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"swinger" personal ad sites - pet peeve

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I have a really hard time buying a site as a "swingers" personal ad site when I visit it and the first options on their _____ seeking____ dropdowns are male and female. If you are a swinger site, then Couple should be first.

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I REALLY like this observation because it reveals a lot about the way you think.


Most of us have been conditioned to overlook sloppy user interface features and just assume "that's the way software is supposed to be". Well, in the early days of software design usability concerns were constrained by resource availability (speed and memory). That's clearly no longer the case. When we construct a software solution to a problem, we satisfy a need through the functionality provided and we often disregard user convenience as "fluff". A well designed user interface will be dynamic and data driven. It will attempt to predict our responses and make those choices the default options. Alternative choices will be presented in a logical pattern based on the user's current task.


The truth is, too many designers fumble with the basic functionality and usability seldom bubbles to the top of the priority list. Even simple improvement opportunities are ignored because another part of the code is causing "crashes".


We're required to demonstrate basic skills and a baseline knowledge before we're permitted to operate a vehicle on public roads,,,, but any kid can script a web site.

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If you look at the sites that are out there, I can pretty well guarantee (based on personal knowledge) that the sites that are set up "right" (as in couples listed first) were actually designed by swingers for swingers (like SLS, LL, etc - these sites were designed from the ground up by the same people who run them). MOST of the other sites are out of the box products that someone found and decided to use to create a "swinger" ad site because they thought that was a good market to hit... the problem is that when you are doing marketing, you actually need to KNOW your market, not just pick one.

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I just looked at craigslist, which is more and more being used by swingers, and after you get below the 'singles' listings, the selections, in order, are;


mw4mw mw4w mw4m w4mw m4mw


I think they've pretty much categorized swinging correctly, don't you?

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Interesting post Julie. I have to admit that when I put our site together, I simply followed convention and didn't consider this at all.


However, :) since reading your post I did make a change to our default simple search parameters.


Our site, as you know is a little different since it targets single swingers looking for couples so ours now defaults to male seeking couple.


Thanks for pointing this out!



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