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Nervous about meeting their son.

Ok I've never blogged before but I've enjoyed reading some of the ones here. And since I've stepped a good ways outside of my normal comfort zone of sharing this week with our interview, I thought I'd share a bit more. Nothing to make a post about though so, this will just help get it out for me.   Tonight we will meet the oldest son of our quad partners. He's in the Air Force and hasn't been home for 2 years. I've been off and on nervous about this. Mostly about him finding out about us period




So called Swinger Sites

I regularly get emails from various sites asking me to link to them and sometimes I just run across sites on my own and I am amazed (although I don't kno why) at some of the things I see. The most common being what I call "so called swinger sites". They bill themselves as a swinger site but what they've done is gone out and purchased some pre-fab personal ads program/website that is just like every other in existance to the point that when you go to their front page while it says it's a "SWINGE




Condoms are so much cheaper online!

So when we went to the store to look for a few different kinds of condoms I knew I could probably find a variety pack online a lot cheaper, I had no idea how much cheaper.   We went to Wal-mart initially and they had several 3packs... ok maybe not several, but a few and they were running around 1.50 to $2/pack. Unfortunately, they were also locked up in a case that required an employee with a key. And employee is hard enough to find at Wal-mart without even having to find the one that has the




Quest for the Right Condom!!!!

Me and the Mrs have been heading down the road to active playing in the community in the lifestyle, and actually had our first couple on couple play experience recently. While we did do full swap with intercourse, it sparked interest in which condomn would be right for us (as I haven't used condomns for some time now).   At which point we have, bought about 4-5 different types, and have ordered a variety sampler with 10 different types of condoms.   As we find out the results, we will let yo




I'm in Lust

This almost never happens. Seriously it's happened twice that I've ever found myself in lust for a girl that I haven't even met. One of those cases actually panned out somewhat and I still keep in contact with her.   This most recent case is a girl I saw on SLS who happens to live about 30 miles from us and is looking for her first g/g experience with husbands watching. She's just adorable and I wrote and told her so. Amazingly she actually replied!!!! Stay tuned, with any luck I'll actuall




The Hottest Couple at the Club

Was evidently us....   There is something so wrong with that on so many levels. We checked out a new social last night, evidently it is quite new as they only had about 12 couples and 4 single males show up. We were a bit dissapointed once we got inside at what we saw.   We aren't ken or barbie by any means but we do try to present ourselves well and make an effort to look nice when we go out, whether vanilla or swinger. The couples we saw walking into this social didn't necessarily look li




Perceptions...a strange thing indeed...

Ted and I were talking last night...bout this and that and every thing in between. We never know where our conversations will lead. Part of last nights conversation was very...oh, I don't know the word but whatever the word is it was very...   It got me to thinking about how two people can know the same person and have two different perceptions of that person and, which one is seeing and knowing the true person or, are they both seeing/perceiving just different parts of that person. (Did tha




Speaking of Kinky friends....

Just got a call from some of our kinky friends...   F: "Ya'll want to come over tomorrow night and party? "   Us: " You bet, we'll be there. In fact, we were just discussing who to try and get up with this weekend...Ya'll must have been reading our minds."   F: "So-in-so is going to be here also so don't try and get up with them, and we're also trying to get up with ________as well as..... "   Us: "Cool, sounds like a fun bunch. We'll see ya'll tomorrow."   F: "Hot tub will be hot, s




Evolution....Finding your place...

Ted and I are doing our favorite pastime at the moment...lying in bed naked and talking...the topic today is how people (mainly ourselves) evolve in swinging.   We've been involved in swinging now for quite a few years ...we've been places, seen things and done things that would cause others to consider us hardcore...yeah, we probably are but that's fine with us.   Through our travels and adventures in the swinging world we have discovered things about ourselves and each other...we are at




Emails from Idiots

I can post this here because I know they'll never find it, they are too stupid.   Some of the idiots that email me make me want to bang my head through a wall.   I had a guy email me last week who mentioned that he had been banned and didn't know why. I vaguely remembered him being extremely annoying and completely unable to follow any instructions he was given. He could never log in, even when I reset his password manually he couldn't get it to work. Nothing ever worked for this guy. But,





To borrow from a well known commercial slogan, Nobody doesn't like chocolate!!!!   I'm kind of lucky as far as good chocolates go. My wife is a chocolatier and I get plenty of samples from the cull of blemished truffles. I'm exploring the world of chocolates from single origin samples to complex blends along with fruits and nuts in the finished candy.   Nobody puts milk in their GOOD chocolate, so come on over to the dark side.... where the parade of flavors march across your tongue as the cho





