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And so it begins...

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Well we've had what I would call our first swinging experience. I say it's the first one only because the play date we had last year was really just girl/girl play and same room sex, and I cut the evening short because my man was not enjoying himself at all...


But this last weekend was amazing. And I want more! All thoughts of potential jealousy are now diminished, if not gone completely. Seeing my man going down on another women was such a turn on. Hearing her moan with pleasure made me smile.


I find it interesting that now we've had this first time, he isn't as interested in the male/male play which is in fact one of the main reasons we ventured down this road. In fact he's gone so far as to take out 'looking for men' off our profile on AMM and reworded it to say basically that if it M/M happens it happens, if it doesn't, it doesn't matter.


To be honest I'm a little pissed about it! I had to really work hard to get my head around the idea, and a lot of work was put in by him to reassure me that he isn't in fact a closet gay man (as my last partner was) It all seems such a waste now! A lot of my hesitance and fussiness regarding potential playmates revolved around that issue. I know he's not my ex, but that doesn't stop the fear you know? Anyway, I'm not sure as to whether his attitude will stay this way, or if it will change again...but damn I hope not!


I like the idea of this little blog here...it's somewhere that I can share my thoughts on this side to our lives and explore the emotional aspects as well as share our experiences a little. Not like I can call my mum and say "Hey guess what we did on Saturday night!" and there is only one friend who knows and she lives in another state :sad: Oh well..there are plenty of non judging people on this site to appreciate and understand our new adventures ::P:

Cheers, K

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so glad to hear that it went so well! and don't think of all that time wasted...i think it was well spent energy on your relationship. :) You probably did a lot of soul searching and talking and bonding that wouldn't have happened otherwise, and I bet you're closer for it! And now you're prepared just in case something *does* just so happen to *happen* while you're playing.


And i'm glad to see someone else taking advantage of the blogs!

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Thanks for the comment...my first one. YAY!


Guess your right about it not being a waste of time, but still..it's frustrating on some levels.


I'm surprised more people don't use the blogging abilities! Will be off to so some reading of those that do later ::P:


Cheers, Mrs K&T

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Very nice! I am happy to hear things went well. We have not had a swinging experience yet, full swap at least. So still a bit scared about that, and its good to hear that it was enjoyable for all!


Thanks for sharing!




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