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How swinging like the unitarian Universalism church?

A friend of mine mentioned this online quiz you could take that would tell you what religion your beliefs best fit in. It's at beliefnet.com if you are curious. I took it and it the most fitting for my beliefs was Unitarian Universalism. I had to laugh as I read the beliefs for this religion as they are all over map and it basically comes across as if you can believe pretty much whatever you want if you are in this religion... BUT, certain sects/churches within the religion may have more set bel





I just had to share the irony. Here I sit in Starbucks typing about swinging and 10 feet from me sits down this young couple who pulls out their Bibles.




Is good to be back!

For a little while there I was wondering if we were ever going to get "back in the swing of things". After all the slowdowns last year, we did have one good experience late last year and then I don't know what happened. It seemed like it was 3 steps back for every one forward after that. He was having social issues (as he's posted about) and I was trying to pull back to make sure I didn't try to leave him behind and it was really just leaving us both frustrated. On top of that I think I've h




A little last minute don't you think?

So last night we were at a friend's house hanging out and at about 9pm I get a text from a (swinger) couple that we know. We've played with them once and seen them a couple of times. They ask what we are up to and I respond back that we are playing poker and asked if we'd still see them Saturday at the social. They reply that they decided to go to a different one (out of the area) and ask what we are doing after the game. My response is that we are probably heading home as it will be pretty la




Sometimes a small party is a good thing

Friday night we went to Menages for the first time in several months. We've been on Fridays a few times and typically they are much quieter than Saturday nights, but we always seem to have a good time, if not a better time with the smaller crowd.   Friday night was their "lock & key" party, so when we got there we were hoping to hear about that, but no one said anything. We sat down at a table and there were maybe 10 couples in the place. The music wasn't really appealing to us so finall




Why is being picky such a bad thing?

I was going to post this in the forums, but as I typed I realized it became much more of a rant... stream of consciousness thing... than would really make sense as a forum post.... so I'm posting it here.     I read and when I read questions pop into my mind. Lately, I've been reading some various books on swinging (see the "Book Reviews") and it never ceases to amaze me some of the things that people write...   Many of those things are what inspire the threads I post in the forums. I read




Too many choices....

I had posted before about how two of the clubs in B'ham were now scheduling their events on the same dates (including V-day). Today I found out that ALL 3 of the clubs in the city are having an event on Valentines Day. We were already a bit torn, and the initial thought is to go to the one that has the most signed up on SLS. Then the thought occurs to skip out of that area altogether and go somewhere else. There's a huge party in Knoxville that looks really appetizing... and of course, there





This has nothing to do with swinging, just friendship in general.   We've had some vanilla friends that we had been getting together with on a semi regular basis at our house over the last year or so. We'd alternate providing dinner and then we'd play some sort of board game. There were rarely ever more than 6 of us that showed up, 2 couples (including us) and 3 singles that alternated and in the case of 2 of them rarely showed up. So it worked out to where we typically provided the food mor




When Clubs Collide....

So up until this month we had two clubs down in B'ham that held their socials at the same hotel (on different weekends). From what we saw it seemed to work well and they both got basically the same good turnout. Now starting in February one of them is moving to a new location. Nothing wrong with that as it sounds like it will be a better location. The odd part is that they are now holding their socials on exactly the same nights (as far as I can tell from looking at the schedules), which I f




110% Turnout

So last night we hosted another local group dinner. As has become the norm, up until the day before the event we had maybe 3 couples signed up. Then the day before we were up to 7 (plus one that wasn't on the list). By Saturday morning it was at 9 (still plus one... plus 2 of the couples were possibly bringing another couple).   As the day wore on we got one cancellation by email, so that put our list down to 8 couples signed up on Swing Lifestyle plus for sure 1 other couple that we knew wa




Body Image Update

I'm still going back and forth on the whole body image thing. One day I feel really good about myself... the next I just don't see the change and I feel crappy.   Yesterday was a crappy day. I just couldn't see the improvement and I felt bad about myself and my body image. No matter what Pet said or did, it wouldn't change.   This morning I woke up feeling better about myself. I put on a new pair of jeans (which I finally picked up from alterations yesterday) and a new top... and for the f




Body Image & Weight Loss

I've discovered that since I lost 20lbs over the summer I'm having a bit of a body dislexia. Even though I'm wearing much smaller clothes and I look at the clothes and can see they are smaller not only by the number on the tag but just by looking at them, when I look at my own body in the mirror I still see it as the same size that it was before I lost weight. I think it's because it's the same shape overall and because I was seeing it the whole time I was losing weight so I don't really SEE t




Back to Life....