Gang-bangs have always been one of those things that has never been a turn-off for me but, has never really been one of those things that was a major turn-on either. It has been a turn-on for Ted to fantasize about watching me in one...so, it has always been one of those things I've not been opposed to doing but not overly excited about doing either.   That was until this past Saturday night...I think I get the appeal of them now.   I love men, I love multiple men at the same time. Saturda




Misconstruing posts

Why don't people actually read before they reply? There are certain issues that people are so blinded by it seems that rather than actually read the post they pick out one little thing and that's all they can see.   I knew that when my Pet posted regarding the situation this weekend that some people were going to focus on nothing more than weight and take it as an attack on heavy people. "How was it not obvious to you when you met them that they lied in their profile?". Because if you'




Part 2

Ok, so last night did go really well and our first experience was quite good. But, here's why it wasn't perfect... and it was a LEARNING EXPERIENCE one we will talk about for a long time to come.   First off, once the clothes came off it was a case of "she looked better with them on", which has helped my Pet establish that while he may find her attractive with her clothes on, he has to find her sexy with them off if he's going to go very far. He did well, but it's hard to stay hard when you ar




Last Night

I have rare moment of ESP or something. The most notable was when I dreamed I would meet a certain celebrity on a trip I took and actually did. Yesterday it was just a moment of knowing that something was going to happen last night. I don't know why I felt that way but I did. I knew if we went to Menages it would turn out to be a good step for us and it was.   We got a late start and stopped for dinner so there was no way we'd make it there at 6 for the SLS M&G but we did make an effort to




Plan and mission SUCCESSFUL!

My plan worked! I stayed at a very nice even keel buzz all night.   I also was able to get better acquainted with the single man whom I have had my eye on and whom had e-mailed us a couple of days before. Not to mention a few other single and married men.   There were probably 50+ people in attendance last night and the party was definitely hopping.   The young cutie (that I've had my eye on) is going to be a very fun playmate. I usually don't gravitate toward much younger men partly




Amy's Solo Rendevouz

This past Tuesday, Amy went to play with her new boy-toy from the NYE party. Another first for us. Never in a million years did I figure that one day I would be picking out clothes and painting toenails for my wife so she could go play with another man all by herself, but hey...we haven't done the same thing twice yet, so why start now.     This was interesting on many levels. First, let me give you the setup. We had such a good time playing seperate with the couple we met NYE, that we de




Going on a date tonight...

Dave and I have been talking to a couple who we're meeting tonight. Hopefully, it will be a good meeting.   We're going to meet for dinner and drinks. Talk a little. Maybe it will lead to more, maybe not. The last date we went on, the male of the other couple talked politics and history ALL night long. We can't even remember their names. It was obvious that we didn't quite connect by the time dinner and drinks were over. It was their first date ever and I think he was soooooooo nervo




Party time again and I have a plan...

The weekend is almost upon us and we're headed to a party. Most of the people we met at the last party will be there, a few others we know and some we don't. Should be fun.   Now, if you read my last post you'll remember I had a bit of trouble with the Ta-Kill-Ya (Thanks Julie, I love that). I have come up with a plan so that hopefully I will never have that problem again.   I have a flask that a friend gave me. I have a small cooler that we used to use all the time when we went to BYOB s




a nickle 3some beats a paradigm

I've been thinking about my own malcontent about typical SLS profiles coupled with the general consensus expressed here on the board in narrative form. I've said it before and I'll say it again - I think profiles in general are a poor "hookup tool". It provides an incomplete representation of a person or couple. Based on the contents of the profile, we tend to filter out some folks that we might not in a simple face to face meeting and we find attraction to other folks that we tend to reject thr




It's all LikeMinds fault

She went and posted about the Text Version and bringing up old topics and the power of suggestion wins so that's what I did....   Ok, I admit it sometimes I just get bored and go in search of something to do. So I go through old threads bringing up ones that are worth another look and archiving the ones that help answer some of the more frequently asked questions.




Party Review...

WOW! WOW! WOW!   One of the BEST house parties we have ever been to. Yes, the M&G turned into a full blown party. The mix of people there was perfect. Not too many, not too few, just right. Everyone just hit it off so well.   I know everyone is curious about the annoying asshole...he didn't show...and, after talking to a few other people we probably won't have to worry about him being at any other party we attend. Seems we are not the only ones he annoys.   We had quite a few inter




Club Review

This bulletin board has a club-review forum but it appears the club owner needs to enter information about the club before any reviews can be posted. So we thought we would make a club review the subject of our first "blog".   During our recent visit to Lexington, Kentucky, we visited the Bluegrass Connections. Every club seems to have its unique character but this one fits us nicely. On top of our list of appreciated features, the music they play is held to a level that actually allows people



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