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Are you Lucky?

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We've talked about it several times and it seems like in comparison to most people we've been really lucky with those we've met in the lifestyle. I read a book not too long about LUCK and the main point of the book was that those who are (or consider themselves to be) lucky are basically just people who are open to any opportunity. They don't shut themselves down or say "we won't do that". They spot a $100 bill on the ground that others miss because they are looking around as they walk for other opportunities rather than just looking directly at where they are going.


That equates to another comment that I've made (and others have made) is that swinging is a journey not a destination. So with that in mind, you can't really keep your eyes on a prize. If all you are ever looking at/for is the next "score" so to speak then you may miss many opportunities along the way.


So what do we do? Everything! I've said many times here that we really aren't into meeting couples one on one, but prefer to go to socials. This is true, but we will meet one on one if we feel there is enough attraction to warrant doing so. We've set up group dinners locally with several other couples and have met some great couples doing this. We hang out at a local bar that is known to be a swinger hangout...haven't met anyone there yet, but we had fun while we were there. We go to an on-premise club and have a great time together and occasionally meet new people there. We go to pretty much any social that comes up on a weekend we don't have something else going on. We aren't afraid to contact people online that we find attractive. Have we hooked up a lot? No not really but that's not really our main priority. Our priority is to spend time together having fun and all of those things are fun for us. So we enjoy the journey and in the process we are open to whatever may come our way. So the result has been that we've met several really great couples that we've hit off with both physically and friendly, thus becoming people that we can enjoy a drink or dinner with AND enjoy playing with. Of course, there have been a few couples that we've just played with at the club and then gone on from there with no real interest for more, and there have been a few couples that we've hit it off with personally but weren't attracted to physically. But, we have yet to feel like swinging is work or not worth the end result. We overall feel like we've been pretty darn lucky with our experiences in the lifestyle.


How about you?

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Yes, we have been lucky. After not really talking about it for very long, we decided we were interested in swinging. We found this site among others while looking for information about a club we were considering visiting. As luck would have it, this was the first site we posted to, and the same club we were considering was part of an upcoming SB Meet-up. It just all fell into place, and the Meet-up really jump-started things for us. Left up to our own devices, it probably would have taken us much longer to get where we are at without that bit of luck, if we would have gotten there at all.


A year in now, we have been fortunate to never had anything less than a fun time while swinging. Like all things, some nights have been more fun than others, but all have been fun. We don't do a lot of one on one meets, but we have been lucky to find good couples that we had chemistry with that way, and have never devoted time to meet a couple that we didn't at least enjoy their company whether the play chemistry was there or not.


It is a journey and the trip is what is fun for us, not just arriving at the destination. It brings to mind the favorite pasttime of road-tripping in our younger days - load up the car with friends and a cooler of refreshments, the designated driver would pick a unfamiliar country road at random, and you would just aimlessly roam around until the cooler or the gas tank was empty. We had some great times doing that, but didn't once know where we were going and didn't care. The eventual destination wasn't the point, it was the fun you had getting there. Swinging is like that for us - take a new road and some unfamiliar turns and see where it ends up. It's all good as long as you are having fun along the way.

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I've said several times on this board that we've been lucky. That's true I'm sure. But I've said we've been picky as well. I'm not exactly sure that is true. The picky part. I think we have just been careful so to speak. As time goes along, we find ourselves open to more. But then, once we chose this path, I don't think there was much we weren't really open to. Lucky still sounds good for our experiences.

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We still do that just not with the cooler of beverages. That's a good Saturday for us if we can get out of the house and just jump in the car and see where it takes us.

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