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Getting Started - pt 9a- the first meet- the couple

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Getting started: pt 9a - The First Meet - Another Couple


Ok, we have covered all the possible things that can happen leading up to heading out the door. The date is set, the sitter is set to be at your place in plenty of time for you to leave to make your “Date”


And then as the morning turns to afternoon, the nerves kick into high gear.. By 3 o clock the butterflies are the size of Goodyear blimps..


Now, a note to my favorite readers, you lovely ladies.. Here is the tip for how to plan, both make up and wardrobe.. A little goes a long way.. Sexy, not over the top. Unless you are going for the over the top hooker look.. But I doubt it.


Continue the IDEA of sexy, when picking your clothes for the evening.. Entice, allure, and bring ‘em in.


Guys, same concept.. You are going out for a evening.. Not down to the local sports bar, or better yet, a football party.. T-shirts are NOT ACCEPTABLE


Ok, its time for me to help you deflate those blimps and get you set for your first adventure.. Like Indiana Jones heading out of his office, on an adventure, You have to get ready too..


To quote him from Raiders, just before he leaves, he says to Marcus, “You know what a careful man I am ", as he slips his revolver into his carpet bag..


Well like Indy, packing for a night out has to be taken care of, before you head out the door.. And lets cover one other honest point..


Regardless of the circumstances, we all head out the door with the idea for the most part that “ We aren’t playing on the first date” Or, “We aren’t playing until we get to know them”


But like any other situation, just when you think you have all the answers some one changes the questions..


Our personal motto when heading out the door, Plan for anything expect nothing.. We take the overnight bag just in case.. I suggest you put together one, just for the sake of being prepared..


Now what you put in, depends on your comfort levels, and personal tastes.. A basic idea.. Travel size or regular size toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, cologne ( his and hers), a spare razor ( for the touch ups, his and hers) condoms, lubricant, and again depending on your personal tastes, maybe a bit of lingerie.. Ours has a few of her favorite sexy things, toys and the like, .. And we include a deck of cards, and a few plastic cups.. At one time it was even more extensive, with tea light candles and a few simple candle holders..


There were times we were glad we took it and others when we left it home and wished we had it..


Now I am sure some of you are thinking that’s quite a list.. But if you think one step ahead, and take what you might possibly need, then you never have to worry about being caught short. Nothing sends a night south than everyone getting keyed up and it being late no 7-11 handy to grab a pack of condoms..


Ok.. So, you have packed your travel bag, and are set to walk out the door.. Right?


Wrong, its time for one last assurance talk between you both.. This is suppose to be FUN, not traumatic.. Insecurities aside, without re assurances anyone can and will start off on the wrong foot before even heading out their own door. Give her a sensuous kiss and tell her how much she means to you, Tell him how good he looks..


In as much as you are going to meet new friends its just as important that, you both let each other know regardless of HOW the evening goes, there is still the promise of FUN, between you both..


So, The baby sitter arrives on time, and the pizza guy gets there a few minutes late, but, everything is squared away at home.. ALMOST


We know of couples that need to give themselves an out, a great reason to call off a evening, just in case you meet the folks you have talked to and they just aren’t..


Aren’t who they said they are

Aren’t folks that get your hormones flowing


Just flat out aren’t..


Again, some people have done this, that we have talked to, heard about.. They have a set time for the baby sitter to check in on them.. Say 20 minutes after the set meeting time.. As they answered the phone, they played off the catastrophe at home, and excused themselves and left.. Usually laughing across the parking lot..


I don’t suggest this.. In fact I suggest the opposite.. If someone you meet just ISN’T, say you are sorry, and that its just not going to happen, and leave it at that.


You are getting involved in a lifestyle where No means No, absolutely.. And why they may question Why, they have to accept it just as quickly as you would should it happen to you.



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