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I didn't say TONIGHT!

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Ok geez. I emailed this couple on SLS that we thought we might be attracted to and let them know we'd be interested in meeting and asked them to take a look at our profile and let us know if they'd be interested in meeting. They write back that we look interesting and give us their YM handle. We don't really do online chat, so I let them know that and again asked if they were interested in meeting for dinner/drinks sometime. They write back with this attitude that they have kids and are new in town and have a hard time getting a sitter and SINCE we don't understand that then obviously we aren't a good match for them.




Ok, I took another look at their profile and it does say that in their profile, although I can't say if it said that when I messaged them. But still it's not like I was asking them to meet TONIGHT! Just sometime, ball in your court let's start making plans. Ok, it's going to take you a while to set up a sitter then perhaps we can make a date for a month from now so you can do so.

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That was a pretty extreme reaction, but it's one you probably shouldn't take too personally. As you already know, there are a lot of people on the internet who do little else but chat endlessly about nothing. Whoever sent that nasty email to you is probably one of those people, so you were kissed off once it was apparent that you weren't going to be drawn into a useless chat. Consider yourself lucky that your time will not be wasted.

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I have two ideas on this


The profile is not genuine - you know that stereotype male that wants to beat off to chat sessions, and that's about as close as he's likely to get. No chat, and he's no longer interested.


The other thought is broader in scope. I've noticed that swingers in general tend to be "more sensitive" than other groups of people I've encountered. We might catch ourselves "reading between the lines" and extracting a message that wasn't implied. We do that all the time and we think we're good at it. The missed opportunities that we mistakenly rejected don't get properly tallied as faults. We see them as our playdar in prime condition, protecting us from undesirable encounters. The only time we register a fault is when our playmate(s) have a "few problems they need to work out".... I think this sensitivity is stronger in profiles and emails than it is in face to face meetings.

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Good points both of you. My thought in the end that I shared with Pet was "oh well their loss". The funny part is that the couple in question wasn't really that high on our interest scale, it was mostly a "maybe", we could meet them and see if there might be more in person.


Socalais, you are right about the "fault" thing, I think we all do that to an extent. I tend towards the other end tho as I over-analyze everything (can't you tell?) and always wonder what I could have done differently to make a sitaution turn out differently, especially in the cases of seeming miscommunication (like the situation that happened this last weekend with the newbie couple).

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