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swinging for dummies

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I sometimes wonder why there's no "Swinging for Dummies" book, there's clearly a market. I wonder what a good book on the subject would actually say. Each time I think I may be on to something, it leads to new thoughts that make the previous ideas incomplete. There can really be no single book for everyone because everyone needs something unique for their admission into swinging.


The way I see it, the domain of sex is much like a large amusement park (call it Sex Flags). There's the petting zoo, the carousel, bumper cars and way too many rides to itemize. Full swapping is perhaps the roller coaster. There are plenty of fun activities in the park and everyone is free to choose the rides they happen to like and ignore others at will.


Puberty is the entrance to the park. From there, we basically wander around on our own and exploring new opportunities. With luck, we'll find a partner and discover the adventures of the park together.


I found a partner and we both enjoyed each other's company as we meandered through the park hand-in-hand. We looked around and decided which attractions appealed to both of us. We concentrated on our common interests without much thought about the rides we never sampled.


The roller coaster always looked very scary. There was a sign at the entrance that said you needed to be at least this tall. We'd heard several derailment stories from Granny as she sat on the porch sipping iced tea and shelling the peas harvested earlier from the small garden. For such a long time, we accepted the notion that the roller coaster was unsafe and we were completely content with the other rides.


We truely enjoyed ourselves as we explored safer activities. We learned more about each other and it satisfied us down deep inside when we made sure the other one was really having fun. My desire to excite and please my partner led us toward the more thrilling rides. We enjoyed the way our preferences complimented each other's. There were times when we were feeling tookish and other times when we enjoyed the comfort rides.


Philosophers acknowledge a basic "need" we humans share is a need to help each other and make someone else feel good. We get an endorphin high when we feel we're the cause of someone's smile. The smiles between life-long partners compound on each other and grow in intensity over time. The bond between us grew stronger and stronger.


We heard occasional rumors that the roller coaster was REALLY FUN. We began to explore the possibility of giving it a try. We knew it was an opportunity to give each other a new thrill - and that part right there was exciting all by itself. No one can actually remember the last time one of the cars derailed. As we looked closer, the folks in line appeared mostly normal. We could hear the screams and laughter of people having fun.


It took a while to get past Granny's warning. Afterall, she was a wise old bird.


We were thrilled to new heights by each other's excitement and we held each other close as we got in line again. We acknowledge that everything in life has it's benefits and it's risks. We enjoy the roller coaster at times, but that doesn't take away from the other rides that we also enjoy together. We know we can do the roller coaster any time we want to - and that knowledge is amazing in it's ability to bring on spontanious smiles all by itself.


The amusement park keeps getting better all the time. Everyone finds their own way to the roller coaster - if at all. And like many say, the roller coaster is not for everyone.


I could ride only the carousel the remainder of my life and be plenty happy - because it's with her...... and that's what makes the roller coaster fun.


Swinging is just a sexual thrill ride that we enjoy when we get into an adventurous mood. The adventure of exploring the sexual excitement and responses of another person while they lay their moves on me.... The exhilleration of touching unfamiliar flesh and being touched by an unfamiliar hand.... The freshness of the experience.... The reinvigorated bond we share....

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I've had people ask before about writing a book, or taking the info from here to write a book... or even take the info from the threads and turn them into "FAQs" if you will, but it always comes back to that same thing, the answers really are different for everyone. There is no definitive of really anything, everything is objective.

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Socolais, Why does your interpretation make so much since to me. I ask my self, if its because we are close to the same age. I don't quite know, but I share something somehow. I have always found your views on life, and swinging, remarkably understanding. What ever you have going on, keep on keeping on. I hope to meet you guys some day.

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Fun4Ds, There's a lot of mutual respect in this community and I think that makes it feel comfortable. Yeah, let's meet sometime.....

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Now, that is the most inspiring definition of what swinging is that I've heard. It describes our attitude and adventures in the amusment park so well that I want to say "See? I know you are in this park as well because we all enter it. You just haven't chosen to try the roller coaster as we have. I don't see you as unadventurous because you haven't tried the ride. You don't need to see us and our relationship as less than it is because we have."



Edited by gatorvol64

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Such a book, I believe, exists. Recreational Sex : An Insider's Guide to the Swinging Lifestyle by Patti Thomas. We have never met her but we know people who have.

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Just reread this post because it popped up on the random post and it truely is inspired. The amusement park analogy is perfect.

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Great anology!!! I want to share rthis crazed...he'll love it too. Maybe you are thinking about your book all wrong. Instead of a how to, Maybe it should be about your adventure and explore the analogy deeper. People will enjoy it take things away from it that are there to take.

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