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Too Many Options

This weekend we have three very different options to choose from...   Dinner with one swinger social group (that we've been to many events with) A social (that we haven't had a chance to check out but have been wanting to) The third option is that both of us are feeling like getting away and considering just blowing off both of those and heading up to Nashville for the on-premise club.   Which one to choose!? Here's where things get a little more tricky....   We had considered trying to do




A vanilla story about communication

A few months ago my Dad was in the hospital about to be taken to a different hospital several hours away. My mom was at work and could not get away so I told her I would go to their house and pick up a few items for him before they moved him.   When I pulled in the driveway I saw a guy knocking at the house next door and didn't think much about it, but somewhere in the back of my head I was thinking "salesman, must get out of house before he gets here". It didn't happen. Just as I fini




Please pardon my PMS

PMS = Putting up with Moron's Shit!   I'm having a week. Evidently the increased traffic thanks to all my efforts and SwingTown too... has brought out the morons and crazies and they are driving me batty.   Add to that the braces went on today, and just forgive me if I'm a bit snarky this week. In some cases I'm fairly sure it's warranted in others, maybe not so much.   I've been playing the bang your head on the keyboard game a lot this week.




I love my husband!

Unlike some of our esteemed members, I'm just not big on fighting with the vanillas. But, out of duty I headed over to the CBS boards yesterday and posted a few posts to make my presence (and mainly the presence of the Swingers Board) known. An hour over there and maybe 10 posts was enough for me.... but not for Pet.   He made his way over there this morning and has been having a grand ole' time all day playing over there. And since he loves me he makes sure to promote the board, saving me f




An Awesome Night

It seems like sometimes I just know that we are going to have a great time if we go to the club that night. Yesterday was one of those days. After being sick for the last couple of weeks I was finally feeling better. So I woke up Saturday morning wanting to get out and do something. We started looking online. We looked a social in B'ham that we haven't been to yet but as it was already about noon and we didn't get a response back within an hour we decided we'd just head to Menages again.  




The Last night.... always leave wanting more!

This happens to us too often. We have an early flight home so we don't feel we can stay out all night on our last night but that always seems to be the night we have the most fun on our trips and end up feeling we are dragging ourselves away from the fun at the end of the night.   After a rough middle of our trip with me getting sick (and I am still... I think my head is going to pop at any moment). We went out for dinner Saturday night and had a couple of drinks and then went back to the hot




Things don't always go as planned (or hoped)

This trip isn't going quite as well as we'd hoped. The party is fun and the people are nice so what went wrong? I got sick, that's what went wrong. After a great start on Wednesday night meeting a few early arrivers and then spending Thursday by the pool and enjoying the party Thursday night with everyone. I woke up Friday feeling like crap. Not the "I drank too much" crap but the "my sinuses are trying to kill me" crap. Sore throat, itching/watery eyes, runny nose... that kind of crap. Not




Yes, he's my brother

Yes, it's getting around now that Bama0468 is my brother. It's true. He was active on here back when the forums first started and has recently returned.   NO. We have never played together, but his wife was my first girl/girl (and vice versa).   We are close but we aren't THAT close!




Finding My Value

I just posted this to the forums in general, but there was a little more I wanted to say (not quite as publicly).   Most know that about 2 years ago I started selling real estate for much the same reason that I created this site (in the format that it exists now) to help people. It wasn't about the money by any means. The first year it went pretty well. I had a good year by really any standards for a first year salesperson, especially considering all that I had going on (continuing to




Pissed Off -

Just got home from my biopsy and I am pissed off. I'm a lot more calm than I was... but xanax helps. We were told they would give me a sedative before the biopsy which was going to be a good thing IMO. And since that was the case I did not take a xanax. Had I known they were lying I would have. We got there on time and the girl called me back to the ultrasound room and when I asked her about the sedative she gave me a strange look. I told her they had told me there would be a sedative... had




A bit personal, could use some feedback from the ladies

I had my first mammogram on Monday. It showed two areas that they rated a 4out of 5 (thus requiring biopsy) in my left breast. They are very small areas. I saw the surgeon today and the biopsys are scheduled for Monday. I realize it's only about a 1/5 chance that they are anything... BUT that's still 1 out of 5 (which is IMO high). I'm scared to say the least.   I could use some feedback from ladies who have been through this before and come out the other side. I look at a few folks on here




It's harder than it looks....