We are finally getting back to life after a summer full of illness. This weekend we have been in Nashville and while we initially did not plan to hit Menages while we were here, when I was packing I decided to make sure that we could if we wanted to. And come Saturday night we decided we wanted to. We both agreed we weren't going to play but just to get out and enjoy the atmosphere and work on rebuilding the social skills we had worked so hard on up until we got knocked out of the game.   Th




Honest Mood

Evidently, I'm just in a really honest mood this afternoon. I just finished sending a response back to the cheating couple that said: "the fact that you aren't married to each other is not an issue. The fact that you are still married to other people is. Good luck." Then I blocked them, as I don't feel the need to have them try to lie their way out of having already told us the truth. Then I went on to send an email to the couple we had dinner with on Friday letting them know that while w




Married... but not to each other

We initially met this couple over a year ago at our favorite club. We thought they were cool and attractive but then the guy told Pet that they were married but not to each other and his wife thought he was somewhere else (I can't even remember where now). We've seen them several times at the same club together since then but have more or less avoided them because of that knowledge.   So fast forward... this weekend we are on the other side of the state from our favorite club and we see this




I didn't say TONIGHT!

Ok geez. I emailed this couple on SLS that we thought we might be attracted to and let them know we'd be interested in meeting and asked them to take a look at our profile and let us know if they'd be interested in meeting. They write back that we look interesting and give us their YM handle. We don't really do online chat, so I let them know that and again asked if they were interested in meeting for dinner/drinks sometime. They write back with this attitude that they have kids and are new




Interesting situation with Newbies

So this past weekend we hosted a group dinner out with what ended up being 5 couples. One of the couples as it turned out was brand new (never been to anything before). They were young (our ages) and attractive. We were definately attractive but also very hesitant and after finding out that this was this first foray to even meet people not expecting anything from them. Mainly we were just trying to show them a good time and give them a good impression of swingers as a whole. So we did dinne




Are you Lucky?

We've talked about it several times and it seems like in comparison to most people we've been really lucky with those we've met in the lifestyle. I read a book not too long about LUCK and the main point of the book was that those who are (or consider themselves to be) lucky are basically just people who are open to any opportunity. They don't shut themselves down or say "we won't do that". They spot a $100 bill on the ground that others miss because they are looking around as they walk for ot




A funny thing happened.....

So I was at the chiropractors office this afternoon and there's a woman in front of me signing in and she looks back at me kinda funny. I didn't think much of it, signed myself in and sat down. She was walking around looking for a magazine and kept looking over at me with this weird look on her face and finally she says "hi" and I was like "hello". And she says "I think I've seen you somewhere" and sits down. Then a couple of minutes later she passes me a piece of paper on which she has written




Interesting Weekend

We were supposed to be in Ohio this weekend, but thanks to the headaches I've been having all too much lately we decided to cancel. This left us at home with no plans, a rare thing. So after getting some things done on Friday we decided we wanted something to do Friday night so we hit SLS and started shooting out some messages to a few couples we'd either already met or wanted to meet. Just as we were giving up on any luck, we finally got a response back from a couple we had originally met a




drama drama drama....

I tend to let drama really get to me... all the more reason to avoid it like the plague. This whole thing with the local social has really gotten to me. When we first started going the host asked me to be on the planning committee to basically help give him ideas and bounce ideas and thoughts off of. Looking back, I never should have agreed to do it, especially not that early. Him putting me onthe planning committee when we'd been to maybe 2 socials (just because he knew my experience withthe li




"swinger" personal ad sites - pet peeve

I have a really hard time buying a site as a "swingers" personal ad site when I visit it and the first options on their _____ seeking____ dropdowns are male and female. If you are a swinger site, then Couple should be first.




Agendas.... and the people who go with them.

In the last few weeks I have seen so many people out to promote their own agenda, whether it's their website or their club or whatever. Not just people posting here for that reason but in general.   This latest issue with the Nashville clubs has brought the issue into full view for me. I honestly don't know exactly what is going on in Nashville, but I do know that no club is going to cut their own wrist without having reason to do so and Menages isn't about to go off-premise and risk losing b




Oh the Balance!

It's a delicate balance being a site host and trying to actively swing at local socials and such. On one hand I want to promote the site as much as possible and we do try to do that. On the other hand, I want to be able to share my issues here too! I know there are other members who have posted in the past that they don't share this site with anyone because they don't want to worry about someone reading about themselves and I can definately feel their pain.   We also find that a lot of peopl




The Tale of Two Couples

Ok,so last night we finally made it out to a local social that we've been meaning to get to for a year. It was a very interesting night as it turned out. It could be called "The Tale of Two Couples".   Part of the reason we were going was one couple in particular that we met a couple of weeks ago at another local social. They are new to town and quite attractive and they had let us know that they were going because we'd be there (thus at least initial interest was there on both sides)   Whe



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