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Thank god, it's Monday

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This weekend will go down with three of the worst play-dates I ever had!


1) Friday

I meet up with Miss S and two of her friends. One guy is the one she currently got the hots for and the other was along to get hooked up with me.

I just came from work, and was rather tired, and just in for a drink or two. Just as I was about to leave, Miss S announces that she will go down to the playrooms now, and grabs my hand to come along.

Her friend starts to massage my neck, so I’ don’t protest much. I was willing to enjoy the attention and the skin contact, and found out that this guy has the biggest cock I’ve ever come across. Not just that, he also was willing to put it into action quite soon. Fine with me as my fatigue was fading into lust. Too bad he pulled the “God, you’re tight, and I just came” number (without handing over one Euro). And after a few minutes of fumbling my tits did it again - (three trusts this time). Then he got up and ran for the shower, leaving me all worked up.

Miss S also gave him my number, so between Friday and now I got no less then SEVEN calls. He asks if I had a good time, he asks how often I came, he asks when he will see me again.




2) Saturday

Miss R and me were sitting around for the most part of the evening. And we made fun about the single guys walking from one empty room to the next. Are they not interested into creating some action themselves?

Worst guy of the evening was the one that stood beside us, and started wanking while we were just talking. A few nice words and he could have gotten us both to a room, but well, that would have been work, right?


Later Mister M started to send out mixed signals to me again.


High- or low-light of the evening was a Brazilian girl flirting heavily with Mister M. After about an hour she came over to us, drooped her top and started fumbling her tits, while calling him a “beautiful guy” over and over and over (Pretty much the only non-Spanish thing she could say)

Her not-partner (the guy she was there with was the husband of her sister) then also came over, and started to explain that she needs a man! Too bad she did not just need a man to play with her, but one to marry her... preferably within the next 12 days as her visa is about to run out.

Mister M started to make remarks about cheese and mice in front of a trap, and they took the hint and got lost.

At least for a while, as they were back with me once Mister M was in the restroom.

Talking about civil unions and that they would work for a permit as well, and that the girl would have no problem being with another girl.

This time she tried to fumble with my tits, but Mister M was back, and we just decided to tell them that it was nice to have meet them, but we needed to get home.



3) Sunday

I should have known better then to get out with that guy

He already didn’t show up once, and this time again I had the feeling he was just mailing because he wanted to get turned on by the fantasise.

He also refused to come and get me, so I had to take the train to another city, as he wanted to go to one of the more exclusive couples only club.

He was actually there, but made it clear from the beginning that he fully expected me to pay half the fee.

(Never mind that Miss R and I just talked the night before that a single guy should be very very grateful that a single woman will go somewhere with them... her rule is that the guy should bring the fee, and we bring the pussy)

He wasn’t really my type either, way to self-obsessed.I really should have gone back home right then and there.

We went to the club and he didn’t even want to drink something first, just dragged me into one of the playrooms.

Once there he tried again and again to break my playrooms.

I could not look at him without him trying to kiss me, or shove his bare cock into my mouth or pussy.

I won the fight, but the guy was too pissed to get it up, and we ended not fucking.

So after 15 minutes in the club he was already willing to go home again.


We still stayed a bit, as he spotted another woman he wanted and we had dinner with her and her partner, but he hardly talked to them.


They went to play, and the arse on my side went after them, standing there and silently wanked beside them.


They did not let him play with them, and he grabbed me and we left.


On the way back to the train station he did make me responsible for all the mess.

If I just would have let him kiss me, if I just would have let him fuck me bare, and best of all, if I would just have been a bit prettier the other couple would have agreed to swap.


First thing I did on the train was ban him from making contact with me on the meeting platform

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