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There are times trying to get your point of view across just isn't worth it. Ted warns me but I rarely heed his warnings.


He will often ask me..."Does it really matter"?


No, not in the big scheme of things it doesn't but, it's my point of view and I can "try" to explain it...even if I fail horribly at times.


I know few people can follow my train of thought...even as a child I left people scratching their heads. My daddy always told people I thought differently than a normal person, so don't even try to understand her.


Lucky for me, Ted can follow my thoughts...so I'm not totally alone.


But, as a reminder to myself...Sometimes Teresa, it's just not worth it.

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I know exactly what you mean.


Sometimes I will reply to a thread, and in my mind, I am a freakin' genius, because I know exactly what I mean.


Then, I go to put it on the computer screen, and it doesn't come out right, and I think to myself "Does that even make sense?"


Anyhoo, there's a few people on here that understand what you're saying when you post on the board. Otherwise, you wouldn't have the 4 green squares of approval. :)


Did that make sense?

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Yes, it matters, and quite a bit. Everyone of us has had an instance of hitting the "post now" button miliseconds before getting a fresh thought that would have changed what we just typed. The fact that we typed our thoughts and contributed toward a discussion shows that we care. Humans are far from perfect and our typed comments sometimes show that more than we'd like. But one thing rings clear even through the occasional miscommunication and that's compassion for others. Teresa, your compassion is showing....

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We all run into that. It sucks and I know it's why some people don't even stick around. They post one time and people read their pov and take it completely different than they meant it and rip them to shreds. It's happened to me, and I've seen it happen to just about everyone (although unless you are that person and know what they meant sometimes it's hard to see it). It's worth it and I keep trying and keep hoping that if ONE person gets it they will explain it to rest!

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Hmmm...thanks but...sometimes it's really not worth it.


Doesn't mean I'll stop posting my POV...I happen to like it...I understand me, even if few others can :lol:

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lmao! J claims I am a cylon... I have never found anyone that can follow my thought patterns or understand the point I am making...

Congrats on finding someone that gets you!

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I often tell S that voicing her POV over something that can't be change is pointless. She always says the same thing " Maybe so, but it made me feel better" . Sometimes just the fact that our voice and opinion can be heard allows us to see the issue in a different light.

On the other hand I could be wrong. :)

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