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The Last night.... always leave wanting more!

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This happens to us too often. We have an early flight home so we don't feel we can stay out all night on our last night but that always seems to be the night we have the most fun on our trips and end up feeling we are dragging ourselves away from the fun at the end of the night.


After a rough middle of our trip with me getting sick (and I am still... I think my head is going to pop at any moment). We went out for dinner Saturday night and had a couple of drinks and then went back to the hotel. We found out they were doing karaoke in the lobby before the dance that night so we headed on over just to see if anyone was there. AND NO, we didn't do Karaoke. But we did encounter a couple that we had talked to briefly the night before and we sat and talked with them for quite a while. They are club owners of a club in FL and very nice people (and they had even heard of this site). We sat and talked with them for a while before we made a trek back to the room so I could change into my outfit for the dance (Pretty in Pink night). Then we came back for the dance. We ended up talking to a lot of people that night and getting out and dancing quite a bit as well. We had a blast.


All in all, we didn't play on this trip due to a variety of reasons (but lack of attraction was not one of them). This was a great party and one I would definately attend again (and will) and would reccomend checking out if you have the opportunity. They do it twice a year in the Orlando area (May and Halloween). We'll be back.


I will say this... when we first got there I was thinking maybe we should have planned differently. We arrived on Tuesday and the even started on Thursday. Part of me thought maybe we should have arrived on Thursday since a lot of people didn't arrive till Friday or even Saturday. But, looking back I'm really glad we got there early. It made it much easier to meet people early on and make friends as well to introduce ourselves to others as they came in. Another thing I'm glad we did was to take the time to go through the list on SLS of those who had signed up saying there were attending and send messages to a few of them. This did two things. Recognition (both us of them and them of us) and approachability. Even if we didn't remember their names it was much easier to go up to someone and say "hey didn't we talk on SLS?". And in at least one case we approached a couple we hadn't talked to thinking they were a different couple (and then once we met the couple we thought they were... wished they HAD been the first couple we approached...lol).


It was a fun & interesting week to say the least. We learned a lot and we will go back.

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The proof is always in the pudding and sometimes just being there and having a good time in spite of what life chooses to throw at us makes all the difference. And other times,,, it depends on where we're pudding it....

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