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Finding My Value

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I just posted this to the forums in general, but there was a little more I wanted to say (not quite as publicly).


Most know that about 2 years ago I started selling real estate for much the same reason that I created this site (in the format that it exists now) to help people. It wasn't about the money by any means. The first year it went pretty well. I had a good year by really any standards for a first year salesperson, especially considering all that I had going on (continuing to run the board, driving back and forth every other week to develop a new relationship, spending half the year sick). The second year started off rocky and continued that way. Every sale was a PAIN IN THE ASS, with little Thanks to show for it. It still wasn't about the money but at the same time when you get to the end of the year and realize you paid to close 80% of your deals for the year, not to mention gas and time spent.... then add to that that where real estate was supposed to be an "extra" it was taking up my whole life not leaving any time for the things I really enjoyed (like this site), and the site was flailing because of it. I didn't have the time I needed to be investing here.


Finally, at the start of this year I decided I was going to slow down at the least and try to re-prioritize. SO I've been spending more time on the site, doing what needs to be done and trying to make it better in any way that I can. Something I haven't spent enough time doing in a long time.


In the last couple of months I have gotten some really nice messages from people here just Thanking me for the site. Those messages have made me feel wonderful. In the last two months I have felt more appreciated than I felt in the last 2 years trying to help people through one of their largest purchases.


Thank You.

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Damn. Great post. I felt what you were saying.


It's great to feel appreciated for a job well done. You can certainly be proud of what you've put together with this website.


Certainly "the members make the site", but the leader has the vision, and sets the course. You have definitely fulfilled that task, and on a daily basis.


I'm proud to be a part of this community, and grateful you've grown this board into what it is, and the value it adds to so many of our lives.

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I think in one of our first PMs to you we said something like "the site is obviously a labor of love for you and it shows." True then, true now.


That was about year ago, and although at that time you might not have been totally satisfied with the site, it was still so good that even when you thought it wasn't where it needed to be, it was awesome and it showed even to someone who had just joined.


You deserve all the credit in the world for making it what it is. You hit upon the key factor and that is your motivation - to help people. That is what shines through the brightest and makes it such a great place.

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You know I haven't been here long, but in that short amount of time, you have shown your true colors. You are a very warm, caring, and giving person, and it shows in this site and how you talk to everyone. You are worth far more than you think! You gave everyone a place where they can talk and just be themselves-- even as hard as that can be online. And you welcome everyone here and try to help them feel comfortable. You really are worth far more than you can imagine!


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Kid you know I am not much for communication ( I know some of you are saying yeah right ) BUT I do appreciate you and what you do, not just here. I may not show it like a normal human or even convey it, but I am always a phone call away.

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I only know the place for about a month, but that is enough to know that it is way better then many other similar place


thank you

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I know I'm a little late reading the blog and posting this comment, but wanted to add my thanks to you for this site. You should be very proud to have created such a fertile environment for so many interesting conversations and interchanges! I know that it's made a lot of difference for us to have read all of the advice and people's experiences.


There's no other forum like this.

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Julie, I am at a loss for words sometimes and this is one of them. Finding your values is not the only thing happening here. Its all the people joined that have in a way, found their own values through you. One doesn't have to look far to see that.

Thank you

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Hey Julie


I just wanted to say that I really appreciate what you are doing with this web site, Since I started a few weeks ago I have talked with some really GREAT people all over the U.S. and else where. I am still new at the swinging thing, however I have learned a lot in a short time. Keep up the good work who knows where it will lead.

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Julie - It really is amazing to come across a site as comprehensive as this and realize that it all pretty much comes down to the dedication of one person. I do communications work for a profession and it's a heck of a lot of work and can take up more hours than exist in a day. I think your site is a real resource whether you are a newbie, experienced or somewhere in between. Thank you!

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