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Ups and Downs

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My life is currently not on the uphill.

It was really bad to see how this influenced my libido in the past week.

There was just no interrest in playing with myself let alone searching for someone else.


Last Friday/Saturday must have been the worst.

I went to a music festival with Mister M.

I wasn't in the mood for searching a playpartner and Mister M is not into robbing any craddles. (There were hardly any people over 20 years old - just drunken and stoned teens)

In the end I wasn't even in the mood to try and seduce Mister M.



Unfortunatly my lust has returned full force today.

But since it is already past 9pm, there really isn't much chance in finding someone willing to meet tonight, and I have to work the next evenings, so no fun for me till saturday

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