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Hilton Head, a hulliva(n) Island

On our auto trip south we decided to stop at Hilton Head Island for a few days. We chose a resort that was advertising a special price. It is right on a white, sandy beach and we walked every day up and down the beach in bright sun and 70-degree weather. The water temperature was 43 so that was out of the question but weather was 40 degrees warmer than our Pennsylvania home.   I have sometime scoffed at the stories of you swingers picking up people in bars but I will no longer scoff. JoAnn mad




New York, New York, a helluva town.

Our adventure in New York City is over and we loved it:   The hotel that was recommended to us by out Hollywood daughter and son-in-law, the Library Hotel at Madison Avenue and 41st street, is charming, accommodating, and close to two different subway stations; walking distance to Times Square, Empire State Building, and Rockefeller Center. They had their own area for their guests to stand for the New Year's Eve celebrations. JoAnn bravely followed me as we navigated the subway system to the Am




November 1, a nexus

November 1 twenty years ago, three big events: JoAnn and I were married at a private room of a local restaurant, family and close friends with us; I had started my first day with my new employer; we were spending our first night in our newly-purchased suburban house.   This upcoming November 1, Wednesday, will by my last day at the office before my retirement and the day of our wedding anniversary. We will return to the same restaurant for an anniversary dinner. The first twenty years of our




Moonlight and hot tub

My wife and I are sitting unclothed out on the covered, screened-in deck of our rented mountain cabin after about twenty minutes in the hot tub. Our two cabin mates are having noisy sex in their second-level room. We all plan to get together a little later for a game of Fast Track. Then we might have another dance of four-person Horizontal Mambo.   This week-long gathering of 64 couples of the Senior Travel Club has thus far been fabulous. My wife and I have both made new intimate acquaintance




It's all great fun until the police arrive.

We can all laugh about it now. But at the time, it was a little unsettling. A man and a woman with whom we have recently become acquainted have lifestyle house parties about once a month. My wife and I were enjoying ourselves at our third such party, up on the third floor of the house. The host pops his head into the room and announces, "just so you know, the police are here. You might not want to go out onto the deck unless you have your cloths on."   One of the salient features of one of th




Dumbo files without his Magic Feather

My wife and I have enjoyed four weekends in succession at private house parties.   * Invitation received from people with whom we'd had SLS exchanges but had not before met in-person. Flattering but we arrived at their very nice home and realized that we were at least 20 years older than any of the other attendees. That did not bother us and did not bother the younger people but the lack of play reinforces our impression that young people tend to circle each other all evening and seldom end up




My reason for feeling honored

My wife and I are visiting this weekend with our Philadelphia daughter. The occasion is the fitting for her wedding dress. I was asked yesterday if I would lead her down the aisle. You might be thinking "naturally", but I am not her biological father. Her biological father tries to remain in her life but often fails in his efforts. He's not a bad man and if I knew him in any other context, such as being a next-door neighbor, I'd think he was a great guy. His flaw is that if you look up the word




Our Best-yet Private House Party

My wife and I have hosted thirty-eight private house parties over nine years. Yesterday's party was the best ever. Twenty-two people were in attendance. Everybody had an opportunity to play. Three people stayed overnight with us. The food was great and the conversation was great. And every time my wife and I start thinking that we have experienced everything, we are proved wrong by having new and amazing experiences.   JoAnn has never been shy and is typically the first to lead somebody up th




Getting Sun on the places where the Sun never shines.

The last two weeks have been great fun for my wife and me. First of all, we have been guests at the mid-Florida home of the wonderful people we first met almost a year ago at their West Virginia home. They have developed an amazing network of lifestyle friends and we were introduced to and had opportunities to play with many of them. We spent a few days and nights at the clothing-optional resorts called Caliente and Paradise and met more people. Our supply of little business cards having our pic




Takeover at a resort hotel

My wife and I are spending a weekend at a West Virginia resort hotel. I'm up earlier than everybody else. Preliminary report: this hotel has declined quite a bit since the time I was first a guest about twenty years ago. But swingers are an indefatigable bunch and seem to look past all of that and simply dive right into fun. I've give a more detailed report after we arrive back home.




It happened fifty years ago, tonight.

The neighbor woman, Mrs. Macula, had heard that I liked to fix "gadgets" so she gave to my Mom who gave to me a shirt-pocket Rosscorder RE-44, a magnetic tape recorded that used 3-inch reels (a person's shirt pocket had to be very big and very sturdy to carry one of these). On February 9, 1964, I was very proud of myself owing to the fact that had just refurbished this remarkable consumer product and I was eager to give it a real try-out. So I decided to park myself in front of the family's Sylv




Looking back; looking forward.

