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His #1

NDN and I went last Sat. night to the swingers club that we're members of and all in all we had a fun night. He shot pool for awhile while i relaxed in one of the hot tubs. I always find that my stress from the work week always seems to go away after some time in the hot tub. I talked for a bit with a couple that has been coming there for awhile. The husband told me that I'm exactly his type and that he loves how I don't put myself out on display. That I act like a lady. He was curious as to why

little firefly

little firefly


Rules and boundaries

So, NDN and i have been discussing this a lot! He wants me to set ground rules and boundaries for his playtime. Wow! Being that i'm not part of the lifestyle i really haven't known what kind of rules to set. My first instinct was to say "no kissing, hugging, oral, anal, heavy petting or intercourse of any kind".....ok, so maybe i started my bargaining point too low, lol. I told him the best thing for me to do is play it by ear. I did place a couple of rules however that I think will help me be m

little firefly

little firefly


The swinger and the monogamist

Yes, I know. Those two words don't belong together and they certainly don't belong in a relationship, but that's where I am. I'm someone who's happily monogamous and I'm in a serious relationship with a man who's enjoyed a swinging lifestyle in his past relationships. Sometimes I ask myself how in the world i ended up in such a mismatched coupling. Well, i suppose it has to do with how i met him in the first place.   For many years I've been part of the BDSM lifestyle. I've always been a nat

little firefly

little firefly

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