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M&G Tonight and....the annoying asshole...

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Okay...we're going to the M&G/house party tonight. We know a couple of the single men and couples that will be there, all great people to hang out with. One problem....


Just found out that the annoying asshole will be there :rollseye: What the hell??? We can't get away from this guy.


Should prove to be an interesting night...tune in tomorrow for an up-date.

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:lol: He's not annoying in person...as he said in his last e-mail, he won't approach me/us at parties. At parties, he stays on the opposite side of the room and just leers...something I can easily ignore.


A bit of an update...I just sent an e-mail reply to his "girlfriend"...a lady that sometimes joins him at parties. She is very nice. She e-mailed me asking if I might consider playing with her...her yes, him no...which was what I told her in my reply. Not knowing their exact relationship we felt it was best to be totally honest with her. She might help get the point across to him, who knows.

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I had to chuckle a little when I read your post. I'm looking forward to tomorrows post. LOL Have a great time tonight!

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Not sure...we know of one other couple who also find his e-mails annoying.


We're not too worried about him being there tonight...we're going to have fun regardless and...should any problems arise that either Ted or I can't handle, we have every confidence that the host can.

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If he is a single guy he damn well should appreciate the fact that he has been invited to a party of couples. Makes no difference whether they are married or single. After thinking about this..not for long, but just part of lifes experiences LADIES..How often do you find a guy staring at you in a bar or some other public venue??No Doubt, TOO OFTEN. Regards, Tim.

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