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Interesting Weekend

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We were supposed to be in Ohio this weekend, but thanks to the headaches I've been having all too much lately we decided to cancel. This left us at home with no plans, a rare thing. So after getting some things done on Friday we decided we wanted something to do Friday night so we hit SLS and started shooting out some messages to a few couples we'd either already met or wanted to meet. Just as we were giving up on any luck, we finally got a response back from a couple we had originally met a year ago... way back when we really weren't ready to do anything more than meet people. So we made plans to meet with this couple for dinner and had a great time. Ended up back at our place and the night didn't end till after 2am. I think we can safely say we'll be seeing them again.


Saturday we had decided we'd go down to B'ham and try out a social we hadn't been to before. We checked the signups on SLS and it looked like a pretty balanced group of people, so we signed up and headed down. We booked the hotel next door to where the social was, because I'm a hotel snob and can't sleep on most hotel beds. After finding somewhere to have dinner and going back and getting ready we showed up for the social right on time, but they hadn't opened the doors yet. So we stood in line behind 3 other couples. Out of those 6 people there was one woman that we thought was attractive but her husband wasn't a good match. As we stood there waiting we found ourselves surrounded by about 10 couples none of whom we found remotely attractive. The entire vibe just felt very "red" and made us uncomfortable. I saw another couple walking in and their vibe was just BAD, I swear the guy basically let the door shut on his wife as he walked in it. I finally looked at Pet and asked him to walk me out to the car because I 'forgot something'. He got the hint and we headed to the car. We sat there for another half hour and watched people going in, yet to see a couple we thought was even remotely attractive. :sad: We finally gave up, went back to the hotel, packed and came home.


The social itself was charging $50 entrance fee. Honestly, had it been lower I might have been more willing to pay it and give it and everyone a chance... but we really didn't want to pay $50 to go in only to want to leave soon after. We went to a social locally a few months back that had we gotten there early enough to do what we did last night we would have never gone in then either. This group looked like the same group of people for the most part.

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One really good night having dinner and playing with new friends and one good night having dinner with your husband. Hmmm...not too bad. Now, I know the second night may have been a small disappointment, but I doubt a big one. You always have the right attitude about things when you go out. I would even say you were a bit lucky the doors hadn't opened yet. $50 saved is $50 saved that you could use another time. I'm enjoying reading how things are progressing for you and Pet. Thank you for sharing.

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GatorVol, That was pretty much exactly our sentiments. We were even saying that this morning; that at least we had some good quality time together and while we may have paid for a hotel room we didn't really use, we still saved ourselves $50 by showing up early enough that we didn't pay to go into the social.

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