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Party time again and I have a plan...

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The weekend is almost upon us and we're headed to a party. Most of the people we met at the last party will be there, a few others we know and some we don't. Should be fun.


Now, if you read my last post you'll remember I had a bit of trouble with the Ta-Kill-Ya (Thanks Julie, I love that). I have come up with a plan so that hopefully I will never have that problem again.


I have a flask that a friend gave me. I have a small cooler that we used to use all the time when we went to BYOB socials...so my plan is...dig out the cooler and flask, fill said flask with ONLY the allotted amount of drink for that night...I'm figuring 5 shots...I do good on 5 shots...fill cooler with bottled water and diet coke (strangely there is rarely any diet coke at parties, so I'll bring my own)...drink my coke/water in between my shots and EAT before we go to the party.


If I follow my plan I should remain on an even keel the whole night. I do not want a repeat of the last party. There's going to be a couple of single men at this one that I've had my eye on for a while and well...I would really like to get better acquainted with them...if you know what I mean :hahaha:


Not to mention, I don't want to press my luck with Ted...he forgave me for passing out on him last time once we got home, he might not be so forgiving if I were to do it again...I'd probably get a talking to the next day and it would start with him saying..."Woman, I'm cutting you off of Tequila" , words I really don't want to hear, even if it is really cute when he calls me woman :lol:


So there's my plan...I'll let you know how well it works.

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Good plan, Teresa! I do a similar thing...only with beer. I drink beer because it doesn't pack the punch that shots (you are stronger than me) has. Mixed drinks hit me hard and even wine, too. Plus I like drinking rather fast so beer is best. I can put one down and don't feel the first one until I'm half through the second...then it hits me and I need recovery time. So now I drink a full bottle of water between each beer. That usually keeps me on a lovely low-impact roller coaster of alcohol highs and lows; my behavior is most acceptable to me and Mr LM this way. Have a great time this weekend and do write back about the guys. :EG: LM

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Yeah, I keep a flask of nice sipping rum in our playbag. I've been told several times that it looks classy (and that's all the better). Good luck!!!

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LOL...I'll definitely let you know how it goes. One of them, really cute, really young, e-mailed us today asking us if we had plans for Friday night...I wrote back telling him we did, but that we would be at the party Saturday night (I already knew he would be there), so...looks real promising :facelick:

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Cool socolais....maybe my flask will add some class to the slutty outfit I have picked out to wear that night :lol:

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