Seattle...New Horizons. We've done our research, discussed our feelings, possible "rules"/boundaries, etc....all the "what if's" of such an experience. Neither of us have ever actually "swung" yet. Just started discussing the idea about a month ago. Since then, we've joined this site and "come to terms" with the "likelihood" that we may be "interested" in "accepting" the fact




Random Thoughts from Poly-ville

With so many politically correct groups and activists in the world today I just noticed a few things. Where are the groups campaigning for the rights of swingers and couples involved in a Polyamorous relationship. I mean really, where are they? One of the biggest issues of the past few presidential elections has been "gay marriage" and amending state constitutions for the right for homosexuals to marry and it be considered a legal marriage.   Now I can say in the last election i voted against




Weekend Getaway

So its my first blog and to tell you the truth I didn't want to post this on the main forum just in case....   Hubby decided we should go out of town for one night so we find a party at a hotel (it was a town that doesn't have clubs thus some great mind decided hey we will rent a ballroom and have a great thing!).   We love this town so we drop the kids off with the grandparents and hit the road. Check into our hotel and its a long tradition for us to hit up a restaurant bar




Manscaping and the death of class in America

For Valentine's Day, my husband surprised me with the following offering...to buy a sexy new dress, hot underthings for below that hot new dress, some new "catch me, fuck me" heels and a new scent of our choosing. Now, I already knew when we went shopping that I was on the hunt for new perfume (after having my first child, my chemistry changed drastically, and my former perfume no longer smelled as appealing to either of us). But, the other items were quite a shock. On occasion, I do, indeed lov




After the meeting

Ok, dinner went very well in my opinion. Tech and Kitten's son was everything I imagined him to be after talking with them. He and his friend were polite and I was impressed with them both. (I usually am impressed with the people who protect our country.). Gator and I like him just as much as the younger two sons. That's a lot because they are starting to feel like ours too at times.   Only one of our boys was able to make it after all and it was the one who has caused the most problems for us



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