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An Update

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Just to keep you informed...like you really want to know. ...We've had some serious talks on the trust and privacy issues.


Kitten is more than aware, again, of my feelings regarding honesty and trust. As much as it hurt to tell her, as well as both husbands, I did tell her that right now I don't trust her. That it'll not be given so freely the third time around. I just can't do that. It may be a sticking point with her and I. She feels she wasn't dishonest. Or at least it was warranted and she didn't do anything really wrong. She and I have some serious, and probably hard, times ahead of us. The two husbands agree but the bottom line is .... this is something between Kitten and I.


It concerns me a lot. She likes to let things go and avoid a confrontation. I can do this about some things. And I've let it slide without much confrontation in the past. Hence, the third time around for us. If we are going to be able to sustain this relationship, much less it be all that we think it can, I have to be able to trust her. I have to know that she isn't going to betray me intentionally again.


So, that leaves me with more problems relationship wise. I do not want to come between her and Gator. Nor her and Tech. But, how can I not worry about my relationship with Tech because of this? If Kitten and I can't get past this, and I trust her again, how can Tech and I continue a relationship? And, truthfully, if I don't trust her in general, how can I trust her to treat Gator well? That ultimately isn't my call. He decides if he is happy with his relationship with Kitten. I don't. Sure, there is veto power. Theoretically at least. But how could I really tell Gator to end things with Kitten because I don't think it is a good relationship? Swinging, yes, I could wield the veto comfortably. Sex is one thing. Emotions another. If it doesn't adversely affect Gator's and my relationship, how can I veto anything?


The truth is, they are struggling a bit right now and I try to make sure it isn't due to my feelings. Even though I know Gator values honesty as well, I don't want to be what they struggle over. She and I need to handle this. I just have trouble getting her to talk with me about it at all. She truly wants to act as if things didn't happen. That leaves me at a lose to know what to do and how to proceed. With her. And to an extent with Tech.

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I like the way you express your thoughts.


How do we measure abstract things like, compatability between two people? There's no universally accepted "yardstick". The complex compassion vectors in a poly arrangement must be something like a multidimensional array.


Can you accept Kitten as who she is without feeling a need for her to conform to any external standards? Is there an acceptable way for you satisfy your needs for complete and reliable information and not generate friction between you and Kitten? Can you know the limits of your trust and be comfortable with that boundary? Can she recognise your needs and be willing to respect them?

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Thanks, Socolais. I've actually been thinking what is the least I can accept from Kitten on this. I haven't determined that yet but I feel the need to know where my "line in the sand" is. I'm beginning to think some of the exact things you mention. My trust will have limits but, I think as long as we are all aware of this, I probably can deal with that. Your last question is part of the problem. She doesn't feel she needs to respect my needs in this area. I obviously can not get her to see my point of view on this and that is what has lead me to consider my trust limits and boundaries you mentioned.


Talking individually with Gator and Tech about this has led me to believe, while they would prefer Kitten and I to have a relationship that is trusting (who wouldn't), they see why I am struggling and will more than likely accept what has to be.

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I don't have answers but gain personally from your insight.

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