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Chapter 2 :P

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Ok some of you have read how it started, where we learned the lifestyle existed, now heres how I the male got into the "Full Swing" of things :P. After we had learned about the lifestyle and researched and asked questions, we played with some soft swing, My wife was into it a lil more than I was as I had real low self esteem compiled with My wife was the only woman I had ever been with... ever. I had issues lol,

Well we were on and off with the soft thing ( mostly off) She kept wanting to look around and delve more into the lifestyle ( got to admit it is alluring and shes a nymph), at some point in 1999 I descided I wanted to serve my country and joined the military ( I was 30 them and every one said I was too old :P).


We got stationed in Colorado Springs at Fort Carson for my first Duty station, and we were looking for friends, folks we could hang with as we knew NO ONE. She kept at me and I kept telling her No one would want to hook up with me, I am not all that and she kept saying " OH SHUT UP, You are too".


( Now don't sleep you ladies will likely love whats coming up)


Well one day after a long spell in the motorpool working on tracks and such I was washing up, soaking in the tub when all the sudden BAM!! the bath room door flew open and there she stands..... Polaroid in hand ...POOF! and I am blinded, and away she trots.

Now me I figure the lil lady was taking it for her as we did that now and then, our own private stash.... well unknown to me she went straight to the computer and logged in under my name, I did Role playing on line back then and Had quite the BL on AOL, well she went through my buddie list and every Female over the age of 18 got a email from her, through my Screen name.


Mean while I am finishing up my bath, feeling a lil more refreshed and I head out to log in and check my emails, I was thinking, "Sheesh theres a lot in here today, and why are all the ladies emailing me..."


Opened email #1 and "rub a dub dub its Quinne in a tub" ( I went by Quinne Wolf back then)

Email #2 " you are my new Screen saver, and BTW You owe me a new monitor as I licked a hole in this one"

Email #3 " I put you in my Mural on my wall"

I was a fridge decoration, was offered to be a model on another ladies website ( that I didn't know she did .. and for no pay)

etc etc... While VERY embarrassing, it was a great ego booster.


We started meeting folks and full swapping shortly there after.

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Come on, Bama, you know you're going to be PMing half the board (the female half) after telling a story like that! I could use a new computer monitor, too, so I'd be much obliged if you could send me the notorious Rubber Ducky pic as well. :) Are you wearing your hat in the tub? I'm a sucker for a cowboy hat and a drawl. ;)

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You'd think the drawl would be gone by now he's been out of the south for over 20 years... but I guess once the red gets in ya... it never leaves... either that or he's just making up for the fact that I never got the drawl.

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you don't got much of one neither lol, but I do have one when I am tired or tipsy, and I DID have one when I lived there lol, I remember all to well getting teased every summer in Michigan about it lol

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