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Our first time helping initiate another couple

The last potluck we went to (about a week and a half ago) we ran into a couple who had just joined the club at the anniversary party and remembered meeting us in the hot tub.   We got into the tub together again and were joined there by another "couple", I use the quotes here because this is the first couple we've met that are strictly playmates (he's married and his wife encourages him to go to the club with his friend). After a good soak we we all headed upstairs, but separately.   We plopp




My first solo flight

During my trip to Portugal last month, we decided to expand the open-ness of our marriage to let each other play on our own. Me being on a business (a very physical one at that) trip and a guy meant that I got to jerk off a few times. Amanda being at home, having access to the club and being a woman, got laid no problem.   I won't go into details, as I wasn't there and I really want Amanda to post those experiences here (however she's not so much into blogging as me) but one of her "encounters"




Our first big party

This past Saturday was our club's 30th anniversary party, and we figured what better occasion than to attend our first big weekend party!?   Plus I had just come back after 3 weeks on the road and was itching to play (Amanda had gone by herself while I was gone and I'm still trying to get her to post that experience on here).   Anyway, it was interesting to see the club so much fuller than what we're used to from wed. nights (200-300 people rather than the 30-40 during the week) I think about




Craigslist is 1 for 3

So a couple of weeks ago Amanda decided she wanted to suprise me after a long and tiring week of work by finding us a woman to play with in our home (or rather to play with me?!).   She went on craigslist for this, but the timing was off, or I'm not too appealing to anyone in our area who knows, either way by the time I came home that night she hadn't gotten any responses yet.   Not to be discouraged, we decided to play on cam that night (something we hadn't done in a while) and advertised for




Plays well with others

Well, as promised we went back for seconds. Amanda wanted us to go back before I leave town at the end of the month (work) and my schedule only allowed this last wednesday (8/13). We enjoyed the first time so much that we definitely didn't want to miss out, so much so that I declined a business dinner I was invited to by a client (I know where my priorities lie! )   Anyway, Amanda had mentioned that we would want to meet others this time around, and we did. At dinner we were joined by L. who, l




Our first time at a swing club

well, i suggested we join, much as said above. i had warmed to the idea after some of our other encounters.   we had a great time, everyone was relaxed and fun, making the experience that much more great for us. i actually overheard a conversation at the potluck that caught my attention. She said something about how a lot of regulars don't introduce themselves to newbies, because they don't want to overwhelm them on their first visit. I found that intriguing...something I hadn't thought about




How we got into the lifestyle

Well, not counting anything we've done before, we officially inducted ourselves into the lifestyle on Wed, August 6th.   This summer we spent 5 weeks apart. We spend 3 weeks apart every couple of months as I go out on tour and usually, about halfway through we start feeling the sexual frustration and start messaging each other with little horny texts, or she'll go and masturbate in a bathroom somewhere and send me pictures, I'll enjoy our homemade movies on my laptop in the hotel, etc.   This



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