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Emails from Idiots

I can post this here because I know they'll never find it, they are too stupid.   Some of the idiots that email me make me want to bang my head through a wall.   I had a guy email me last week who mentioned that he had been banned and didn't know why. I vaguely remembered him being extremely annoying and completely unable to follow any instructions he was given. He could never log in, even when I reset his password manually he couldn't get it to work. Nothing ever worked for this guy. But,




Misconstruing posts

Why don't people actually read before they reply? There are certain issues that people are so blinded by it seems that rather than actually read the post they pick out one little thing and that's all they can see.   I knew that when my Pet posted regarding the situation this weekend that some people were going to focus on nothing more than weight and take it as an attack on heavy people. "How was it not obvious to you when you met them that they lied in their profile?". Because if you'




Part 2

Ok, so last night did go really well and our first experience was quite good. But, here's why it wasn't perfect... and it was a LEARNING EXPERIENCE one we will talk about for a long time to come.   First off, once the clothes came off it was a case of "she looked better with them on", which has helped my Pet establish that while he may find her attractive with her clothes on, he has to find her sexy with them off if he's going to go very far. He did well, but it's hard to stay hard when you ar




Last Night

I have rare moment of ESP or something. The most notable was when I dreamed I would meet a certain celebrity on a trip I took and actually did. Yesterday it was just a moment of knowing that something was going to happen last night. I don't know why I felt that way but I did. I knew if we went to Menages it would turn out to be a good step for us and it was.   We got a late start and stopped for dinner so there was no way we'd make it there at 6 for the SLS M&G but we did make an effort to




It's all LikeMinds fault

She went and posted about the Text Version and bringing up old topics and the power of suggestion wins so that's what I did....   Ok, I admit it sometimes I just get bored and go in search of something to do. So I go through old threads bringing up ones that are worth another look and archiving the ones that help answer some of the more frequently asked questions.




Back at work

Today was the first day in over week that I really felt like doing anything other than laying on the couch and watching tv. I've really gotten caught up on my tivo and movie watching.   Today, I managed to catch upon email, put out the Swingers Board newsletter and finally finish the list of users that need to be rebuilt.   We are still working out small glitches throughout the site from the make-over a few months ago. Sometimes you don't notice things right away or until someone else points




Update on Surgery

Overall, I'm feeling better. Day 3 was by far the worst on the swelling and pain. We are now on Day 5. I'm still rather swollen and it's still too uncomfortable for me to talk any more than I have to. This is actually the best thing about Paul having to work all weekend. When someone is here it makes me want to talk more. When noone is here, talking is kinda pointless so it makes it a lot easier not to. I'm still not eating anything that requires any sort of chewing. I gave has another try ye



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