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tips for hosting an enjoyable house party

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This is not meant to be a complete guide to having a house party. But having recently hosted one at our own home and having been a guest at another couple's home, we thought we would assemble a few tips we hope will be helpful for those who are contemplating having a party of their own.


If you do not already have one, buy a massage table.


Send invitations saying where, when, general nature of the event, and include a list of who has been invited. Describe party etiquette and expected behavior.


Invite only people whom you have met yourselves or who have been recommended by trusted friends.


Don't wear yourselves out preparing a feast on the day of the party. You will have no energy left over for fun. Order food trays from the deli and have some soft drink and fruit juice ready.


Turn all televisions to a music channel and hide the remotes. Anyone who wants to watch a sports event can plan a party of their own.


Lock the liquor cabinet. Encourage guests to bring their own favorite wine, beer or spirits.


Don't wear yourself out fussing over people to assure they are having a good time and fail to have a good time yourselves.


Be ready to accommodate overnight guests even if everyone is local and let everyone know in the invitation that beds (or sofas or mattresses) will be available. You would not want to have it on you minds if someone drove home impaired and did not make it safely.


Leave towels, wet wipes, disposable paper cups, mouthwash and wash cloths in the bathrooms; have condoms and KY lube on a stand next to every bed.


Leave the mess until the next day.

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I would add only one more thing. Your house needs to be absolutely spotless, so clean everything! Underwear, earrings, socks, and such can fly in any direction in the heat of the moment, and you don't want someone looking under your bed and finding a week's worth of dirty laundry and half of a petrified ham sandwich. Move the furniture and vacuum under it, then just basically clean hell out of everything - especially the bathrooms.

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Love the part about the tv! So true! I turned off the tv at the last party we attended. It was tuned to a decidedly unsexy fear factor type show.

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