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Gay marriage...

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Yesterday, at 5:01 p.m., California became the second state to legalize gay marriage. Way to go California!


Gay marriage is something I've really never understood the controversy about. What the hell is wrong with people of the same sex getting married? What does a gay couple getting married take away from me or you? Not a damn thing. To me it's always been something that shouldn't have to be legalized...it should have always been and be a right of every citizen of this country no matter what their sexual/emotional preference is.


Oh wait, yeah, there's that religion thing that says it goes against God :rollseye: Okay, this country was founded on freedom of religion and with that freedom came the freedom NOT to have a religion or believe in one so...why do we hold people to a religious doctrine that not everyone subscribes to and make them follow some religious belief and/or law?


Marriage at it's base core is nothing but a legal contract...It's also a statement to the world that I choose this person, above all others to spend my life with...to live, love and die with. True, you don't have to be married to feel or think that way about someone but...the majority of people want it stated so in a legal fashion. Hence...they want to get married.


Yesterday a lesbian couple got married...Del Martin, 87, and Phyllis Lyon, 83...they have been a couple for 55 years...if that isn't love, I don't know what the hell is...55 years waiting to be able to proclaim to the world "I choose her" and have it recognized as a legal union...how can a relationship that has lasted over half a century be wrong? It can't and it isn't.


If you're one of those that believe gay marriages should not be legal I ask you...Why? Don't play the religion card...take religion out of it and tell me, why is something that is okay for you, not okay for someone else, just because they happen to be the same sex. Why is their love and commitment to each other so different than your love and commitment to the one you choose/chose....why doesn't it deserve to be legally recognized?


Again I say...Way to go California, hopefully other states will follow your's and Massachusetts lead.



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Perhaps totally OT, but a week ago there was something in the news about a m/f couple in Italy that had problems with getting married.

The priest refused the rites because the guy had had an accident that left him impotent.

No reproducting sex = no marrige!

so much for religion preaching love

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Just Sabrina and my opinion, not only should gay marriage be legal, but plural marriage as well. We have talked about actually taking the plunge with a girlfriend we have. This woman lives about 500 miles from us and has worked for a large retailer for a long time. She can't afford to give up her job due to her health insurance coverage. We could put her on ours if they would legalize plural marriage. Sabrina and her are best friends and the sex is incredible. 

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On 11/16/2023 at 1:50 PM, hlgcpl4fun said:

plural marriage as well

We three women and two men are in a poly family with children, all totally our own.  It has taken an army of professionals (accountants, lawyers, insurance experts) for us to feel somewhat comfortable that everything is legally and financially on solid ground.


Still, there are certain states that we would never move to, and some we'd be in jeopardy just visiting.  Especially a situation where some of us have one or more of the children that are not biologically ours.  Although we treat all of the children as belonging to all of us adults, and all the children treat us all as their parents, Lora and I wouldn't go to Alabama with a child who is biologically Clair's.



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