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What did Teresa wear?

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We're headed off to our favorite house party tonight and my biggest concern is "What the hell am I going to wear"? :lol:


Since there is nearly a 100% chance that shortly after I get there I'll be totally naked, does it really matter what I wear to the house? Yes and no.


I kind of have a reputation of dressing hot when attending such events so...hold up my reputation or let it slide a bit tonight?


I'm thinking about doing some advertising for the Board tonight..wearing our new Swingers Board T-shirts. I can always take something sexy to change into after I get there but, the shirts would be a great conversation starter I think (not that conversation is a big deal as we know quite a few people who will be in attendance and well, there's no need for conversation :hahaha: ) It's just that damnit, I want to wear my new t-shirt and I haven't had the chance yet.


Ted's solution is that I wear the t-shirt with stockings and heels...that might work, because once the shirt comes off I'll still have the stockings and heels and that's pretty sexy in itself.


Oh well, I still have a few hours to decide. Tune in tomorrow for the answer of...What did Teresa wear?




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now that would be hot as hell! Tshirt with stockings and heels.


Tonight is "red white & boobs" night at the social we are going to and they said something about doing a wet-tshirt contest, so I'm planning to wear one of my white SB tank tops with some tight jeans (since it's our first time at this social I'll be dressed somewhat conservative - thus the jeans).

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LOL...no need to be conservative where we're headed tonight but I understand your concern. When we head out to some place new, I too like to be a bit on the conservative side until I feel comfortable.


The SB tank tops would make the PERFECT shirt for a wet t-shirt contest.



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I think both parties sound like fun and I understand the urge to wear the new SB t-shirt. I think with you two, most observers will be looking right through the shirts....

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Now, for years, I've thought you are about the cutest little thing ever. But, I never went to your SLS profile until I saw you mention that you're only 4' 11".


OK, your SLS says 5'. You are just so unique! No wonder you're the center of attention at all the parties!


Damn, Ted's a lucky man!

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:lol: Well, my actual true height is 4 feet 11 1/2 inches....There are times I will stretch the truth to 5' even...it's wishful thinking on my part I suppose. I keep thinking surely I should be at least 5' but...we have an upper cabinet in our den that juts out...it's 5' from the bottom of it to the floor...there are times I think...surely I'm 5', the tape measurer is lying and I'll stand under that darn cabinet and still have room to put my hand on top of my head :o .


Ted's the one that filled out our SLS profile in the beginning...he believes me when I tell him I'm 5' :lol:



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