Running this place that is... and all the little details that lie therein. I've spent the last several hours pouring over stock images trying to find just the RIGHT images for the new t-shirt design. It's easier when it's just a mock-up or a banner, but this is a t-shirt that people will hopefully actually wear, maybe even in public (if I make it discreet enough).   I'm about ready to go to Coldstone and have them make up two waffle cones for me that look the way I want them to and take the p




Last Night's Social

We went to a social last night. We haven't been to this particular social in a while, and they've moved locations since we were last there. The new location is better in some ways, not in others. Where it's better is that it is much smaller than the old one making it very easy to actually socialize rather than everyone being so spread out that even with 100 people there it felt empty and no one really talked to anyone unless they made a concerted effort to make a lap around the club (huge dance




The Swinger Convention We Missed

We went to Gatlinburg this last weekend and since we left later than we planned we didn't have a hotel booked when we got there, so we spent some time trying to track one down (during Spring Break) that I would actually stay in. We looked at several rooms before finally landing at the Music Road Hotel and discovring that not only did they have a room but they had a River view room with a jacuzzi for less than what we usually pay in Nashville. So we took it.   We went out later that night and




My Gyno has a sick sense of humor

I love my gyno, she's cool, she's actually rather hot, she's easy to talk to, and she's FUNNY.   The last few weeks I've been having some sort of cyst on my inner labia. So I called the dr last week and they couldn't get me in till this week. Of course, what happens but the thing pops over the weekend and is no longer bothering me, but I go anyway. I had done some research online and thought it might be a bartholin cyst (since it seems to flare up after sex). She took a look and said it was




I'm a bitch

Evidently, I'm an extremely negative bitch... according to certain people in our local swinger group. It seems the new rule on our group is if you can't say anything positive don't speak... and since I bothered to say some negative things about one of the clubs we visited (which happens to be the favorite club of some of the folks in our group) and then said some very negative things about our dinner that night (both during the hour long wait for the food and after when I got double billed for




A Picture's Worth....

I have to say I'm really glad that we actually do look just like our pictures. This last week we were contacted on SLS by a couple wanting to meet us at Menages on Friday. They had sent us their picture on yahoo and honestly it was a bit grainy so it was hard to get a good read on how they looked. We had been really busy and while we'd looked at their picture we just really hadn't gotten back to them with a response. They knew we'd be there, we knew they'd be there... so it was just left at th




Different Strokes for Different Folks

This weekend we finally had a chance to check out TSC (the other on-premise club in Nashville). We've been fans of Menages since our first visit and based on how much like Menages and what we'd heard about TSC we weren't in a hurry to check it out. This weekend, however, our local group made a field trip to Nashville and visited both clubs.   Friday night we went to Menages, which as always was a blast for us. The crowd was light but the music was smokin hot and so was the crowd. We had a bl




Splash Party - Orlando May 15-18

Got a note from a friend telling me that we should go to the Splash Party in Orlando in May. I hadn't really thought about it, but then I did and I asked Pet about it to see what he thought. He was all for it. He just amazes me how open he is to all of this and involved and interested. I am so lucky to have him in so many ways.   So after he said yes I went back and started looking at booking it. Turns out Allegiant Air (our cheap airline) actually flies to Orlando 3 times a week two of whi




Fun Time Had By All

This weekend we visited the Gulf Coast Playground an off-premise social in Mobile. We were a long way from home and left once again feeling like all the fun is too far away from home. We had a blast. We were with friends to start which always helps, but the group at the club was just wonderful. A perfect mix of crowd, something for everyone and everyone was friendly and welcoming without being overly pushy. There was one incident with an a slightly too aggressive drunk chick, but it was somethin




So called Swinger Sites

I regularly get emails from various sites asking me to link to them and sometimes I just run across sites on my own and I am amazed (although I don't kno why) at some of the things I see. The most common being what I call "so called swinger sites". They bill themselves as a swinger site but what they've done is gone out and purchased some pre-fab personal ads program/website that is just like every other in existance to the point that when you go to their front page while it says it's a "SWINGE




Condoms are so much cheaper online!

So when we went to the store to look for a few different kinds of condoms I knew I could probably find a variety pack online a lot cheaper, I had no idea how much cheaper.   We went to Wal-mart initially and they had several 3packs... ok maybe not several, but a few and they were running around 1.50 to $2/pack. Unfortunately, they were also locked up in a case that required an employee with a key. And employee is hard enough to find at Wal-mart without even having to find the one that has the




I'm in Lust

This almost never happens. Seriously it's happened twice that I've ever found myself in lust for a girl that I haven't even met. One of those cases actually panned out somewhat and I still keep in contact with her.   This most recent case is a girl I saw on SLS who happens to live about 30 miles from us and is looking for her first g/g experience with husbands watching. She's just adorable and I wrote and told her so. Amazingly she actually replied!!!! Stay tuned, with any luck I'll actuall




The Hottest Couple at the Club

Was evidently us....   There is something so wrong with that on so many levels. We checked out a new social last night, evidently it is quite new as they only had about 12 couples and 4 single males show up. We were a bit dissapointed once we got inside at what we saw.   We aren't ken or barbie by any means but we do try to present ourselves well and make an effort to look nice when we go out, whether vanilla or swinger. The couples we saw walking into this social didn't necessarily look li



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