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Ejection Bed!

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ok, i give in!!! UNCLE UNCLE UNCLE!!


i'm dying under the crushing weight of my "TO DO" list. ;) oh, this week is going to be bad. and then i have a friend coming in from out of town over the weekend, so i have to clean on top of everything. and erase all traces on my computer of this stuff, LOL. poor thing, he's a little too innocent, his head would explode.


Sunday I had a bowling party to go to for a photographer I know. Turns out I was the only other photographer there....the rest of the invitees were his neighbors and their small children. So, the party was over by 5:30pm! That left me all dressed up with no where to go. And I was incredibly horny! Ugh!


So it's damn lucky that a couple called me and asked if I'd be up for moving our Monday date to Sunday! We hit it off from the words "taqueria" and "orange sauce" and spent forever talking. The vibes were right, so we ended up at my place at the end of the night. :)


Now, lets talk about my place for a bit. I live in a small studio apartment downtown. My bed is a twin size loft 4ft in the air, with no railings, and right now it's wobbly. So no playing there. I have a small day couch from cost plus that folds out to be about twin size, but it's not incredibly comfy. I also have a nice queen size inflatable mattress. (A simmons beauty rest!)


so inflatable mattress it was! for the most part...it worked. felt a little like a water bed though. and then....



he got bucked off. as in, the bed ejected him. HAHAHA! Poor guy was catapulted off the end and almost into the wall. I think he was ok. (He jumped back in at least!):eek:


It was a fun night, and I love that the couple was as relaxed and fun as they were. I love sex that isn't too serious, and although it was freaking hot...we also giggled a lot and laughed at ourselves. It was great!


I am still a little awe struck at how entirely normal this seems to me. It goes against everything i was raised to believe, and yet I just can't bring myself to feel uncomfortable or guilty or nervous or anything. Not that I'm trying to make myself feel bad...but I would want to deal with those feelings up front. I just can't find any feeling to deal with. Except "there aren't enough hours in the day!"

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Too funny! "Welcome to my apartment. You can choose the magic bouncing ejection bed or the wobbly high rise. Either way, you're going to catch some air. Better hang time with the ejection bed though. Care for a drink?"


Oh, and ditch the play book you were given as a kid. It doesn't work :)

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That is too funny, Aster! You are grown woman! Don't analyze anything...enjoy. I know if my girlfriend were single she would be doing the same thing you are doing. That is because she told me so...lol! Sure is nice to hear a woman be open to what she wants and doesn't want. Enjoy!

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