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Getting Started pt9b - first meeting- Another Man

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Getting Started pt 9b - the first meeting, Another Man


Ok, lets suppose you have decided to try something a bit different.. Definitely EASIER.


Lets suppose, you have decided to satisfy her fantasy, of adding another guy, to your bedroom fun.


After pouring thru the thousands of single man profiles, getting dozens of emails from all sorts of individuals, you settle on one. You talked via IM and he seems like a great choice, spoke on the phone and again, seems like he is just right. After a few hours of serious conversation, you feel confident that he is the mystery man in her fantasy, or at least for right now..


A date is set, and after much nervous preparation, out the door you go, Right?

So you’ve covered that, all systems are go.. Right..?


As we said in the last part, HANG ON THERE..


Because of the situation, and because its just one additional “player” its easier in many ways, than it is with meeting a couple. The whole evening in our experience basically boiled down to if things went well during the “vanilla time”, playtime is usually almost assured to follow.


Stop, back up.. Because you are including a new guy in your bedroom fun, and lets be honest while you can build enough trust to go ahead in a short time, its probably a good idea to go to neutral ground to play.. Make it clear to him that IF things fall into place and you decide to play, HE is expected to split the cost of a hotel room somewhere.


Why do I make this point, Suppose the guy is great when you are both there, and things go great.. He wants a repeat a day or two later, do you really want leisure suit Larry showing up on your doorstep with a six pack and a box of condoms.. Esp. when only one of you is at home.. Let him build that trust, if a repeat is in the cards.. Maybe two or three repeats down the road.


Now then, because of the play your are about to go after, it really is essential that, you both have an idea of what sorts of fun, you are going to enjoy. A set of guidelines and boundaries need to be in place. She is going to have two men to play with, four hands, two tongues, and two turgid members, all seeking entrance to her gates of heaven…


Ok, that’s the sweet way of saying she has two men wanting to send the evening, putting their cocks in her mouth, pussy, and if she hasn’t said, her ass.. We have all seen the porn movies where the woman goes thru all the combinations and cums and cums and cums, right?


Well what most people do not realize the women in those movies are near world class ATHLETES, between the flexibility, and the Stamina that they exhibit in each movie, they really DO deserve applause. And PLEASE make no mistake about it, a woman CAN get seriously hurt, if this is goes wrong, or more importantly, if its done with out the proper preparations.


Simple guidelines that MUST cover, the use of condoms, what can go where, where the cum can go.. And a general what’s in and what’s out. Since you are chasing this fantasy, it’s a good idea to know if she has any designs on trying a DP, or Double Penetration.. This can mean something simple like one guy in her mouth while the other is in her pussy, or more involved like one in her pussy and one in her ass at the same time. Or even more complex, both guys in her pussy at the same time.


Another thing to consider guys is, lets face it, there might be some incidental contact between you guys.. Especially when going for such advanced positions. Be prepared for it, or it will ruin your evening. The other things is, the green eyed monster. Its completely normal for you to feel these feelings, its also completely normal to be waiting to be tagged in.. it happens from time to time.


But as I said guidelines help a great deal. Discussing in advance what she wants to do, what she MIGHT do, and what is an absolute NO FUCKING WAY, needs to be taken care of.


Because as I said, most of the time, if the guy turns out to be fairly decent, and isn’t an asshole, playtime usually follows that evening as some point its necessary to be prepared, just like the ole boy scout motto. Preparations begin at home, after her shower, make sure the hair down there is at least trimmed, if she shaves, make sure its nice and smooth. Just like any time she wants to spend a evening of great sex with you, she might want to make sure she is clean inside as well as outside.. Two minutes and a bottle of douche.. And she’s clean all under.. Ready to be played with like a bright shiny new toy.


A bit of lingerie goes a long way to helping inspire the guys as well as giving a bit of a boost to her confidence because they aren’t just seeing walk out of the bathroom naked. Almost any woman at these times will feel a wide range of emotions, and the last thing you want is a bout with self confidence. Its her choice, of course, but more over if she is planning on wearing something naughty, sexy, or barely there, now might be the time to put it on.


While she’s preparing, get your overnight bag ready, . stock it with at least the following items:



Tooth paste

Tooth brushes

Some shampoo

Body Wash or soap







And at least one or two bottles of douche - Just as a precaution, maybe before, and definitely after.


Other items to consider at a few plastic cups if a drink or two might be needed before the festivities begin..



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