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Limitations in Relationship Growth

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Most here know that I say I have two husbands. I'm wondering lately if that can be a reality or just wishful thinking.


Gator and I live together. Have for 24 years. Now, that gives plenty of opportunity for growth in a relationship as long as both parties are willing. We've been more than willing. And it can amaze me at times that, after 26 years together, we still are growing. Maybe I should think of the tree analogy someone used for a different reason. They don't stop growing at 26 years if they are healthy either. Anyway, to my point. Gator feels like my husband, I believe, because we continue to grow.


Tech and I do not have the same opportunities due to our living arrangements. (Gator and Kitten don't either but I feel their situation should be told by one of them.) Tech and I see each other mere days out of a month. We talk some but I'll admit we are both bad about relying on texts and emails as our major forms of communication if we can't see each other. How can we grow a relationship that truly resembles that of a husband and wife with so little contact? We do try to make the most of the time we have together. But that time is usually spent in a group of four. Which we all enjoy, I'm not saying we don't. It just leaves little time for the kind of talking and sharing required for a relationship to evolve. At least in my opinion.


Where are we going to be able to go from here? We need more time to understand each other better and living apart makes that difficult. But until we understand each other better, he and I and all four of us as well, how can we live together? Work right now is one of my busiest times. I can never take time off during the first two weeks in July. Crunch time to get the budget in line for workshops. That leaves evenings kinda out too because I frequently need to put in extra hours for this. Where to find the time to see each other?


It's unfortunate that, at a time I find it extremely difficult to get away, I need to see him the most. Some issues have arisen that can not be addressed properly until we can talk face to face. The issues are things that wouldn't even have arisen if we understood each other better. They involve all four of us, but if Tech and I "knew" each other better we would have handled them better. We both agree with that. We have coasted along for a while now and I suppose it has given us a false sense of making progress in growing together.


We both want the better understanding between us. We've both plainly stated it. I know that Gator knows I want this as well. And there are things that just he and Kitten will have to work on. And Kitten and I. And Gator and Tech.


To put it as simply as possible, I have a strong need for privacy that I have truly had to deal with during this relationship. I have learned to control that need for the most part because so much communication is needed. And I have a very strong dislike of lies and dishonesty. No one in this relationship is unaware of that and the reason behind both dislikes. While I can learn to give up some privacy, I can not stomach dishonesty for long. There was an issue in our past that involved both. Kitten being the one to cross both boundaries. In a group meeting, not group accusation, we all calmly discussed this and while neither Gator or Tech were happy with the situation, they don't feel as strongly on the privacy issue as I do. (The privacy thing has come up on more than one occasion and I have made strides in requiring less. I promise.) The dishonesty hadn't been a true issue to confront until then. Kitten said she understood why that upset all of us and why the privacy part upset me so. Promised to never do this again.


A little over a week ago, she did. The privacy invasion she has never completely stopped even though she said she would. I figured she needed to learn to do it less as I was learning to need less privacy. The lying is not something I can work on requiring less. It is a must for me. To be able to trust those I love. I'm having trouble at this point trusting her and that is something she and I will have to deal with.


What has become evident is that, Tech and I don't understand each other as well as we thought we did. And this is just unacceptable. What isn't evident is how we can fix this. It isn't something that will happen overnight. We both agree. But it is something that we both feel is a must in order to have the relationship we want. Our problem is finding the opportunity to spend the needed time together.


As usual, I'll take any advice you have to offer. Or none at all. Those of you who read my blog know that I use it a lot to get my thoughts in order. And I take you along for the ride.

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I can understand your situation and sympathize with it. It isn’t easy maintaining relationships (especially close marriage-like ones) within your ‘primary’ marriage.


Communication is key and the four of you will have to find a way to accommodate that. Whether it’s talking on the phone or putting everything on pause for a weekend to hash things out. You know this already. :) Just keep in mind that some people are the way they are. Either you can accept their faults and love them anyway, come to some sort of peace with it, or you let the relationship go if you can’t come to a solution.


It might be worth discussing a living arrangement that brings you all closer together. I don’t know your geographical situation. Just as you and Gator made some changes to allow you to live with each other you might want to discuss this with Tech and Kitten. Houses on the same block, or even (if at all feasible) living within the same house. That will go a long way in allowing you to grow as a quad. In the end, you have to decide what works for you and your two husbands and what works for them and their two wives.


I wish you all best.

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I don't have any advise even though I surely sympathise with your concerns. Perhaps just an observation - I think relationships tend to grow or fade on their own schedule and conscious effort to alter that pace leads to more frustration. We rarely know why things happen as they do and I guess one of the best things we can do is to keep an eye out for opportunities for our input to contribute in a positive way.

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Wow, I wish I had something even remotely supportive to say, other than I'm glad you feel comfortable to think out your fingers but allow others to read it as well. You just got so many issues at play here.


I will say I am pleased to read that you aren't afraid of putting your foot down when there's something wrong. Swinging, poly, open marriage - whatever the form of alternative - is based on honesty. And when one isn't playing by the same rules, then all of you have problems.


At the same time, maybe it's good that you aren't all together yet; maybe some of these things need to come out and be worked through before you take those huge steps.


But what do I know? Not a lot. Other than I wish the best for you and yours.

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K&JIntimates, we've discussed moving at least closer. Due to the last of the children that are at home, it isn't really a possibility at this time. And none of us feels it is the time to actually move in together either. This isn't a minor issue.


Socolais, I understand your advice about letting things happen on their schedule. This needs to be addressed now I feel. The solution will most likely have a schedule all on its own. No forcing things to happen sometimes.


Rpu3, I can't see us all living together without this being settled. I am not unwilling to compromise. But honesty isn't something that can be compromised on for me in general and not for this type of relationship especially. You are a very supportive part of this board for me.


Thanks to all of you!

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Thanks for letting us in on the ride! I wish you the best in all of this. I here what you are saying about honesty, and I would have a big problem if Hank fell in love with someone who wasn't completely honest with me. I'm interested in how all of this works out for you. I would like to see us end up in a poly relationship, and have met several couples that I could see it happening with. However, we have a long way to go before we are ready for that, so for now I appreciate being able to read what you are going through.

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