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Whoohoo! It went great!

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yay, last night was perfect!


i don't want to get into too much of a habit of posting details of nights out, but since it was a first for me, i think it warrants a little something :)


of course, last night was a no-play date, just a meet and greet with one of the first couples i'd started talking to. they were GREAT! we went to dinner, and when the restaurant closed we went to a bar. and when the bar closed, we still weren't done talking, but it was nearly 2!


by this time i felt extremely comfy with them, and since it was a 45 minute drive home, they offered to let me stay in their guest room. so i went over there, we all got into jammies and talked till after 4 in the morning (oooops).


it was so nice to finally meet real people face-to-face in this whole thing, and find out that they really were wonderful and fun. i think we hit it off, and i hope there will be a second get-together. ;) i'm really loving this!

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