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Word of the day.....

Ok, so every now and then I hear or read an interesting word. I won't do this everyday, but will today.   And today's word is..........:drumroll:..   PORNACRACY     Ruled by harlots.   Used to describe the vatican and pope's offices which at one time in Christian history, the wealthy aristocratic women actually controlled who became pope, and could choose another at their whim.   If it's not too taboo, I'll add a religion post.... but I want to be sure that everyone would lo




Top Reasons I am strange... lol

* I have read The Hobbitt, and all 3 of the LOTR books more than four times in about a month and a half. J is getting me the Silmarillion for my b-day.. YAY! * I can fit my fist in my mouth while putting my right foot behind my head. * I am going grey... really, about time to color again... * I have the hots for Sean Connery! Grave robbing anyone? * I wanted to frack Hannibal in Silence of the Lambs. * I eat the crust of sandwiches first. * I write poetry, mostly blank verse... * I can su




I just wanted to say...

A gigantic THANK YOU!!!! to everyone here. I came here unknown and put a lot of myself out there, and instead of getting a pointed stick in the eye like in the past, everyone has been truely kind and helpful... not to mention supportive. A lot of people would revel in the possibilities to degrade and humilate, but not the people I have met here. I would rather be here than cafemom anyday!!!! In fact, I haven't been there since finding this forum. Ok, I'll stop being so mushy now.....     One




Tired of being misunderstood!!!

Ready for more of Brandy's confessions/ramblings?     lol   Yes, I am about to be 25.... Whoo hoo!!! Great, my insurance drops, and that's about the most excitement I can drum up for hitting the "half-way to 50" mark. Yes, I am young in body, but why must everyone assume that my maturity is on level with my age?? We found a great couple, two people, who I feel would mesh well with our personallities..... but, my age is causing them to second-guess being our first couple. Doesn't anyone realis




We dread it, but to keep swinging......

A little background info.....   B has endometriosis, we think it is stage 4, which is as far as it goes. She had a laproscopy done in 07, unfortunately, it has gotton worse instead of better. Stage 4 endo can actually kill a woman by spreading to the intestines/arteries.   The good news....   We found a specialist in NY, and hopefully will be taking a trip for surgery in May. It will only take a couple of weeks to heal and we will start seriously planning playdates then.   B-t-w, that will




Not a typical first blog, but must be said...

Hey Everyone! I (b) was surfing the posts when I saw something that must be addressed!   Guess what? It is perfectly ok to not be attracted to a certain body type, hair color, eye color, race, and/or drug/alcohol habits!   For instance, J and I are both attracted to whites, hispanics, middle eastern, and native americans---although we love our friends of all races! It does not make us racist. But then again, we don't form real relationships with our playdates..... And we don't go fo



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