Few people pay attention to this blogs area but it makes me feel good to put my feelings into words.   Looking back upon nearly eight years of swing lifestyle, my wife and I had many "not going to happen" things that have happened and very likely will continue. Fallen to the wayside are things like no-glove-no-love, same-room sex only, neither of us plays alone, never on the first date, and no single males. One not-gonna-happen fell away just yesterday evening. I was thrilled and delighted




Touring New England

Here begins the chronicle of our travel vacation in New England. We left home on early morning Monday. Our plan was to allow ourselves two days to make what Google Maps had predicted to be ten hours of driving time. We seldom spend long periods in an automobile typically stopping at every antiques dealer along a twisted, curvaceous route. Extra bonus, a SwingLifeStyle couple had answered our Hot Date posting just days before we took off. They are situated right along the route we had planne




The Ghost in the Grandfather Clock

We have in our home a magnificent grandfather clock whose mechanism came from Germany but whose entire walnut case was made, over the course of three years using simple woodworking tools, by my father-in-law. It is beautiful to look at and keeps perfect time but I had noticed right away that the door on the pendulum compartment would not close completely and latch. So I decided to take out a few simple tools of my own and install at new a spring-loaded latch for the door.   I did not make t




Skyline Drive, Zepp Road, and the Shenandoah Valley

We spent the most wonderful Memorial Day weekend in the Shenandoah Valley of northern Virginia. As we have so many times, we headed the two-seater roadster in a general direction with no particular destination in mind. What we found is "another world": wide, aromatic fields of hay for horses, barns for egg-producing hens, fields for horses and dairy cows plus the most wonderful bed-n-breakfast accommodation ever to be found by pure accident in Mt. Jackson. Life goes on at a slower pace, cultur




Amp'd on Solar Power

After so many years working with people on electrical transmission and distribution systems, I was finding it difficult to become excited about any new technology. The application of so-called Smart Grid technology has, for example, left me cold. It all driven by computer hacks and the one thing these geeks are completely unable to do is develop an organized approach to solving a problem. Managing computer "professionals" is like trying to herd cats -- they cannot be made to head into the sam




Can I get this out of your way; did you save room for desert?

Travel by automobile puts us in contact with franchise restaurants. The food and the ways it is prepared sometimes approach the flavor and nutritional value of a family or privately-owned restaurant. But the presentation is almost invariably awful, sometimes approaching frightful.   When, exactly, did waiters and waitresses learn how to say, "Can I take this out of your way?" Once upon a day, when men were real men, and women were real women, and fuzzy little green creatures from Alpha Cen




Each day provides opportunity to learn.

My stepdaughter is in town for the holidays. She is very intelligent and very practical, a woman who has her feet firmly on the ground. She and I made an expedition to the supermarket while her Mom busied herself preparing things in the kitchen. While in the personal hygiene aisle, I made a casual remark that the made-in-China store-brand razor blades were not as good as the original brand. She reached for a package of disposable razors, you know, the kind that have the handle and all, and h




Niçoise Salad and Ceremonial Caves

I’m happy to report that JoAnn and I had a wonderful time on our visit to New Orleans and Gulf of Mexico Cruise. Norwegian Cruise Lines tended to all of our needs and made everything so very easy throughout the journey. Their Freestyle Cruising is definitely recommended.   In New Orleans, there is something new and enjoyable around every turn. NCL put is up at a thirty-one floor hotel just blocks away from the French Quarter but we took some time to do some future planning by nosing around




Waitin' for the second comin' of Ophelia

Three things came together this evening: * Grass * The DVD of Martin Scorsese's film The Last Waltz was found under the entertainment center while trying to find the pipe that had rolled under it. * JoAnn and I, having a spiritual experience involving mind, bodies, music and movie.   The Band are our generation. Every time I come to believe that I know just about all that need be known about the culture of the 1960 and 1970s, something happens that makes me realize that I understand very




Our Pet Crow and a New Ethical Dilemma

Since about late summer, a crow has been visiting our fenced-in back yard. We sometimes see it land on the bricks, eye the bird feeders, jump up to one, chase the other birds away and quickly grab something to eat. We also began to notice cigarette butts around the yard. Our speculation included the possibility that the neighbor kids were back there where parents could not see and were sneaking smokes. We did not, at first, associate the bird with the butts until we noticed that entire, unsm




The best things in life are free.

We came to the realization that today would probably be one of the last days this year for a pleasant drive in our open-top, two-seat roadster. I took a day away from work, JoAnn canceled her commitments and we headed the car north by north-west. We eventually reached the Case Western Reserve University, Dittrick Medical History Center. It is a remarkably interesting museum and we enjoyed it enormously. In addition to the old surgical instrument, old medical text books and early-twentieth-cen




In Our Happy Place

My wife and I feel secure and happy. Part of this is the feeling that we have found our right places in The Lifestyle. It took six years to gain this feeling but looking back, it was not really a very steep road to traverse. We had no good notion of where we wanted to be when we started. It's one of those things that is difficult to define but you know you are there when you arrive. It's not like there are no new things to learn or new adventures to live. The little nuisances that used to c




Wife's away; I try my hand at home repair.

JoAnn's out of town so I was looking for things to do this weekend. Washed both cars and mowed the lawn yesterday; I'm pretty good at that kind of stuff. Decided to repair the kitchen ceiling today; it was damaged by water last February. I'm not so good at this stuff but I think I learned a bit:   1. Buy ready-made Spackle paste in tubes rather than trying to mix your own. 2. Wear a face mask 3. Wear side-shield glasses. 4. Let the Spackle set up before you try to sand it. 5. Cover the




Riding Three Women in the Car

It was an interesting ride in the car. Me, my wife, my ex-wife and the female voice inside of the Garmin GPS navigation device. Difficult enough to take directions from one. A bit tougher from two. I almost wrecked having three.   My daughter and her husband of eighteen months are in-town for a visit. I have taken a couple of days away from work. Yesterday we decided to visit the area's premiere amusement park. Daughter invited her Mom along, of course. Daughter and husband went in the



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