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Oh the Balance!

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It's a delicate balance being a site host and trying to actively swing at local socials and such. On one hand I want to promote the site as much as possible and we do try to do that. On the other hand, I want to be able to share my issues here too! I know there are other members who have posted in the past that they don't share this site with anyone because they don't want to worry about someone reading about themselves and I can definately feel their pain.


We also find that a lot of people look at us differently when they find out we run a swinger site, suddenly we become this extremely experienced couple and they assume we screw everyone and have all the answers. None of that is true. Yes, I have a lot of experience over the years, but in recent years not so much. I may as well be a newbie myself, it's just that I've worked through most of the newbie issues already. I guess in a way you could say I'm actually getting a chance to follow through on "if you knew then what you know now what would you do differently", and I do think that my past knowledge as well as Pet taking the time to read a lot here has given us a huge leg up over a normal newbie couple.

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I pondered this same question on occasion...balance...every time I pass out a card that has the SB URL on it, I always think...."Do I really want them to come to the board and read about us? What if I post something about them?"...I usually come to the conclusion...What the hell and give them the card.



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I had a similar thought when I responded to the thread about things to not say when you're trying to hook-up. What if they're offended by my perception of the event? I've met several couples at parties that say they read the comments here - but they don't participate in the discussions. Do they know more about me than I think they do?


I guess communication is seldom the wrong answer - except perhaps at the poker table

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I guess maybe sometimes if they read it here that may be the only way they will learn that what they did was stupid.

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We were just discussing a similar issue the other night...worrying about writing a blog about a bad encounter and wondering if they'd read it if they ever became members...who knows, maybe they are. It's always so nice to have a place to come and ask questions and have conversations in anonymity.

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That's been a concern of mine as well. I decided that I'd just try to be polite as possible regarding most situations I'd post about. And figured if I had something to post about someone that a good thing couldn't be found in the encounter, well, I doubted I'd be seeing them again anyway.

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