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What have I gotten myself into?

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A beautiful and delicious thing it is when a woman reaches her thirties and starts toward that sexual peak. But come on! How many bodily fluids can one man lose?


Now before I start today, don't get me wrong. Whining, I'm not. But little did I know what kind of switch was flipped NYE. Well, I'm beginning to see a pattern here, and I very well may not survive it. So here's the story:


Since our NYE rendevouz, Amy has been talking to her new boy-toy just about everyday. Cool. They click really well. He is rather inexperienced sexually, and she loves being the Master Jedi instructing her new Padawan learner. But he and his wife live almost 2 hours away, and scheduling is going to be a nightmare, since we all have small children. So what happens is he calls her of the evenings and gets her all worked up, and she takes her frustrations out on me. Why would I complain about such a thing? Because I've only had about 12 hours sleep so far this year. My balls are begging me to stop. But my lovely wife has now discovered a voracious appetite for sex. Thank God she found a boy-toy, because I'm in desperate need of some relief pitching here. :poke:


Honestly, I say all of this in jest. We are having one hell of a good time. Amy has had the kind of life growing up where people accused her of being a tramp all the time just because she made friends easier with guys. If you are a woman, and most of your friends are men, people assume you are fucking them all, which just isn't fair. She was also very self-conscious about her looks, which is ridiculous to me, but very real to her. Now, because of swinging, she is finally gaining some much-needed confidence, and she finally feels she has the permission to do as she wants.


I'm a simple guy. I came into this lifestyle primarily so that she could do whatever she wants, with whoever she wants, whenever and wherever she wants, with no apologies, explanations, or reservations. I want her to enjoy the sexual smorgasboard the world has to offer, and to leave a swath of sweating, naked bodies 5 miles wide in her path. She seems to be embracing that.


My dick is really, really sore.

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:cheer: GOOOOO AMY! :cheer:


Ummm, sorry about the sore, ummmm member :EG: .


With so many men complaining about not getting any, it always tickles me when a man complains about being sore. Makes me think of the old saying, "Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it." :D



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I love this blog lol!! Hubby likes to use the phase woman I think you have broken me!!! I find that I spend the 24 to 48 hours after a great experince begging for more...maybe its the 30's sexual peak or the fact that my husband and I are enjoying all of this together....either way I love it.

Enjoy it and get some rest later...get off of here and go enjoy your wife....again hehe

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